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Yeah, that's true. I was looking at it and wondering how anyone can have Kaz and Daniels on the pre-show, but there was heavy hints that Storm and Gunner were wrestling Hernandez and Chavo at Bound For Glory. I really dont want to watch those 4. They are so uninteresting at the minute.


I find Hernandez and Chavo uninteresting full stop.

TNA will use the theory that more people will watch the pre-show than the actuall PPV, offically anyway!


I'm struggling to think what they have lined up for this PPV, or even who is Angle going to face?

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Yeah, that's true. I was looking at it and wondering how anyone can have Kaz and Daniels on the pre-show, but there was heavy hints that Storm and Gunner were wrestling Hernandez and Chavo at Bound For Glory. I really dont want to watch those 4. They are so uninteresting at the minute.


I find Hernandez and Chavo uninteresting full stop.

TNA will use the theory that more people will watch the pre-show than the actuall PPV, offically anyway!


I'm struggling to think what they have lined up for this PPV, or even who is Angle going to face?


His Demons?

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Kurt shouldn't be wrestling anyone right now, straight out of rehab. I can't imagine how much pain he's in finally coming off all his pain meds. This must be the first time in a decade he hasn't been like a zombie. In a perfect world he'd be trying to get himself sorted out. But they sort of set up a Bobby Roode confrontation on Impact, so that looks like the match.


On the selfish side, Roode vs Angle should be great and will add to the PPV, so good stuff all the same.

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They've announced a gauntlet match for the countdown to bound for glory show (i actually preferred when they called this before the bell). It features Bro-Mans, Abyss & Eric Young, Kaz & Daniels and Chavo & Hernandez.

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This shows the state tna is in. Two weeks sunday is their biggest ppv of the year , their wrestlemania and this is the card-


BFG PPV line-up


- TNA World Title match: Bully Ray vs. A.J. Styles.


- Tag Title match: GunStorm vs. Winner of pre-show gauntlet match.


- Kurt Angle's return.


- More matches will be announced on Thursday's Impact.


I feel a record low ppv buy. Their biggest card of the year and theve only really built one story.

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I actually tried to book a card on paper but don't see how it works. If you take out the people in the tag match, the remaining heavyweight heels are:


Bully Ray



Garrett Bischoff


And that's it, though you could pull Aries over from the X-Division if needed.

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I wish the bloke all the best, obviously, but Angle surely won't be able to go much longer if he isn't popping Wolfpac-level pain pills and washing it down with some cheap ale. It's a shame he's such a mess. It's not like Angle is a big girl's blouse either, he's Olympic gold with a broken freakin' neck solid, so you can only imagine the pain he must be constantly in. For his sake, you hope TNA won't be massive cunts and they see sense to give him a role where he's maybe only wrestling the "big" shows. Sadly, TNA aren't that company (and Angle's jock pride will probably not allow him to sit out), for his sake a role with WWE will be the best for him.


It'll be interesting to hear how he sounds without all his pain reducers. I remember 3/4 years ago I was watching Angle do a promo in TNA and my wee brother walked in (who was watching back in the '99-01 WWF super boom), he instantly noted that Angle looked and sounded like a mess, slightly slurring his words etc. "What happened to Angle? Is he a smack head?".

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I find it all a bit sad, because I'm usually willing to believe the best in people.


When Angle joined TNA, he swore blind he'd kicked his painkiller habit. And when he was training for the Olympics, I assume he went clean then as well. So over the years I've wanted to believe that he was generally in better shape than at his WWE nadir.


When he started slurring though, even I couldn't really ignore it. And then earlier this year he suddenly started looking big again, muscley, and he really seemed to be on HGH or something.

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Yeah, that's why I wish he'd go to WWE. TNA clearly have little regard for their talent (aren't WWE paying for Angle's rehab?), but, despite all their faults, at least WWE have a solid drug testing policy with the offer of help, so you see Angle having the best chance of a healthy life working for the big leagues. In TNA, you see him quickly going back to his old habits (not that this is completely TNA's fault, of course).


Angle is a junkie and a wrestler; his word means nothing. The Olympic thing was a big publicity stunt, which didn't get much publicity. I remember Meltzer calling Angle pulling out because of an injury months before it happened, because he knew Angle was full of it. Angle, supposedly, didn't train with top level amateur wrestlers during this time too and just spent time getting in shape. Meltzer always repeated the line "I just think Angle likes to train", when asked why he would do it when nobody cared and it was clearly bollocks.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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If he could go back to WWE, he'd have went back years ago. WWE wont take him back. He's a time bomb. You never know when he's going to hit the news next. WWE cant bring someone like him back. There's a good chance he'd murder someone drink driving or have a overdose or something. He's been in TNA 7 years now. Nash went back, Booker T went back, Foley went back, Flair went back, Christian went back, Sting has had offers, Hogan can always go back and probably will eventually. The formula is, spend a few years in TNA and go back to WWE. Angle never did, even though he's been the most vocal about wanting to go back. The Angle situation reminds me so much of the Randy Savage thing. They dont seem to want anything to do with him. And why would they? He's Benoit level nuts. He's always getting himself in bother.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I remember reading that they were apparently strongly considering bringing him back a few years ago when his contract was up, as he hadn't been arrested in a while and was doing well pretending he was turning his life around, but then he got caught drink driving and WWE put him back on the shit list. Shame.

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Playing devil's advocate, say Angle done something "stupid" today WWE should comfortable be miles away from the scandal given he's not performed there for over 7 years. Bring him back and you've got a huge liability, and probably have to allocate Billy Kidman or Steve Lombardi to babysitting him.


Weeks (or perhaps days) before Angle was released from WWE I was chatting to 3 former WWE stars (all "recently" released in the big scheme of things). One told the story of how Angle would be sleeping in the lockerroom before shows, get up and "do what he had to do" then go and perform a match. The guy telling this story said he would go out and have his match and by the time he got backstage Angle would be sat on a chair or a bend head down drooling. It's worth noting the other 2 guys were sat nodding at times, you could tell they had seen this as well.


With this in mind I was surprised Angle was still employed, then he was gone.

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