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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've never really rated the WWE style of comedy wrestling it always left me cold. Recently though I've seen Mad Man Manson vs Flex Buffington and Grado vs Flex and laughed my head off. Maybe the brits do slapstick better or do they wrestle a British comedy style?

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I've never really rated the WWE style of comedy wrestling it always left me cold. Recently though I've seen Mad Man Manson vs Flex Buffington and Grado vs Flex and laughed my head off. Maybe the brits do slapstick better or do they wrestle a British comedy style?


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I think it's the difference in humor that does it. I find a lot of the WWE stuff cringeworthy. The likes of Santino the backstage skits etc.

I wonder if I'd seen the British matches on TV I'd feel the same about them. However seeing them live I was more invested in them. Both were very good matches.

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I've never really rated the WWE style of comedy wrestling it always left me cold. Recently though I've seen Mad Man Manson vs Flex Buffington and Grado vs Flex and laughed my head off. Maybe the brits do slapstick better or do they wrestle a British comedy style?

You’ve also got to remember British comedy is different to American comedy, and also that WWE aren’t first and foremost a comedy outfit.


I don't think Americans like WWE's brand of "comedy" either. Santino should just fuck off as well. I read this week that Santino said the reason he wasn't released and the other lot were is because he is a utility man of sorts. A jack of all trades. What a load of shite. All he does is put on a funny voice.

Edited by Ladiesman345
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I've never really rated the WWE style of comedy wrestling it always left me cold. Recently though I've seen Mad Man Manson vs Flex Buffington and Grado vs Flex and laughed my head off. Maybe the brits do slapstick better or do they wrestle a British comedy style?


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SteelEdge, you're getting a little mixed up. Santino was eliminated last at the 2011 Rumble and the 2012 Elimination Chamber. He did very little aside from a dull US title reign and a feud with Ricardo Rodriguez in the 13 months between those events.

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