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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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That's clearly not what he means. He obviously means Cena should have lost the feud by decisively putting over the heel like Hogan Bruno Austin Bret HBK Rock Undertaker Warrior Triple H Barry Horowtiz would have done.


Excellent work.

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It's also worth remembering that WWF was a huge UK fad between, probably between Summer 91-92. It took over something like Barman or Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles reign, and naturally lost a chunk of it's fan base as the next fad arrived.

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It's also worth remembering that WWF was a huge UK fad between, probably between Summer 91-92. It took over something like Barmanor Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles reign, and naturally lost a chunk of it's fan base as the next fad arrived.

Pitch this to a kids TV network immediately

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Gladiators came after the WWF. What I took from that is the British public wanted muscles and oiled chests, not necessarily pretend fighting. I remember the Bulldog said in his Torch Talk that the Gladiators wanted him to be the face of it when it started. I totally believe this. He's exactly the type of person they'd have went for at the time. Bulldog could have done that for 2 years and returned to the WWF in 1995.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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All you needed to do in the Gladiators was go "I was robbed Fash, bloody robbed" as kids waved their foam fingers at you. I think even the Bulldog could have done that. I could definitely see Davey teaching Saracen Jim Neidhart's bum rape technique, though.

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They let Warrior go too IIRC,


Warrior tested positive for steroids. Vince asked him where he got them, Warrior said "Davey Boy got them for me when we were in London" so Vince had to let Davey go too. Cheers Warrior, you bastard.


Works best in motion.  Videos of her on the rings makes me weak at the knees.


It was the little flip she used to do for me. I used to think "She makes me want to do something, but I don't know what it is. Whatever it is, I want to do a lot of it."

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I remember that Gladiators came on straight after WWF Superstars had finished on Sky One. But even though I watched both, I always thought it was a bit of a wrestling rip-off tbh.

For the record, I was a weird kid and preferred Lightning to Jet.


Come to think of it, would Bulldog have been much cop as a Gladiator anyway?

Edited by garynysmon
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Why wasn't the 1995 KOTR main event a six man tag with HBK on Diesel and Bigelow's team? Would have made much more sense as HBK was the one attacked by Sid. Surely not so they could have Taker/HBK in the tournament.


How come Undertaker is hardly ever on Raw in 1995? I'm up to mid-May and I'd be surprised if he's been on more than two episodes.

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For the record, I was a weird kid and preferred Lightning to Jet.


A few of my mates were the same. I think there is a predilection towards blonde for a lot of lads going through adolescence.


Why wasn't the 1995 KOTR main event a six man tag with HBK on Diesel and Bigelow's team? Would have made much more sense as HBK was the one attacked by Sid. Surely not so they could have Taker/HBK in the tournament.


How come Undertaker is hardly ever on Raw in 1995? I'm up to mid-May and I'd be surprised if he's been on more than two episodes.


I think at the time they wanted to finish Diesel/Sid completely before moving on to the first Shawn/Sid interactions. These days, Shawn would have tried to attack Sid on his first night back. Even into 1995 and the beginning of the 12 PPVs a year, they still liked to give shit * some * build.


Undertaker hardly being on Raw is the bigger scale version of Shawn not wrestling every week, Bret not wrestling every week or Diesel not wrestling every week. They didn't need everyone showing up every week, people were going to watch it just the same. They were able to keep more stuff special even for TV, not just PPV. "Next week THE UNDERTAKER" is great to throw out on occasion along with the occasional "Next week Tag or Intercontinental title defence" or even more rare "Next week WWF TITLE ON THE LINE!!!!111"


It's only when Nitro came along where ALL the main event talent was showing up EVERY week that Raw gradually started shifting towards the same dynamic until eventually arriving at the 2 hour 1997 version where all the talent is appearing every week and you usually expected at least one title defence and into the "everything happens, every week" 1998-2001 period when there were multiple title defences every week and almost as many weeks where the WWF title was defended as weeks where it wasn't.

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Plus, I think they realised that the bracket sucked by and large with the exception of The Undertaker. Even though HBK/Kama wasn't the best match in the world, Shawn was hot off his babyface turn and managed to give some much needed excitement to the tournament.

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