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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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Foley any use on Austin's show?or he is he just playing the moany cunt as usual.

I just finished the 2nd. It's quite enjoyable, the last 20 minutes is the two of them killing themselves laughing over ribs (very old and repeated stories like popcorn angel). There's going to be a third part. Foley almost sounds like he has some distance now.

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Dont listen to the Bray Wyatt thing. Your feet will fall off with the amount of toe curling you'll be doing. Bray phones in (in character) and Jericho is at his cringy worst trying to work some angle on a podcast. Skip it. Its the worst.


And as soon as the call ends, Jericho starts talking about "there you go, just working an angle on the podcast" or some similar phrasing, undercutting the whole stupid thing anyway. I thought some of the stuff Wyatt came out with in the call should have been done on television though, it was a bit nearer to real motivation than he's been spouting so far.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Foley any use on Austin's show?or he is he just playing the moany cunt as usual.

I just finished the 2nd. It's quite enjoyable, the last 20 minutes is the two of them killing themselves laughing over ribs (very old and repeated stories like popcorn angel). There's going to be a third part. Foley almost sounds like he has some distance now.



What do you mean by that?

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I liked both Foley episodes on Austin's podcast. I think Stone Cold's at his best with guys he's known for years, his great strength as a host/interviewer is making everything seem just like an informal, natural conversation and he was easily able to do that with Mick. Loved the stuff about Foley sending Vince a text that was meant for Brie Bella.

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Listened to them both on the way home and they were good and very natural,much like the Heyman interviews.Foley was alright too,sad to hear that he's probably facing a shitload of head problems in the future if his short term memory is already this fucked and he's not even 50 yet.


Also loved the fact that Foley still has the inflated self importance to be texting Vince and Triple H about his favorites not winning.They must have been pissing themselves laughing when they got those Rumble texts.

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I signed up to Wrestling Observer and I'm a bit gutted that the radio shows from the early 2000s are not in the archive, Anyone know where I could find them? There's a few on Youtube, but that's all I've been able to find.

They dont archive them via the site. They are here, though.


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I signed up to Wrestling Observer and I'm a bit gutted that the radio shows from the early 2000s are not in the archive, Anyone know where I could find them? There's a few on Youtube, but that's all I've been able to find.

They dont archive them via the site. They are here, though.



The Tom Zenk ones are hilarious.

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I signed up to Wrestling Observer and I'm a bit gutted that the radio shows from the early 2000s are not in the archive, Anyone know where I could find them? There's a few on Youtube, but that's all I've been able to find.

They dont archive them via the site. They are here, though.





Wow! Thanks very much! That's the next few months sorted podcast wise.

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I signed up to Wrestling Observer and I'm a bit gutted that the radio shows from the early 2000s are not in the archive, Anyone know where I could find them? There's a few on Youtube, but that's all I've been able to find.

They dont archive them via the site. They are here, though.


Thanks for that, I didn't know they existed. Meltzer in early 2001 talking to Cena about his WWF dark matches is utterly surreal. Great stuff.

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