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I felt sea sick listening to Meltzer run down the spoilers for TNA. Its mental. Its like "whats going on!?!" They are building up feuds based on stuff they haven't even filmed yet and its all completely mad. They are doing angles before doing the set up, ending angles they haven't started, putting belts on people and taping matches after it where the lads haven't got the belt and all this. How the fuck they are putting it together is beyond me. They just stopped flying Taz and Tenay out. They've just fucked that off. They'd be there for days if they had to wait around calling this shit. It must be a nightmare for the person who has to edit this together. Just a completely mental way to put a TV show together.


Tazz's job must be the easiest in the world. Go to Nashville for a day of two of voice overs every month or two and get paid six figures.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Last nights tapings.


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Magnus defeated Styles in the No DQ Match on the show to become the official TNA Champion. After the match, Styles thanked the fans for everything and said he busted his ass for TNA and them. He said there was no place like home.


So AJ is done with TNA for a couple of months, can't see him leaving.


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In other news.


They've signed Extreme Tiger. Really hope he gets the EC3 treatment in terms of buildup, as they did a great job showcasing him before he appeared in a TNA ring.

Edited by Buzz Lightyear
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I honestly cant believe that spoiler. I'm fucking stunned that ...

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they invested all of that time into AJ Styles only to have Magnus go over him. Like months and months, they sent him to AAA and Wrestle 1 and all these places. They built him as the CM Punk character. Built him to be the returning hero ... and they beat him? This is why TNA has never created a star. This company is fucking awful. You build up Styles as this rebel, he returns and chokes like a bitch. "I'm the real world champion ... oh, I've been beat. Suppose I'm not, then." And the worst thing is, Gunner and Magnus is touted as the next main event feud. GUNNER AND MAGNUS!


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Someone needs to buy this shit and sack everyone. Its mental.

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AJ is done then, right? But then I guess they couldn't have given Magnus the tournament win and then cut his legs off. He'd have been seen as another Ziggler-type champion if they'd had had him drop it straight away.


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Magnus isn't the one they invested all that time into. So fuck him. You have to make a decision once you start off on a direction. Now its just another heel outsmarting the rebel babyface that they've built up for months. Its amazing when you think about it. The AJ Styles angle has been really shit and pointless, but the whole thing was "well, once it plays out people will be chopping at the bit to see AJ back". But he returned and lost! Its just amazing.


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Do people even react to Magnus? I've not watched TNA since BFG and my last memory of him was tepid reactions from his sub-par work. The non-reaction to Magnus tapping out the Stinger was something.


I'm all for pushing new blokes, but surely you want to get behind somebody that the fans are slightly into? Like when they had Aries and Roode on top - both men weren't necessarily "draws", but the fans in the arenas reacted to them like they were stars and were into what they were doing.


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To be fair, Colin, that's something worth discussion as a stand alone topic, not relating to spoilers. Magnus just comes across as vanilla as fuck to me. And the reason he's getting pushed is down to the fact he comes out and sells his follow workers down the river to suck up to TNA's bosses. The stuff he said about Jesse Sorenson and Zima Ion was so sad. "TNA dont owe them anything" and all that shite. Especially considering if Magnus gets injured, it would be interesting to see if he had the same opinion. Magnus would have been perfect for WWE during the Benoit murders. TNA would fall down and break their neck to re-sign Sting, but it wont give AJ Styles (a bloke who's been there for 12 years during the worst of times) what he wants in negotiations. That's where loyalty gets you in TNA, so you should think twice before you bury people who cant get by with what they are paying them when they are out injured.


In the ring he's just dull. He's someone who had potential, but never developed the fire in his ring work to look anything more than a tag team act. On the mic, he never comes across as anything more than contrived. He's WCW Saturday Night fodder. Its nearly 2014. Its the era of people tearing it up in the ring. He's not as good as Bobby Roode, he's not as spectacular as Austin Aries, he's not as charismatic as James Storm, he isn't as over as AJ Styles, he isn't as good a heel as Bully Ray. But they are back in Universal, so you can pretend like someone is over, I suppose.


I hope AJ goes to WWE. They offered him a deal that wasn't as good as his TNA one, but if TNA is off the table it might be worth rolling the dice there. Imagine him on Raw? He's exactly what they like these days.

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<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Just read the Impact spoilers. Apparently, it took eight heels and Dixie interfering for AJ Styles to lose to Magnus. Damn! Even the master himself, Hulk Hogan, would be impressed with that level of protection.


Surely, this is just wrestling booking 101, is it not? Put the babyface against enormous odds, let the big new heel build heat for a while and then have the babyface make a comeback and beat him? It seems simple enough. Obviously, this all depends on AJ signing a new deal but given how they went (way, way) out of their way to protect AJ on that loss I'm guessing they must be hopeful he'll re-sign eventually. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


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You touched on it, Ian, the thing that bothers me most about Magnus is his contrived style. Austin and Meltzer had a grand conversation about promos and how some of the current lot lack the believability factor, so it comes across as a bloke playing wrestler and/or bad acting. It's maybe different now bosses like Sting and Hogan are away, but vanilla promos stick out a lot more in TNA, as chunk of the roster seem to have their own style and it's one of the things TNA have generally done better than WWE.

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I hope AJ goes to WWE. They offered him a deal that wasn't as good as his TNA one, but if TNA is off the table it might be worth rolling the dice there. Imagine him on Raw? He's exactly what they like these days.


I would love that to be the case, but I have a strong feeling that Arn, Triple H and the rest will watch his match from the back, say that he doesn't know how to work and pack him of to NXT.

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I hope AJ goes to WWE. They offered him a deal that wasn't as good as his TNA one, but if TNA is off the table it might be worth rolling the dice there. Imagine him on Raw? He's exactly what they like these days.


I would love that to be the case, but I have a strong feeling that Arn, Triple H and the rest will watch his match from the back, say that he doesn't know how to work and pack him of to NXT.


Going a bit more off-topic, I'd love to see AJ on NXT.


He would improve an already great show with MOTY contenders with Cesaro, Neville, Zayn, & Dallas as well as having the experience and ability to carry less experienced guys like Breeze & Kruger to great matches.

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Thing is as well with AJ, he's a big enough name to make some waves. Of course, the younger audience might not know who the fuck he is, but if he's brought in with a bang and the adult male demographic get behind him (which I think they will as you'd imagine quite a lot will know him), then the younger audience might also get behind him. I think other than Sting, AJ is probably the most well-known wrestler in TNA that hasn't had a WWE run.

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Interesting comments from Lagana.



An amazing team effort the last three weeks pulling off what was put in front of us.


I'm guessing he means due to the company coming off the road etc.


Going back to AJ, can see him sticking around with TNA. He's the face of the company, and they will sort the contract problems out (that's if he has any, could be part of the angle?).


Rather see him working for TNA than dancing with the Brodus Clay and R-Truth.

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