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That's not a bad thing...that's a good thing!

The Hitman

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The great thing about being on a wrestling forum is debate, and the fact most of us can't agree on what day it is let alone what constitutes good wrestling. So what are those elements of the business that you love, but are panned by others?


I'll throw a couple in to start, the thing that inspired this thread for me was David Otunga's spinebuster. On the few occassions someone has deemed Otunga relevant enough to talk about, all I hear is how he can't execute a spinebuster properly. But I think his version of the move looks awesome, and seems relatively safe as they've allowed him to keep doing it for two years in an era where they seem to prioritise safety more than ever. Otunga folding guys up with the move was always a cool bit of the Nexus beatdowns in 2010.


I also adored Shawn Stasiak's Planet Stasiak gimmick. He was never going to achieve main event stardom whether he had a silly gimmick or not so seeing him running around like a loon talking about space was brilliant. I even took a Planet Stasiak sign to a WWE house show back in 2002 which was met with bemused looks even though he wrestled under the gimmick on the show. I think people were just surprised he had a fan.

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I'll throw a couple in to start, the thing that inspired this thread for me was David Otunga's spinebuster. On the few occassions someone has deemed Otunga relevant enough to talk about, all I hear is how he can't execute a spinebuster properly. But I think his version of the move looks awesome, and seems relatively safe as they've allowed him to keep doing it for two years in an era where they seem to prioritise safety more than ever. Otunga folding guys up with the move was always a cool bit of the Nexus beatdowns in 2010.

I always thought the problem people had with Otunga's finisher was that about fifteen other WWE wrestlers were also using the same move as a finisher at the time. I think Otunga's just fucking brilliant all-round, I remember being impressed by him in a little tag or handicap match on Raw about a year ago. And he's got an ace character now as well.


I also adored Shawn Stasiak's Planet Stasiak gimmick. He was never going to achieve main event stardom whether he had a silly gimmick or not so seeing him running around like a loon talking about space was brilliant. I even took a Planet Stasiak sign to a WWE house show back in 2002 which was met with bemused looks even though he wrestled under the gimmick on the show. I think people were just surprised he had a fan.

I loved Planet Stasiak, too. There's always room in wrestling for a character like that. Edit: Well, there was before they took concussions seriously.


X-Factor's theme song is one of wrestling's greatest ever.


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I'll throw a couple in to start, the thing that inspired this thread for me was David Otunga's spinebuster. On the few occassions someone has deemed Otunga relevant enough to talk about, all I hear is how he can't execute a spinebuster properly. But I think his version of the move looks awesome, and seems relatively safe as they've allowed him to keep doing it for two years in an era where they seem to prioritise safety more than ever. Otunga folding guys up with the move was always a cool bit of the Nexus beatdowns in 2010.

I always thought the problem people had with Otunga's finisher was that about fifteen other WWE wrestlers were also using the same move as a finisher at the time. I think Otunga's just fucking brilliant all-round, I remember being impressed by him in a little tag or handicap match on Raw about a year ago. And he's got an ace character now as well.



That could well have been the complaint about it, that does ring a bell. I'm just sure I remembered someone like Wade Keller going loopy about how Otunga was doing the move wrong and it was killing the business or some such nonsense. The Otunga lawyer stuff is great, I'm sure that coffee cup he's got has gotten bigger and bigger over the course of the gimmick as well.

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I've always rated Otunga, even when he was stinking up Raw with McGillihennig. I remember people bitching about the move because he almost botched it when he debuted on NXT, but since then I've always thought he's been pretty solid in the ring. This lawyer gimmick and partnership with Big Johnny is one of the best things that could have happened to him really, he hasn't had much going for him in terms of character until now.

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Even though we all know it could have been miles better, I loved the Invasion angle.

I actually really like the Invasion PPV, it gets slated but I've got a real soft spot for it. As a teenager I popped like a crazy person when Stone Cold runs down the ramp and twats DDP.

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I've liked Otunga for a while. Since he was placed in the "fuck up" role in the Nexus. He's really natural in front of the camera. A really good actor by wrestling standards. If he manages to put all the other pieces together he could be a player.


Scotty Anton was quality. Legit one of my favourite things ECW ever did. Looked like a star. Great gimmick, that he played up to wonderfully, looking like the smuggest man in the world (making downed opponents do the clap was a nice touch). I'll never forget the very real disgust on the faces of the fans when he beat Raven, it was brilliant!


This is ratings Look at that face. How badly do you want to punch it? That's a heel!

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