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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Just re-watched it and it is probably the worst pull apart ever. I dont know if Diesel is knackered or what, but he keeps making this questionable move of trying to get Bret in a front face lock. Which may be fine in a real fight, but in the exaggerated world of pro wrestling, that looks shite if you are doing the wild pull apart brawl. Bret is swinging punches and Diesel is trying to keep him in the corner. You can see why Vince was having a nervous breakdown at the announce desk.

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I'm gonna watch the 1992 Rumble as a bit of hyping myself up for this year's. I'm watching the pre-match interviews, and it's made me think... Bulldog took a total lack of speaking ability further than anyone, didn't he? Were his promos written? Because they all seem to be delivered like a thick kid trying to remember his lines in a school play. The likes of Bret and Benoit are like Hogan compared to Davey. No believability at all in anything he's saying, but he got to main event the first non-Hogan PPV, and had world title matches for years and years.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Yeah, he was pretty terrible by all accounts when it came to talking. The accent definitely didn't help, surrounded by American accents it made him sound mentally challenged most of the time.


He reminds me of Phil Collins from South Park in this one, though overall it's one of his better efforts:





Having said all that, it's hard to decide who's worse here -

. Davey sounds like he's having a panic attack the entire way through, and Dynamite just stares a hole in the camera for the entire promo. Edited by CTXRussomark
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I read an article not so long back about vkm wanting to run an experiment to see if a wrestler would work being neither heel or face. Miz and Lori were apparently the chosen experiment-ees. Not sire if there is any truth to it though.

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Right, but the heels at least go up against faces, and vice versa. I'm sure Miz turned against Kofi, then a few weeks later he was tagging with him, and then he did something heelish (can't remember what) and now he's facing a heel Brodus and going up against Barrett! Its so random.

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Link to the article I previously mentioned.


I read an article not so long back about vkm wanting to run an experiment to see if a wrestler would work being neither heel or face. Miz and Lori were apparently the chosen experiment-ees. Not sire if there is any truth to it though.

Who is Lori?


Stupid auto correct. Should have read Kofi

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Right, but the heels at least go up against faces, and vice versa. I'm sure Miz turned against Kofi, then a few weeks later he was tagging with him, and then he did something heelish (can't remember what) and now he's facing a heel Brodus and going up against Barrett! Its so random.


I read that they turned The Miz heel by having him turn on Kofi but forgot he had that Christmas movie coming out on ABC Family

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Probably discussed before, but I'm wondering if there is space in the market for an "old boys" tour promoted by WWE.


Obviously bringing in the veterans for a shot is a popular and far from original pursuit on the indie scene. But could WWE itself make money from a touring "globetrotter / all stars" show featuring all the old faces we grew up with?


I genuinely don't think the market for this type of show would give a monkeys about match quality. Put us in a decent sized venue with Demolition's music hitting and no-one will be complaining. Not even when Virgil tried to charge for autographs after the show.

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