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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Do you not think it's a bit odd spending so much of your time on some weird crusade to wind them up though?


Fair enough they might talk bollocks about Cena being shit or Heyman should be running the whole company but surely it's easier to just not read what they post?

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Weighing in on the Stephanie debate.


I think she comes across that she trys too hard sometimes to be the FEMALE authority figure in a MALE dominated sport(?).


Now im not saying shes a big man hatin' feminist but the only times i can remember her showing "proper arse" this year was when she got thrown in the paddling pool by Vicky and got the shit slapped out of her by Brie and then at Mania v Rousey.


I know its PG these days so Austin givin her a stunner or Rikishi giving her a stinkface wouldnt fly but the male talent these days really dont get to show her her arse.


What did Bryan get out of it? (i know he got the title but HHH had to show arse for him to get that) He shouted YES! as they walked out of the arena on the Raw after Survivor Series, well over a year after Bryan started his fued with the Authority.


I like Steph on TV as The Authority but i would like it more if we saw abit more of her ARSE.

Edited by Fanny Pack
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That's nonsense logic, DrV. All of the same would apply to watching a TV show you hate every week and being on a crusade to complain about it, or to reading my posts and crying about them, etc etc.


Ultimately, the best way to avoid someone disagreeing with your estimation of Stephanie McMahon being a terrible wrestling character because she didn't get her comeuppance apart from all the times she did, or that she cut the balls off exciting rising stars Big Show and Kane, or whatever other spurious logic to justify an obsessive hatred of her... Is to not post it in the first place, or to just not watch her on TV, right? Physician, heal thyself.

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Pitcos in chatting shit shocker, what a surprise. You're so busy trying to fabricate this Dem Wans gimmick that you don't even realise that you are The Wan. Absolutely moronic and dismissive shite as always, worst poster on here by far.

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I like Steph on TV as The Authority but i would like it more of we saw abit more of her ARSE.


I think that's on the workout DVD.


I think she comes across that she trys too hard sometimes to be the FEMALE authority figure in a MALE dominated sport(?).



Absolutely -- she no doubt gets recognition for that very thing from places that usually wouldn't even look twice at wrestling people.

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I just remembered she had that row with Heyman. Was that 2006. Thought that was more a Vince issue. Either way I still think she's more a detriment than a positive. Though I think a lot if that is my dislike of an Authority gimmick still going on.

Edited by WWFChilli
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It's not really Steph McMahon I hate, it's the whole concept. I am completely fed up with the heel authority gimmick controlling everything. I can remember a time before Sergeant Slaughter got stunned by Steve and made look like a fool by DX when authority figures were played like legit executives who popped up to clear up some controversy then disappeared again. The whole concept has become the template that too many wrestling companies are built around and it just feels so lazy to me.

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I think what this seems to boiling down to is that people don't think a heel is getting their comeuppance unless they're physically beaten up? I don't get that. Some of my favourite memories of Vince getting his payback were not him being physically abused by watching him break down when his guys were getting foiled by Austin or Rock.


What it boils down to is she had an argument with Paul Heyman backstage a decade ago or something, so some people have had a weird grudge ever since and everything she ever does will be wrong -- at least in the cases where the people complaining she doesn't get her comeuppance (which she does, as you've covered) are the same ones who complain when Cena wins his feuds. 


This is a right load of mad bollocks


What it really boils down to is that for the most part WWE booking seems to completely neuter most the babyfaces. Nearly all of them come across like a bunch of pussies or idiots. The two biggest examples of this are firstly when Triple H suspended Ryback, Ziggler and Rowan and then just fired them and they all stood there and took it and came across as complete wimps. The second biggest example is Stephanie's entire character. The only regular character who ever stands up for themselves is John Cena and that's the reason why he's the only person anyone actually takes seriously as a main eventer. When Vince was at the peak of his onscreen character he showed arse every single week but was good enough that he still managed to keep his character strong while getting everyone else around him over. Stephanie hasn't gotten a SINGLE other character over at any point during her current run. This cannot be denied. And if she's not getting anybody over then what the fuck is the point of having a heel authority figure on TV?

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It's great when she gets her comeuppance - but can we agree the people she's neutured, who won't be the people giving her the comeuppance, do suffer for it?


There's definitely an argument that when shes doing it to the likes of Lana, AJ or Seth Rollins, that it's not worth that extra bit of heat to what you're getting anyway when Ronda Rousey armbars her.

Edited by Benno
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I think Steph's problem as a character is that she embodies the 'Reality era' in the sense that when she puts people down it's often based on real life factors which takes me out of the moment.

And that's what I think too. It's real life played out on screen which makes it more intriguing to listen and watch. People in the back know what's going on out there. They know what she's implying in her promos. They're puppets, all of them are.

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Name one babyface she has gotten over.

Daniel Bryan




Yeah, not sure what Tiger's on about there. HHH, Orton and Bluetista were the ones who took the fall at 'Mania. Steph just being a bit mad that he won isn't getting him over, it's just being there and doing nothing.

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I think Steph's problem as a character is that she embodies the 'Reality era' in the sense that when she puts people down it's often based on real life factors which takes me out of the moment.

And that's what I think too. It's real life played out on screen which makes it more intriguing to listen and watch. People in the back know what's going on out there. They know what she's implying in her promos. They're puppets, all of them are.




That's a very good point actually. McMahon always got his digs at Austin, but it was Austin's character as an outlaw and ass-kicking rebel. The closest thing I can think of with Austin was when The Rock did that "Austin can take his ball and go home" promo, but that lead to a feud and a match and both men benefited. It's not like Rock or Vince came out and were like "Austin slapped Debra around".

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