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Re pwtorch I haven't listened for a while but is the first caller on each show still always Kylan from Norton, New Jersey?


I think they started putting him on at the end because it was just such a chore to listen through the guy.

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Re pwtorch I haven't listened for a while but is the first caller on each show still always Kylan from Norton, New Jersey?



I think they started putting him on at the end because it was just such a chore to listen through the guy.

Makes sense, he would always try to ask long winded questions that didn't necessarily make any sense and his odd affliction made his delivery even worse...

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Part 2 of Triple H on Talk is Jericho was really good, although their timelines were often off when romanticising the good old days. Jericho in particular was being full idiot talking about Triple H and him holding the fort in the mid 2000s when "Rock, Austin and Shawn were gone." The only times Jericho was in WWE when Shawn Michaels wasn't active was before Shawn's comeback and after Shawn's retirement.


I've softened my stance on Jericho's fake laugh bullshit after watching about three minutes of a stream of Vince Russo playing EWR with what seem to be a dozen giggling morons.

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I've enjoyed some of the recent Jericho podcasts (ENTIRELY based on his guests), but he comes across like SUCH a twat when he's listing legends for whatever reason and just can't help but egotistically include himself. He basically tailors his list so that it will definitely include him. In the HHH one, he was a "top guy at the top of his game" in 2000, as well as "one of the big name WCW guys winning the war for them" in the mid-90s and "veterans carrying the load" in 2003 or whenever they fuck they were intending to reference.


He also often considers himself "one of the key workers that made 00 so great" if he has an Edge/Angle type guy on, "an old school drinker", "the last to come up the old fashioned way", and so on. I don't think he's just trying to skeeve on to his guest either, I honestly just think he believes he's every kind of awesome thing a pro wrestler can be, and just blurs the timelines a bit to make his example work. It's always the same, he starts a list to highlight something by going "There was (GUEST) and wrestler, and wrestler, and me, and other wrestler, you know, we were the only guys who really...". Prick.

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I think I mentioned that same thing after the Batista one, when Batista was talking about Hollywood putting the dumb lunk label on wrestlers turned actors and Jericho saying that's not fair on "the ones who can do it, like us." Even when the interview's good, it's impossible to come away from a Jericho podcast without thinking less of him than you did before listening to it.

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I enjoyed Jericho's WCW character where he had Ralphus as a sidekick. Otherwise he irritates the shit out of me.


And I don't think he's become an arse with fame and fortune. Eg check out the infamous Jim Cornette Dairy Queen vid. Hee an utter cock in that, back in Smokey Mountain before he had a shot in the big leagues.

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