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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Watching some old stuff on YouTube I was reminded of how I thought Shawn Stasiak would BREAK OUT after his face turn in 1999. I also felt the same about Chaz. So evidently the way to get a 14 year old Butch to see the Emperor's New Clothes as golden robes was to say "well, my real name is X".


Fuck you Russo. Fuck you and you knowing how to con 14yr olds.

We all went through that phase, Butch. In all of my "Fantasy" wrestling promotion (initially on bits of paper but later brought to life by TNM) I'd also have X-Pac cut some promo and use his real name.

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Watching that period back recently there are some bizarre double standards. They did the story where Chaz was beating up his wife, she'd turn up to Raw with bruises and Chaz was getting arrested and it was all treated rather seriously. Then on the exact same show you'd have Jeff Jarrett putting the make-up lady in a Figure Four Leg Lock and smacking Chyna over the head with a frying pan. Madness.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Watching that period back recently there are some bizarre double standards. They did the story where Chaz was beating up his wife, she'd turn up to Raw with bruises and Chaz was getting arrested and it was all treated rather seriously. Then on the exact same show you'd have Jeff Jarrett putting the make-up lady in a Figure Four Leg Lock and smacking Chyna over the head with a frying pan. Madness.


Just to play devil's advocate, could it not be argued that the difference (in kayfabe, of course) was that Chaz' wife wasn't an employee of the WWF and therefore off limits? Chyna's a different kettle of fish, as she was going around beating up blokes anyway, but the make-up lady would be the focus of that argument.


It's still bizarre, though, I agree.

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Like with most things in wrestling, it's probably best not to over-think it, I guess. We can allow it for when heel managers, authority figures, valets and commentators get their come-uppance. I suspect it could be something to do with familiarity - the make-up lady wouldn't have had any screen-time, so the fans wouldn't have had a chance to "get to know her", so the discomfort from watching it would've stemmed from seeing a "real person" being beaten up instead of a wrestling character.

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The threat of "calling the police" or "getting a lawyer and suing this place to hell" always comes off as rather silly in wrestling. That's not to say there haven't been some fun moments, like when Austin has been carted off by the Police in the past, but generally it just seems really silly and inconsistent.


Big Show's recent "I'll sue the shit out of The Authority" stuff was just awful. It just made the bloke seem like a total pussy who can't fight for himself and would rather use legal threats. But then this is the bloke who cried his eyes out for being forced to punch Dusty but seemed to take immense pleasure in punching poor old Zeb the other week. Big Show must be one of the most inconsistent wrestlers ever.

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Ultimately, the elephant in the room is that his size is what allows him to be booked stupidly AND seriously. He's always going to be a threat, because let's face it: fake wrestler or not, you just would not fuck with him.


He does seem to be a perennial nearly-man, though. I'm not entirely sure why that is: he's huge, looks like a bad-ass, is pretty good on the mike, knows how to work and is pretty good at character stuff too. He's clearly the best giant wrestler since Andre (possibly even better than), but there's just something about the guy that doesn't seem to work.


What's even more bizarre is that the little I've seen of him as The Giant comes across as much more main-event, and leaves me wondering why and how wCw fucked that up.

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As alluded to numerous times above, it's because he's been turned so frequently that the public don't take either heel or face persona seriously anymore.

They've tried pushing him numerous times as this unstoppable monster who destroys everything in his path, but a lot of people can't forget his goofy persona...or Knucklehead (which actually wasn't bad).

I like Big Show, but I wouldn't take to him as a top top heel or face at this stage, no matter what creative did. The boat's halfway across the Pacific there.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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  • Paid Members
Watching that period back recently there are some bizarre double standards. They did the story where Chaz was beating up his wife, she'd turn up to Raw with bruises and Chaz was getting arrested and it was all treated rather seriously. Then on the exact same show you'd have Jeff Jarrett putting the make-up lady in a Figure Four Leg Lock and smacking Chyna over the head with a frying pan. Madness.


Just to play devil's advocate, could it not be argued that the difference (in kayfabe, of course) was that Chaz' wife wasn't an employee of the WWF and therefore off limits?


Nah, his wife was also his valet for weeks beforehand (and his mother in the Beaver Cleavage skits). She was caught getting off with Val Venis, that's why Chaz started beating her. The Attitude era sometimes would have the usual outlandish skits one second then an out of place serious segment straight after. Like when mere seconds after the suicidal alcoholic Hawk fell off the titantron, Sable came out shoving her tits into the camera to hype her Playboy issue.

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Watching that period back recently there are some bizarre double standards. They did the story where Chaz was beating up his wife, she'd turn up to Raw with bruises and Chaz was getting arrested and it was all treated rather seriously. Then on the exact same show you'd have Jeff Jarrett putting the make-up lady in a Figure Four Leg Lock and smacking Chyna over the head with a frying pan. Madness.


Just to play devil's advocate, could it not be argued that the difference (in kayfabe, of course) was that Chaz' wife wasn't an employee of the WWF and therefore off limits?


She was caught getting off with Val Venis, that's why Chaz started beating her.


He didn't beat her, he shouted at her & left her so she pretended that he beat her.

Thrasher revealed on GTV that she was wearing false make up to make it look like she had a black eye.

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