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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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So here's an idea:


Have the first hour of Raw be a "B" show of its own, staffed entirely by people who are just about to graduate from NXT. This cuts "actual" Raw down to 2 hours but keeps the 3 hours of first run TV on USA, and gives the graduands that next step of performing for a big TV crowd before mixing it with the "big" boys. It also means that, when they do step into Raw, the crowds will know who they are...

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An insanely hot girl from work has just posted on Facebook looking for ICW tickets - you would never associate her with liking wrestling. ICW really has taken off to some level, not just among avid wrestling fans.

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In the late 90's wasn't raw technically 2 hour long shows one after another?


Could maybe work.

It was two shows, Raw is War and Warzone. I think the USA network might have complained as bit if the first hour was USWA though.

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So here's an idea:


Have the first hour of Raw be a "B" show of its own, staffed entirely by people who are just about to graduate from NXT. This cuts "actual" Raw down to 2 hours but keeps the 3 hours of first run TV on USA

USA want three hours of actual Raw. An hour with Adrian Neville and Baron Corbin is not the same as an hour with John Cena and Randy Orton. Plus it has the problem of "Raw would be great if it was only two hours and we wouldn't moan then" being a stupid fantasy that's disproven by every wrestling forum post made for an entire decade before Raw went to three hours.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Discount the "replace 1 hour of Raw" part of my crazy fantasy and leave the rest. Do you think there's a middle ground between NXT and Raw that needs filling? Maybe they could call it WCW? :)

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One of the criticisms - and one of its selling points, to be honest - is that the small & regular crowd insulates the talent. Working an independent programme in front of a bigger, and more random, crowd would help, surely?

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Doing programmes in front of larger arena crowds who don't know the wrestlers or their storylines (because they're not on the main shows) doesn't help them. NXT: Redemption had that formula for a million years before they gave up the ghost and moved to Full Sail. Week seven of the Bull Dempsey vs Kalisto feud would be playing out to an audience who mostly haven't seen the first six weeks and are sitting on their hands waiting for Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose when Smackdown starts. It handicaps the wrestlers before they even get a chance.

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On the USA network it's listed as three 1 hour blocks.  8.00-9.00 Raw  9.00-10.00 Raw  10.00-11.05 Raw

Let's them say they have 3 shows worth x million viewers instead of one. U see the wwe logo come up at end of each hour on screen

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The latest Ascension promo pretty much just says "Remember Legion of Doom and Demolition? That's us! Raaaaa!"


They don't hold a candle though. For years, we've wanted WWE to do that kind of tag team. It might be that they're the wrong men for the job, and the crap finisher doesn't help (the Smackdown jobber who looked like a junior Uso took it well, mind) but really I think it's probably a case of "more things from when I was a kid, please" not being a solution to anything.

Edited by King Pitcos
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