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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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There would (presumably) be nothing to stop Triple H returning as a Superstar to call out Sting and try to get revenge, he could have pleaded with Vince for a wrestler's contract so he could challenge the Stinger.


There would -- WWE has absolutely zero ideas for keeping the show going apart from the Authority. The weeks between Survivor Series and the return were the worst television they've ever produced, I'd say. Not comically bad, just utterly directionless and plain. In theory, you're right, but in execution, writing out the Authority had to be short-term.


They could've had Triple H reveal he'd given himself a wrestling contract before Survivor Series, and challenge Cena to a match at TLC with a bring back the Authority stip. It would've been less effective than the Edge thing (so I'd have had HHH lose and still do that Edge angle when needed), but it would have been better than doing a PPV with a Cena vs Rollins match that was happening for no particular reason. Triple H could do dastardly things as a wrestler that still need Sting to come and save the day, but his and Steph's role in the show needs to be larger than that at the moment.


The way it has worked out so far has seemed to render Survivor Series a bit pointless, but Ian's right that it still introduced Sting to the WWE storyline and set up the animosity between him and Hunter. And it gave Ziggler a big win and he's being positioned (by Cena at least) as the star of the three who got fired. HHH and the Stinger have definitely got it in them to have their issue full of momentum by the time the match comes. The Authority smugly thinking they've got one over on Sting/Cena/Ziggler everyone then getting thwarted by Sting a second time might be even bigger than the first, even if the stakes of the second time are bound to be smaller.

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Well yeah, you are indeed right that the authority-less TV shows were garbage, but that's a larger booking problem. As you said, in theory it made more sense for the Authority to be away far longer and I would have gone that way. I really like the idea of Triple H blagging a wrestler contract to come back and call out sting, only to have people like Ziggler and Ryback come out and say "sting will be back to slap you around when he's ready. in the mean time - I've been wanting to punch you in the mouth for months. Lets fight". Suddenly HHH has to deal with everyone he's dicked over.


I can't imagine how they can make a Sting run-in more important than the one they already did. They'll have to try though!

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A split side has forced me to post this piece of editing on WWF's part. I'm watching old episodes of Superstars. We get to May 1996. The week after the Curtain Call. And the theme of the show when they had all the big stars was this little rhyme from some Hank Williams Jr rip off:


"Diesel's cool, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels Heartbreaker. Bret Hart show 'em how, look here comes the Bad Guy now".


Well once they fucked off and were now Hall and Nash, the VERY next week they had to do a quick edit of the title song which went.


"APPARITION Undertaker, Shawn Michaels Heartbreaker. Bret Hart show 'em how, UH OH HERE COMES VADER NOW!"


Fucking what? Apparition Undertaker? They couldn't have slotted someone else in there? Like "Savio, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels ..." etc. Fucking dog shite, lads. Bret Hart (still in the song) hadnt been seen in months by this point, but I imagine they couldnt find anything that rhymed with "Sparky Plug". They weren't on the ball that month. Probably the worst lyric in that song was this: "Yokozuna from Japan, Bulldog's an English man". Honestly, there is nothing appealing about mid-96 WWF. Superstars is really bad, even through nostalgia eyes.


EDIT: :laugh: I take that back slightly. Bulldog just cut a pre-taped promo (he's talking about Michaels stalking Diana) where he did his ususal of forgetting how to put a full spot on the end of the promo and got lost. But he got it back with this gem: "I'm gonna finish you once and for all ... pervert!"

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Handsome Doc Hendrix was presenting stuff for them then too, they could have had him knock together a brilliant new song in no time. Tell him as he's going for a dump and he'll return with a great new theme tune.


"Badstreet, Undertaker, Jimmy Garvin, Heartbreaker..."

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Dok was actually singing Badstreet USA with the Raw band during this period! In a case of a dog eating its own shit, there was a 10 second clip before the break of Dok Hendrix singing Michael Hayes' old record. That's all fine in 2015, where there's nostalgia for a cheap pop, but not in 1996 where they wouldnt even mention Dok Hendrix old gimmick, let alone his theme tune. I dont understand why this happened? Jim Johnston was in the Raw Band on guitar, so they must have planned it. Couldn't have been Dok saying "This is a blues riff in "B", watch me for the changes, and try and keep up". Why was this allowed? Did Dok get more power in the office and could make these decisions?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I've just been watching an old Raw from 1996, it's the one before Survivor Series. After Mankind's match, Vince goes "He's not destined for the Hall of Fame, that's for sure" to throw to a Hall of Fame advert. I wonder if that upset Mick at the time. 


Michaels and Sid had a cracking build-up. We hadn't seen the "was it you who hit me with the chair last week, mate?" story as much then and it's obviously stupid, but still. There was something so engaging and effective in the post-angle interviews in the dressing rooms that we don't get now. It helps that Shawn was in a mood over whatever Bret Hart had said about him being a bad role model, and that he was off his tits on pills, powder and insecurity. You don't get that from Cena and Triple H. I always underrated Sid's entrance too but he was brilliant, walking down giving fist bumps. He probably had the best catchphrase ever.


They do a Karate Fighters tournament segment as well, which must have been cut over here because judging by the brackets, it would have started in October and finished a fortnight before Christmas and I don't remember it at all. On this one, Sable beat Dok Hendrix and he started pleading for a rematch. They went back to Lawler and Todd Pettengil in the studio (this tournament was pure sports presentation) and Lawler goes "Dok doing what he does best... Begging a woman for something!"

Edited by King Pitcos
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It'll be in how Triple H sells it. He can make Mick Foley taking his shirt off seem like the greatest thing that's ever happened. 

 That is so true!


I stopped watching WWF in 1996 when Mankind appeared as my 13 year old self decided it was too silly. From then on, the only thing wrestling I did was play WCW Vs The World and World Tour on N64. Then, i caught WWF Heat on Channel 4 by accident and saw the Royal Rumble Promo where Cactus Jack came back and I was instantly re-hooked! That whole package even now gives me goosebumps. It made it feel like the biggest deal in the world!

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