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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The #freerey thing is laughable, please free poor Rey from his contract which guarantees him a nice healthy paycheck whilst he sits on his arse because his knees are knackered


Vince would be right to fuck him off, he's not been entertaining in years

He wants out and it's a catchy slogan, what's laughable about it?

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Vince was by far the worst main show commentator of that era in hindsight IMO. Was watching a Saturday Night's Main Event from I think early 1987 and Vince's face bias during a Savage/Steele match was like some sort of parody.


I'm sure there was probably worse b and c team commentators back then but Vince was wretched on the main shows.

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Vince was by far the worst main show commentator of that era in hindsight IMO. Was watching a Saturday Night's Main Event from I think early 1987 and Vince's face bias during a Savage/Steele match was like some sort of parody.


I'm sure there was probably worse b and c team commentators back then but Vince was wretched on the main shows.

Feck off, he was great too! :)


Actually, they were mostly all great back then, until the likes of Rob Bartlett came along.


As a kid who wanted to cheer on the good guys, I probably wouldn't have liked Ventura so much if i followed it through the late 80s into 1990 though. Not because he was a bad commentator or anything, but because it was hard to argue with a lot of his logical pointing out of double standards. if I was a bit older, he'd probably have made me a full-on heel fan.

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I thought Monsoon was amazing when I was a kid. Was shocked to find out years later that he was winning the Worst Commentator Award every year in the Observer. Still don't understand the hate.

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Do you remember when Brock said this in an interview years ago?




he turned to a nearby reporter and explained, "I don't like gays. Write that down in your little notebook. I don't like gays."




Pretty unacceptable thing to say at the time and more shocking by today's standards.


It's horrible, but not shocking or unacceptable. He's not going round punching gay heads in or proposing putting them all on an island with no condoms and letting them kill themselves off, is he? He's just saying he doesn't like them. He's a bloke who has made millions doing homoerotic nonsense and he's a half-retarded lunatic mutant from a farm, he probably thinks he lives so close to the cusp of it that if he stopped hating them he'd turn into one.


This is a fucking whopper of a post, especially the bolded bit. Go on any BNP/EDL forum and you'll see defences of bigotry along these lines. You should bring back the old logo as your avatar.


Homophobia is acceptable if you live on a farm. Give your head a wobble.

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What the fuck have farm's got to do with anything? I used to live on one, we're not all homophobes. You're making plank statments yourself.


I was paraphrasing. The quoted post said it wasn't unacceptable for Lesnar to dislike gays and justified that by saying he's a "half-retarded lunatic mutant from a farm."

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What the fuck have farm's got to do with anything? I used to live on one, we're not all homophobes. You're making plank statments yourself.


I was paraphrasing. The quoted post said it wasn't unacceptable for Lesnar to dislike gays and justified that by saying he's a "half-retarded lunatic mutant from a farm."



Eh? I think people who "dislike gays" are idiots, but I'm not going to tell them what they're allowed to think or say. Has free speech gone completely awry now?

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This is a fucking whopper of a post, especially the bolded bit. Go on any BNP/EDL forum and you'll see defences of bigotry along these lines. You should bring back the old logo as your avatar.


Homophobia is acceptable if you live on a farm. Give your head a wobble.

Grow up, you clown. If you think you have the right to tell someone who they are and aren't allowed to like, you're as much a fascist as the twonks on these BNP forums you visit, and a bigger idiot than Brock Lesnar is for his stupid homophobic views.

Edited by King Pitcos
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We're obviously using different definitions of 'unacceptable' here (and you know this, and you're equivocating), and I'm not getting into a semantic wrangle about it.


There's a clear implication in your original post that Brock's apparent homophobia is understandable because of his profession, upbringing, or lifestyle and that's softly softly apologist shite. Bigotry is bigotry.

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You're right actually, Pinc, I can't stand those people who think that there are socio-economic factors involved in anyone's beliefs or behaviour. Lesnar should just be strung up from a lamppost next to the London rioters. Bad is bad. Unacceptable is unacceptable.


Again, grow up, you clown. Calling someone a half-retarded jock when they say something stupid isn't really complimenting them, or apologising for them, or supporting them. It's mocking them. As an apparently much smarter man than you put it:




I think people who "dislike gays" are idiots, but I'm not going to tell them what they're allowed to think or say.
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