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Isn't there an issue with those two, hence why it's never happened?


Scott Steiner mentioned once that Rock wouldn't work with Michaels at WrestleMania when he was asked to. Not sure which Mania he would've been talking about, must've been 19 or 20? Michaels himself said on the Ross Report that Rock 'wasn't interested' in working Michaels when Pat Patterson floated the idea soon after Michaels' comeback in 2002, but he didn't elaborate much on the reasons.


I've heard it said that Rock's antipathy towards Michaels began with Montreal, as Bret had apparently done a lot to help Rock when he was starting out. That sounds like forum talk though. If there is ill-feeling between them I'd imagine it's just a clash of personalities. Michaels is an insufferable fanny flap after all.

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Its because Shawn Michaels was a cunt to his mother on a show in the 80s when the Rock was young. Also Shawn and Triple H didn't like him in 1997 because Michaels thought HHH shouldn't have done a job to him for the IC. Apparently there's a match where Bret Hart takes a count out loss or a DQ or something when he was supposed to beat Rock clean in the middle, and Shawn Michaels went ballistic over it. I think it was on Raw. It was around the time the Rock stopped getting pushed and was losing all the time. I think Shawn Michaels tried to get the Rock out of the Mania 15 match in favour of Mankind as well. They couldn't stand each other.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yeah, Mick Foley's book mentions that. At one point there was talk of WrestleMania 15 being a Rock vs Austin vs Mankind triple threat, and Michaels was getting in Vince's ear saying "fuck that, Austin vs Mankind one on one is where the money is" because he hated The Rock. Absolutely mental to think he had enough sway to make that happen.


Road Dogg despised Rock as well, purely out of jealousy. There must have been quite a bit of resentment from some of the old-school wrestlers, considering Dwayne had never even done a headlock until about mid-1996 and a couple of years later he'd surpassed the lot of them.

Edited by King Pitcos
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He deserved it too, rose to the occasion. He was getting buried with the Jesse James stuff, but his innate charisma dragged him out of the mire. He was a more than serviceable wrestler as well, all the Armstrong boys were. Arguably the best family going by in ring talents. Not one was less than decent.

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He's the first person I played with on Attitude and Smackdown for the PS1. I loved the Road Dogg. I remember always planning on getting his braids when I left school. But when I left school he was doing those WWA tours and the moment was sort of gone. Road Dogg was so fucking cool in 1999, though. The only member of the roster to wear proper Adidas trackie bottoms and a sun hat. Not your 2-stripe shit. Bob Armstrong never got a job lot of knock off trackies at the market like Rocky Johnson did obviously.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He's the first person I played with on Attitude and Smackdown for the PS1. I loved the Road Dogg. I remember always planning on getting his braids when I left school.


I had a shit homemade attempt at them for a bit because Road Dogg was one of my absolute favourites in 1999. It's mad to think that the entire time, he'd be sitting backstage giving Rock shit. I wonder how aware Rock was of the Road Doggy Doggy Doggy hating him, I imagine it being like the storyline where Planet Stasiak was always trying to sabotage him and he didn't even notice.

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Road Dogg was pretty big around here, too.


I remember when Attitude was coming out and none of us had any access to the internet, so we were relying on lies and half truths from twats in school and games magazines covering it every month. We were watching the updates like fucking hawks because all most of us gave a fuck about was whether Road Dogg was in it. 


Gamesmaster had an ad for it maybe a month or so before it came out and had pictures of HHH, Billy Gunn and I think Chyna, among others.  We went absolutely apeshit with fear in the way people and kids do when they know there's a logical answer to something but choose to believe the worst until the truth is there singing With My Baby Tonight into their face. Panicked, I was then somehow conned into ringing Acclaim by the small group of mates I had and asked a receptionist who'd clearly been asked all sorts of absolute shite about this game from 12 year olds all around the country for months now, and before I could finish asking her whether Road Dogg was definitely in it she put me through to a phone advert without saying a word and I spent the next three or so premium minutes reading everything out aloud to them until we got to Road Dogg. We all cheered, then went about getting beat up by harder kids and letting people Gangrel DDT us onto gym mats for a fleeting moment of popularity.


The joy lasted about as long as it took for the phone bill to arrive.
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At least your phone adventure gave you the answer you wanted. I spent about a million quid ringing up one of the numbers of Teletext to find out who the Higher Power was, and at the end of the call, it just said something along the lines of "you'll have to watch Raw next week to find out, lol."

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Road Dogg was the most over member of that incarnation of DX to be fair. Then X-Pac, then Mr A Double-Crooked Letter, then Chyna, and then HHH lagging far behind.


That depends where you were - at our school it was all about Billy Gunn! Road Dogg could talk the talk but Billy G did it in the ring for him. 


Everyone hated X-Pac.

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