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TNA are pretty much going through a reboot. Got rid of most of the roster and cutting the costs right back. They are bringing in new talent with build up videos. Going to be tough going with a thin roster until the new guys can get established and most of the big names gone. People complain about TNA paying crap wages but their losing money and have crap crowds so can only piss with the cock they've got. If wrestlers want to work for what they are paying and the benefits they get thats their choice.

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Hulk Hogan had an interview yesterday. He says some interesting things.

On running into Triple H at a recent charity event: “He just welcomed me with open arms. He said if ever I decide I get the itch to come back home, the door’s open.”


On the possibility of appearing at WrestleMania 30: “My mind has been going crazy the last couple of weeks trying to figure out the best thing to do will be.”


On where he’s at with TNA: “We couldn’t figure things out. We’re talking, but I’m wide open right now.”


On whether he has another match in him: “Let me put it to you this way, brother. With the right guy, the right situation, with a big enough event, big enough storyline, you’re damn right I have one more left in me.”


What intrigues me is that he admits he's talking with TNA. Which goes against TNA's policy of "working the fans". They usually play the "he's gone, dont expect to ever see him again ... oh there he is doing a run in" card. Sounds to me like John Lister was spot on that he's trying to play both companies, following that exit from the company. And I do think the way Hogan is talking, TNA will give him the money he wants. It just seems like the mentality that if they find out WWE wants him for WrestleMania, then he MUST have value in TNA. I hope not, though. I'm hoping he shows up at WrestleMania.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I hope Hogan turns up at Wrestlemania too. Match or not, Wrestlemania XXX needs Hulk Hogan, I hope he does return to TNA in some form soon enough. Although he's not been a major game changer there, he does add to the brand for me. I believe Thursday's IMPACT tapings were the first set of TV events not advertising or featuring Hogan and well... the attendance was almost embarrassing. I've only ever travelled to see TNA for Hogan.

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Seems to me that, with his alimony payments, spoilt kids, court cases and business ventures, what Hogan really needs is a regular income, which is what TNA gives him.


With WWE he'd get a big payday once or twice a year, but unless they use him as a regular talent (in some authority role), he's not going to be better off. As much as he'd like a WM moment, perhaps he's better off where he is.

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It just seems like the mentality that if they find out WWE wants him for WrestleMania, then he MUST have value in TNA. I hope not, though. I'm hoping he shows up at WrestleMania.


I think that's what we all want, really. A lot of us have had our little dabble with getting behind TNA and had our spells of embracing anything as an alternative just because WWE quite often disappoints or reminds us that it's not as good as it used to be - or to be more accurate, we aren't as into it as we used to be - but ultimately, it's still the company to watch. The production values, the making things seem big time (at least on the bigger PPVs and the Rumble-Mania corridor), and the whole "big wrestling family" feel you get watching the DVD documentaries and the Hall of Fame shows... everyone that's made any kind of impact should be part of these productions. It's home. Getting to see anybody like Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy or especially the Hulk working for TNA these days just makes me feel a bit sad and think "knock this small potatoes stuff on the head and come home."

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Absolutely. I know Ian highlighted really well the other day the reasons why Angle may never come back to WWE - but he's been arseing around in TNA anonymity for years now and I want to see him back in WWE. I even would like to see Jeff Hardy back if he was at the level he was at during that great CM Punk feud before he left.


As for Hogan, I'll be hugely disappointed if he doesn't appear at Wrestlemania 30. He should tell TNA he'll only sign with them again if they let him appear at Wrestlemania 30.

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It's so disappointing to hear TNA doing badly. Wrestling as a whole needs successful promotions not failures, and the fall of one with national exposure is only going to mean less jobs, less opportunities and less reason for people to like wrestling in the first place. It seems inevitable that in the next couple of years it will fold.

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Having just watched Impact - Roode, Kaz & Daniels are far, far too good for TNA. What with them singing Roode's music together backstage last week too, they have officially become my favourite wrestling-comedy act in years.


Dixie Carter's opening promo was atrocious. Is she pilled up when she goes in front of a live audience or something? Just breathless, wittering bollocks for 5 minutes straight.

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I'd live to see WWE bring in Roode, Daniels and Kazarian as a 3-man crew. They'd be fantastic, have loads of opponents, freshen up the tag division, and completely gut TNA of its wrestling engine.


It's been done before, I'm thinking Radicals.

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You've no idea how much I'd love to see them re-run the Radicals angle with those three.


When those three walked through the crowd to take a seat, 75% of the audience will be thinking 'fucking hell, the security lads are a bit keen'. And the actual security lads will probably drag them back out of site of the camera, them kicking and flailing like toddlers, shouting 'don't you know who we are?'.


It'd be ace.

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You've no idea how much I'd love to see them re-run the Radicals angle with those three.


When those three walked through the crowd to take a seat, 75% of the audience will be thinking 'fucking hell, the security lads are a bit keen'. And the actual security lads will probably drag them back out of site of the camera, them kicking and flailing like toddlers, shouting 'don't you know who we are?'.


It'd be ace.


Maybe not "don't you know who we are" after all the Bully Ray "Do you know who i am" crap. However got to love the E.G.O. Hall of Fame segment this week even if the ending was a bit crap, and i agree with the other person on the whole voice over thing, it was genius.

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I'd live to see WWE bring in Roode, Daniels and Kazarian as a 3-man crew. They'd be fantastic, have loads of opponents, freshen up the tag division, and completely gut TNA of its wrestling engine.


It's been done before, I'm thinking Radicals.


Agree 100% with that, imagine those 3 vs The Shield.

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