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Must say I really enjoyed last night and for all the TNA bashing that goes on there was no complaints from me there was good storyline progression I really am enjoying the shows these last few weeks and last nights taping seemed to be a pretty focused show the bram/Magnus story is shaping up nicely the anderson/ec3 fued has legs and its a very sensible decision putting Andrews with spud topping that off with the Galloway debut going after the bdc the progression felt really good it didn't feel like anything was being rushed or nonsensical which they've been very guilty of in the past

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Anyway moving on...

Manchester isn't very full at all I didn't do this leg of the tour last year but it's certainly less full than 2 years ago


Unless it fills up a lot in the next few minutes then they may have a hard time masking some of these empty seats, it looks like a boro home game atm

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2bf it did fill up quite a bit more than it was 10-15mins before show time


1 match taped for xplosion there was only 1 taped last night aswell I'm not sure how that's gonna work 2 matches for 4 weeks worth of tv

I believe they are taping some xplosion in mid February in Orlando amongst the One Night Only tapings.

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