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All hail the worlds greatest wrestler ...


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Well he isn't a 'complete package' is he? Not by a long shot, due to the fact that he has an incredibly average look. His look is nothing on the Hogans, Machos, Austins or Flairs of the world. That is the big reason that most fans didn't picture him ever reaching the top in the WWE. Fans that had seen what he could do in RoH knew he was the best in the ring and world class on the mic, but just didn't meet WWE's vision of what a top superstar should look like.

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Well he isn't a 'complete package' is he? Not by a long shot, due to the fact that he has an incredibly average look. His look is nothing on the Hogans, Machos, Austins or Flairs of the world. That is the big reason that most fans didn't picture him ever reaching the top in the WWE. Fans that had seen what he could do in RoH knew he was the best in the ring and world class on the mic, but just didn't meet WWE's vision of what a top superstar should look like.

My point was that he can't be compared to these names because it's two very different ages of wrestling. The guy's that have the look today, Cena, Orton etc would still pale in comparison to the big hitters of yesteryears. In today's wrestling landscape I would say he has a pretty good look so long as keeps the beard.
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Well he isn't a 'complete package' is he? Not by a long shot, due to the fact that he has an incredibly average look. His look is nothing on the Hogans, Machos, Austins or Flairs of the world. That is the big reason that most fans didn't picture him ever reaching the top in the WWE. Fans that had seen what he could do in RoH knew he was the best in the ring and world class on the mic, but just didn't meet WWE's vision of what a top superstar should look like.

My point was that he can't be compared to these names because it's two very different ages of wrestling. The guy's that have the look today, Cena, Orton etc would still pale in comparison to the big hitters of yesteryears. In today's wrestling landscape I would say he has a pretty good look so long as keeps the beard.
Agreed with that.
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But he himself has been a marvel. Low-Ki could have learned a lot from him. He's gone from super serious indie wrestler to a fantastic all-round entertainer because he's not been afraid to look silly and to send himself up and ride through storylines like the Bella Twins stuff.

I know you don't watch a lot of indie wrestling but I followed his rise during the time I did, and he wasn't always super-serious there.He started as super serious technical guy. He then went through some real unintentionally hilarious phases where he was trying to figure out a gimmick and character and was just throwing anything at the wall to see what would stick. My favourite was probably the Hobbit cloak. Later, once he kinda nailed his indie persona, he did work intentional comedy as well. He could be serious and believable, but all the "I have til 5 referee" and shit was all good schtick for the audience he was playing to.As for the overall topic though - I love the guy, he's fantastic, but he is still tiny. And he's too small for that not to always bea factor. It's a shame, but it's true.
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As for the overall topic though - I love the guy, he's fantastic, but he is still tiny. And he's too small for that not to always bea factor. It's a shame, but it's true.

I'd like to see them do an angle with that, like he's got a chip on his shoulder for being a short-arse, wee man syndrome.
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But he himself has been a marvel. Low-Ki could have learned a lot from him. He's gone from super serious indie wrestler to a fantastic all-round entertainer because he's not been afraid to look silly and to send himself up and ride through storylines like the Bella Twins stuff.

I know you don't watch a lot of indie wrestling but I followed his rise during the time I did, and he wasn't always super-serious there.He started as super serious technical guy. He then went through some real unintentionally hilarious phases where he was trying to figure out a gimmick and character and was just throwing anything at the wall to see what would stick. My favourite was probably the Hobbit cloak. Later, once he kinda nailed his indie persona, he did work intentional comedy as well. He could be serious and believable, but all the "I have til 5 referee" and shit was all good schtick for the audience he was playing to.As for the overall topic though - I love the guy, he's fantastic, but he is still tiny. And he's too small for that not to always bea factor. It's a shame, but it's true.
Didn't he have some stoner thing with Paul London?
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Does this Frieght Train wrestle bare foot, then?

who shat in your mouth?you do know im straight right? guys who have a foot fetish arent interested in man feet. they make me want to hurl.and if you havent heard of freight train, then i pity you.
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I say the same about Bryan that I did about Kurt Angle. Can put on a good match with a brick, can do serious and can do comedy gold. And I can see him having a similar spot to what Angle did. Main event but not the top man, despite often appearing as the most over part of the show.

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Does this Frieght Train wrestle bare foot, then?


who shat in your mouth?


you do know im straight right? guys who have a foot fetish arent interested in man feet. they make me want to hurl.


and if you havent heard of freight train, then i pity you.



they make me want to hurl.


No. You lost the right to be sickened by other peoples sexual preferences the moment you got turned on by the "This little piggy..." nursery rhyme.


Also, I just googled Freight Train and got this result..




No wonder you like him.


When did all this happen? Directions to the thread please, sounds like comedy.

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