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Haven't really seen TNA in years, bar the odd show or two. Follow bits and pieces on news sites and on here etc.


How much trouble do people on here think TNA is really in? Are we talking 'it's only a matter of time before they go under' kinda thing or 'they're in strife but they can/will come back from it'?


I'm just curious what the general consensus among people who actually watch/follow the product more closely is.

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Haven't really seen TNA in years, bar the odd show or two. Follow bits and pieces on news sites and on here etc.


How much trouble do people on here think TNA is really in? Are we talking 'it's only a matter of time before they go under' kinda thing or 'they're in strife but they can/will come back from it'?


I'm just curious what the general consensus among people who actually watch/follow the product more closely is.


It sounds to me that they're hacking away at any costs they can to keep the show on the road, which has been a bit of a disaster really.

Panda really aren't skint by any stretch of the imagination, and if they ever give it all up and sell it, Spike TV/Viacom would probably snap it up pretty sharpish.

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Its at the point where people are question whether the owners of TNA want this to continue. There's a head of TNA who is so tall he's looking at the street down the road and then there's the body. That is Bob Carter. He's never given two shits about TNA. Recently, seeing 1.2 million fly out of his account every month has really shit him up. Dixie, Bischoff, Hogan (to a lesser extent because he just turns up for TVs) and the creative team represent the penis of the operation. They are the ones pissing about fighting among themselves and getting nowhere. You can only question what is going on when Dixie Carter (the president) is tweeting live during a set of Impact tapings from a Football game she is attending. Something is going on with this promotion. Dixie is back on TV, but when she isn't in storylines she hasn't been there. Hogan took a month off to do a tour where he and Bischoff said TNA would be best served with new owners (Hogan naming Bischoff by name as the person who should be the man in charge). And Eric and Hulk aren't thickos. They might be massive liars, but there is a method to what they say. They aren't saying shit like that if there isn't something going on. Right now you are looking at a promotion spending massive money going on the road. They are losing talent left right and centre, the president would rather go to watch other forms of entertainment rather than go to Impact. And Hogan and Bischoff are stirring shit about who should be in power at TNA. With all this going on, are Carter, Hogan and Bischoff sword fighting because they want the power or are they throwing their hands up because they know the inevitable. The behaviour just screams WCW 2000.


I dont know what will happen. Spike dont want to get rid of wrestling, though. So whatever happens, the company you see every Thursday will probably still be around. Its all about who owns it, though. If someone came in with a good offer, the Carters would sell. But there's only Spike who would buy it. And a lot of people expect this to happen if worst comes to worst. They bought Bellator. And TNA would be a much easier sell than Bellator, because it does well on the channel. For me TNA has to be sold, because its a fucking mess. Whoever buys it should stick the dynamite under it and destroy the lot. If Spike buy it, TNA needs to disappear. They need to have a clear slate. They need to get rid of Tenay, get rid of Christy Hemme's ring announcing, get rid of that fucking horrendous name, stop calling the show Impact, change the colour scheme, move to Vegas or somewhere and bring in people with a clue. TNA is just a dead company. Nobody will take it seriously because its got no credibility. Its got no money either, so if they go back to a studio, they'll be doing it with a glorified indy roster. This promotion needs a shot in the arm. They wont get it under the Carters. They've had 11 years to create a star. They never did. They've had 11 years to create revenue streams. They never did. Someone else needs to take over. TNA's good old boys club needs to end. They need people who doesn't give a fuck Bob Ryder and his Brooklyn Brawler role, they need someone who will tell Taz and Mike Tenay to fuck off. They need to cut Christy Hemme and her "more money than Bobby Roode" contract.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I dont know what will happen. Spike dont want to get rid of wrestling, though. So whatever happens, this the company you see every Thursday will probably still be around. Its all about who owns it, though. If someone came in with a good offer, the Carters would sell. But there's only Spike who would buy it. And a lot of people expect this to happen if worst comes to worst. They bought Bellator. And TNA would be a much easier sell than Bellator, because it does well on the channel. For me TNA has to be sold, because its a fucking mess. Whoever buys it should stick the dynamite under it and destroy the lot. If Spike buy it, TNA needs to disappear. They need to have a clear slate. They need to get rid of Tenay, get rid of Christy Hemme's ring announcing, get rid of that fucking horrendous name, stop calling the show Impact, change the colour scheme, move to Vegas or somewhere and bring in people with a clue. TNA is just a dead company. Nobody will take it seriously because its got no credibility. Its got no money either, so if they go back to a studio, they'll be doing it with a glorified indy roster. This promotion needs a shot in the arm. They wont get it under the Carters. They've had 11 years to create a star. They never did. They've had 11 years to create revenue streams. They never did. Someone else needs to take over.


Agreed. Would it even have to be a 'good' offer at this stage though? It's clear their heart isn't in it any more, and I include Dixie in that too. It's likely they will just keep it ticking along with a reduced roster (and the same old 0.9 rating) until something is sorted.

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Agree with the last paragraph. TNA, as a brand, has a scarlet letter around it's neck due to years of idiocy and rubbish (plus, to the outsider it's Tits N Arse, lolz!). It will take years and years and even more years of great programming to rid them of that, and it's quite clear they haven't got the time or sense to do it. When WWE are rotten our type will always give them numerous chances, because WWE have built up so much good will with us through the years; TNA don't have the luxury of being sub par or burning their viewers with nonsense.

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I hope Bischoff has been jotting down some good ideas in a notepad for the last few years. Imagine if Spike finally buys it, puts him in charge and its just as bad or worse?!


Dixie will always have an interesting place in wrestling history now wont she? Most high profile money mark ever?

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Dixie not being at the shows does sound very much like Paul Heyman not being at the shows near the end of ECW.


You reckon Vince'd buy it if the chance arose? Part of me thinks no because I doubt he gives TNA second thought but then another part of me does think yes if only to have the video library and the hard-on of knowing he'd bought another company that thought they had a chance of even coming close to kicking his arse.

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I'd love to see JR with something to prove get brought into a rebooted promotion. We might get decent commentary rather than the shit he spouted towards the end of his TV WWE run & Taz needs to fuck off. As much shit as Don West deservedly got back then Taz has really made me miss the guy.


Thing was that while West wasn't the best commentator they had, the one thing that Don West was great at was selling their shit products. Hell even seeing this online


http://shoptna.com/insane-brown-bag-special-fig.aspx - the guy doing this sounds shit at selling. "We got a bigger warehouse and we got a lot of stock coming in" then "we're full of DVD's" because no one is buying stuff online. I've followed TNA for years now Don West made this company money easily

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It looks like they are coming off the road soon.

TNA officials have discussed the idea of pulling the Impact tapings from the road and returning to a single location for the television tapings, as we first reported in Dot Net Weekly over a week ago. Multiple sources report that Las Vegas and Orlando are under the strongest consideration.


Powell's POV: Sources feel it's a foregone conclusion that the tapings will eventually move back to a single location, and one source predicted it will occur early next year at the latest. Obviously, this would be a cost cutting measure.


These tapings have been a huge waste of time. This has been horrible for them. I hope they got to Las Vegas, though. It'll be easy to paper, since its a tourist town. And its not like they are trotting off back to Orlando (if they would even be allowed back). You can at least spin it that TNA have found a new home base. This whole going on the road has been an embarrassing one, though.

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