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I'm a big WWE Fan, but I never watch Smackdown or Raw - I can't justify Sky Sports for two programmes and a dwindling percentage of pay per views


I catch up with the highlights on the web, and I watch pay per views at my brothers (I'm not that tight, I bring the beers and go halvsies when its a Box Office one). Rest assured when WWE Network comes out here, I'll be all over that too.


But, I was dead chuffed when TNA was announced for Challenge. Wrestling on free TV? Hogan on the roster? What can possibly go wrong. Everything, apparently.


I've spent most of the last five months watching TNA out of habit, more than a desire to see storylines resolved, but the WWE Lite angle they've been pushing has just turned me off completely.



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TNA crowd from Aberdeen MD at the top, PWS crowd from the same weekend at the bottom




By the way, If ever a pic could become an internet meme, this is it.



Can you believe this man was in a headline match at WrestleMania a few years back? Gunner thought this outdoor show was 'a bit like WrestleMania' so perhaps Bobby was feeling nostalgic.

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Thats so depressing, when an indie show is drawing more than a supposedly top promotion. I know the crowd attendance Spike really dont give a shit about if the ratings are steady but surely they could just buy or partner another indie promotion that gets good crowds and put the budget into making them look bigger and better and stop wasting there time with Toilet Show TNA

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