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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I can see why the ref got shit for it, although Natalya certainly should shoulder some of the blame. I found her doing that there wonderfully ironic when she was getting that win due to her role in Total Divas to begin with, which has her presented as the respected veteran who teaches amateur divas how to do things and not fuck up. I can't see how AJ was at all to blame though. Maybe she was supposed to tap quickfast sure, but Natalya barely gave her a chance too. The way it looked was like Natayla immediately knew she'd fucked it and tried to cover it and was trying to get the ref to call for the bell and raise her hand which wouldn't have looked great but would have looked a whole shit load better than the shambles it turned into. I've always thought in those sort of situations simply going back into the spot and repeating looks so, so poor. Natalya did try to think on her feet a little to save it whereas the ref just shat himself, stalled and made the whole thing a whole lot worse.

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He learned his lesson in the divas match this week, counting a pin even though the loser of the fall was out of the pin well before three. Last week, he was probably told to call the match straight. This week, someone said "fuck it, they're all useless, just call the finish even if they balls it up. We can't afford to give them another twenty seconds to re-do shit."

Edited by King Pitcos
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That's probably your answer to why his punches were so shit. Look at when Hogan was punching the Great Khali. Fuji is essentially a space hopper with a bowler hat. If he wasn't fighting an uncoordinated old bloke, those punches probably wouldn't be as bad. I remember around the same time, he had a match with Adrian Adonis and Piper firing those fists off like nobodies business.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Watched a bit of WWE Vintage Collection, and it reminded me how sloppy Roddy Piper could be in the ring. Some of his punches look atrocious. Reckon he could have done with watching some Jerry Lawler matches!

Doesn't sound much like Piper. His punches and frantic, intense flurrys usually looked pretty convincing.


I liked him in-ring too, even way past his prime. Sure he wasn't all pretty and photogenic in his offence, but it wouldn't have suited him if he was, he was a wild brawler type.

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Watched a bit of WWE Vintage Collection, and it reminded me how sloppy Roddy Piper could be in the ring. Some of his punches look atrocious. Reckon he could have done with watching some Jerry Lawler matches!

Doesn't sound much like Piper. His punches and frantic, intense flurrys usually looked pretty convincing.


I liked him in-ring too, even way past his prime. Sure he wasn't all pretty and photogenic in his offence, but it wouldn't have suited him if he was, he was a wild brawler type.

If this is the match he's referring to, look at Fuji in it. Its like Piper is punching the wall. Fuji is the worst wrestler ever. He's getting absolutely nothing back from Fuji. Not selling a fucking thing. He kept in work for about 12 years as well.


What I never got about Fuji is that, he was broken down to hell in the WWF. He could barely move, had nothing left in the tank and was more or less useless. Yet he ALWAYS used to do the top rope leg drop spot. Why? Why risk crippling yourself as a transition move? He always did it on every house show as well. All he was was a comedy manager, so that's a pretty high risk move to do. And on that rock hard WWF ring as well.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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What I never got about Fuji is that, he was broken down to hell in the WWF. He could barely move, had nothing left in the tank and was more or less useless. Yet he ALWAYS used to do the top rope leg drop spot. Why? Why risk crippling yourself as a transition move? He always did it on every house show as well. All he was was a comedy manager, so that's a pretty high risk move to do. And on that rock hard WWF ring as well.


Yeah, that's the match.


Might explain why he ended up in a wheelchair.

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He generated quite substantial heat although he's always looked average in the ring.


To that end he served his purpose and justified his position.

Edited by Jaffa
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Wade Barratt is really struggling to grow that beard back isn't he?



Hmm...look at the facts.....Wade Barrett: Shit Beard=Shit Performer....Daniel Bryan: Awesome Beard=Awesome Performer.....Menry....same as D-Bry.


Facts are clear.....Barrett's beard is as shit as the man himself...get rid of him, and his stupid BOOO scream....

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