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Christ, thank fuck people like you no longer work in the business then Andrew. The FWA taught you well. This isn't a shite injury like when you dragged Alex Shane out of the ring doing his best Laurel and Hardy impression. The bloke broke his neck, couldn't move and was lying there as the referee was getting the match finished. He could have sued the shit out of that promotion, and they would never have had a leg to stand on. Their reputation is so knackered in wrestling and they've paid out to so many wrestlers, he could have had them for not stopping the match right away. But he didn't. He recovered, couldn't continue with his wrestling career because of it and got a low paying job backstage. And then sacked him. They currently have guys on 6 figure deals like Devon and Mr Anderson sitting around dressed as Ron Harris and his lad gets the chop. Heartless cunts, if you ask me.


I shouldn't be to shocked by that post. You actually worked in the business, so you probably got it drilled into you to not give a fuck about the workers who literally break their necks on the job. When Alex Shane 'broke his neck' when you were in the ring did you go home that night and say "well, he could get a job in Kwick Save in 6 months. Not my problem"?


Ian, I think thats bang out of order to rip somebody you don't even know like that. Andy was distraught when the Alex Shane neck incident happened, scrap that Andy was devastated. I really hope Andy doesn't think i'm speaking out of turn. He is truly one of the most caring compassionate people not just in wrestling but in life and for you to write what you did about him is fucking disgusting.

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Ian, I think thats bang out of order to rip somebody you don't even know like that. Andy was distraught when the Alex Shane neck incident happened, scrap that Andy was devastated. I really hope Andy doesn't think i'm speaking out of turn. He is truly one of the most caring compassionate people not just in wrestling but in life and for you to write what you did about him is fucking disgusting.

I think it was pretty fair in context. If he doesn't like people criticizing him on a public forum regarding something that unfolded on this forum years ago and his mental opinions regarding the welfare of wrestlers, he should man up and get a new job.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He is truly one of the most caring compassionate people not just in wrestling but in life


You mean in the world? What does he do to deserve this? Because his post up above was a load of knackers - empirical evidence that he's not exactly the most caring person in wrestling, let alone in life.

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Why though when you need to cut costs as TNA do, would you not cut somebody doing menial tasks. Its all about money. If you or Sorrenson thought there was loyalty in wrestling then you should have known better. Personally I think Andy was spot on.

So you are an uncaring tosser as well? Thanks for sharing. What does TAP stand for? Taking Andy's Penis? He's already admitted all his opinions came from wikipedia. He doesn't need you dragging your knuckles into the thread dribbling about how its right to sack a bloke who broke his neck for a promotion who rewarded him with a low paying job and a pink slip. There is no way you can morally win in this discussion, so it probably wasnt the best idea to set your stall out with the "best bloke in life" shite.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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'If you thought there was loyalty in wrestling, you should have known better' isn't an argument; it's a dickheads charter.


And, I think, it undermines whatever fraction of a silly point Andy was trying to make in the first place.


Either way, you can stick your downside guarantees or performance centres, they don't mean shit when this kind of retarded logic is keeping wrestling in the fucking dark ages.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Ian, I think thats bang out of order to rip somebody you don't even know like that. Andy was distraught when the Alex Shane neck incident happened, scrap that Andy was devastated. I really hope Andy doesn't think i'm speaking out of turn. He is truly one of the most caring compassionate people not just in wrestling but in life and for you to write what you did about him is fucking disgusting.

I think it was pretty fair in context. If he doesn't like people criticizing him on a public forum regarding something that unfolded on this forum years ago and his mental opinions regarding the welfare of wrestlers, he should man up and get a new job.

Off Topic a second, but IANdrewDiceClay has won the Internet today. Come back tomorrow folks. The bold bit is fan-fuckin-tastic.


On Topic, looking forward to seeing what happens on Impact tonight (haven't seen the spoilers). Must admit, when I saw the post at the top of the page about a Dixie Carter announcement, I thought she was announcing TNA had been put to bed, but she seems (sorta) positive, so hopefully with a few more cutbacks (Mr Anderson) TNA might not be too bad, and they can actually bring through some new talent

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He is truly one of the most caring compassionate people not just in wrestling but in life...

...Its all about money...

Nice work. In trying to defend him, you've done your mate Andy no favours there, diving in two footed not even knowing what your own fucking point is.


Back on topic, Dixie Carter crying online about people giving her shit makes her and her company look proper small time. It's like something that Ian will be writing an 'Indy Wank' nostalglia thread about in ten year's time.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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He is truly one of the most caring compassionate people not just in wrestling but in life...

...Its all about money...

Back on topic, Dixie Carter crying online about people giving her shit makes her and her company look proper small time. It's like something that Ian will be writing an 'Indy Wank' nostalglia thread about in ten year's time.


IMO Dixie is just way in over her head when it comes to running TNA. She just isn't ruthless enough when it comes to running a sustainable business model/structure for TNA. And when I say ruthless I don't mean Jesse Sorensen firing/release ruthless. Say what you want about Vince or the WWE in general but everybody in that company knows that Vince, Steph and HHH (probably in that order - for now) run that company and WWE is run like a business first and foremost.


Dixie via interviews and her tweets strikes me as someone who doesn't quite get that and seems to reward wrestlers based on what they've done in the past which is very noble but not smart business wise. Especially if your house shows aren't generating that much revenue for example. Surely if the company is losing money but you're releasing those who didn't make that much money with the compnay surely you've got to look where your top money is going to? The top guys! I'm thinking Sting, Hogan, Mr.Anderson, Devon etc.. These guys must all be on six figure salaries. Surely some cuts backs need to be made there as well?

Edited by Mr.Wrestling
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Is Droz still working for WWE? I'm was under the impression he was and considering WWE know allot more about making money in wrestling then everyone else TNA should have really followed there lead no? Sorry if this has been mentioned already by the way.

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Is Droz still working for WWE? I'm was under the impression he was and considering WWE know allot more about making money in wrestling then everyone else TNA should have really followed there lead no? Sorry if this has been mentioned already by the way.

I'm sure I read somewhere that Droz got binned off a while ago after ByteThis! got canned, but I've never seen any evidence one way or the other.

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