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All hail the worlds greatest wrestler ...


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In terms of character development, the 18 second loss at mania and his hugs match on raw, I don't think anyone else could come out of both more over. A year ago he had mitb case, losing on smackdown as a personality wise, bland baby face. Couldn't have pictured he would be where he is now.

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Having loved the guy forever, I'm constantly blown away by how well he's doing in WWE. He's been the absolute definition of taking the ball and running with it with everything they've given him. He's cemented nicely as a lower-level main-eventer, which is an absolutely great position for a guy who's proven he can have a good match with anyone. There's so many great prospects, too - a comedy team with Kane sounds perfect right now, but after that, he'd be a great foil for Cena, Orton or even (wishful thinking, but not out of the realms of possibility) The Rock. Daniel Bryan is fucking great, doing brilliantly and it couldn't happen to a nicer bloke. Long may it continue.

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Having loved the guy forever, I'm constantly blown away by how well he's doing in WWE. He's been the absolute definition of taking the ball and running with it with everything they've given him. He's cemented nicely as a lower-level main-eventer, which is an absolutely great position for a guy who's proven he can have a good match with anyone. There's so many great prospects, too - a comedy team with Kane sounds perfect right now, but after that, he'd be a great foil for Cena, Orton or even (wishful thinking, but not out of the realms of possibility) The Rock. Daniel Bryan is fucking great, doing brilliantly and it couldn't happen to a nicer bloke. Long may it continue.


I'm hoping for the impossible scenario that (taking into account the small interaction with The Rock at Raw 1000) with all the talk of CM Punk or John Cena being the one to face The Rock at Royal Rumble, how cool would it be for Bryan to sneak in and steal the opportunity from both of them?

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Absolutely love Daniel Bryan. He was probably the first indie guy I'd heard of, around 2001, mainly because I'd seen his name thrown around with the 'trained by Shawn Michaels' tagline. When WWE become the solo power a year later, and not long after the Invasion angle finished, I decided I wanted a bit of variety- so I started watching ROH (from their second show onwards, I think). Bryan stood out a lot for me then, because I was well into the indy-tech frap frap style. I'd even cream at a stand-off, DDD-style.


As he was one of my indy favourites during my fanboy phase, it's always nice to see him do well. But what he has managed to do in WWE is something else. I'd never have imagined he (or Punk, for that matter) would be wearing proper world championship belts and wrestling in top-card feuds, and in doing so still maintaining their status as indy darlings. His in-ring ability has never been in doubt but his mic skills, character development and role in certain angles has been bloody brilliant. He has made his feuds more watchable than most, and I always look forward to his backstage skits and in-ring promos. And then as a bonus to cap this off, you always know that you will have a decent match from him. With his ability to make you care about his feuds, that only enhances his matches even more. With this brilliant character, his matches have more meaning and story to them.


CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Big Show, Menry, Sheamus- he's had belters with these lot. He will have a very good spot for him in the upper-mid card for many years to come, occasionally drifting into the main event scene now and then ala Jericho.



I'd be fucking delighted with that.

How good would a Bryan/Rock match be? The build-up will be brilliant, I can see their interactions being a joy to watch- if their brief encounter on Raw 1,000 was anything to go by. And the match itself would be a gem.

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Let's not forgot he put his beard on the line at a Butlins camp, lost, reneged on the stip, then got chased around the campsite by Redcoats. Sadly in the version of this story I heard/read, he wasn't chased backwards until he fell into the pool.

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I saw him as American Dragon on an All Star show botch a 619. NEWM was there as well and he has the same memory. He got everyone chanting "619, 619, 619" (standard All Star fodder) and his feet went above his opponents head. The audience all went from "yeaaahhh .... to " .... urrrghh." in as soon as he missed it. I remember turning to my mate and going "that was a bit of a mess". I didn't hold it against him, though. Pierre Carl Ouelett was out afterwards and he saved the event. Hundreds .... and hundreds of PCOnatics all chanting his name.Bryan was signing autographs for the backstage passers afterwards and he totally kayfabed a bunch of ROH fans asking him to sign some poster with him and Homicide on it. He signed it put refused to sign "Bryan Danielson", because he didn't know who that was. Great bloke. I imagine he thought he could escaped the ROHbots for a few weeks while over here. Like on the Simpsons when Moe reads to sick children on a night to get away from Barney and the black one out the tavern. He just wanted a break from the norm.

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Bryan's character suits him to a tee. He just gets "it". I haven't seen any of his indy stuff so I always had the impression when he first arrived, that he was a great wrestler but a very boring personality. It's quite obvious now that his bland run as a face was just him being produced that way. The way WWE works these days I cant imagine this hot streak he's on lasting for a great amount of time, or pushing him up to the next level, sadly.

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He really has been outstanding and has been a true saving grace for WWE this past year. I thought he'd blown it when he got the sack for the whole choking and spitting thing and when he returned I was sure they'd have him floating around the midcard forever, how happy I was to be proved wrong. It seems that everything he's touched since winning the MITB has turned to gold, running with this I can't wait for the, surely, imminent but probably short lived tag team with Kane. It's been said for years that something is needed to give that division some credibility and I reckon, he's our guy. Anyone who uses the "he's nothing on Hogan/Savage/Austin/etc" argument can fuck off and play tag with the buses, D-Bry is the very epitome of "complete package".Long live Bryan.

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