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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Even thought Big E is big, he just doesn't look threatening. He has a bit of a pussyish face. Maybe he needs some facial hair. Also, rather than making him look like a beast, his thighs are so fucking big they look laughable and make him waddle like an idiot. Thumbs down from me.


Also, he looks loads better with knee pads on than without them.

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Kinda like Bobby Lashley? A big, hugely muscled beast, with a baby head superimposed onto his shoulders. I actually like his finisher, something different from a power slam/powerbomb/choke slam that ALL muscle guys seem to do. And the impact seems pretty good too.

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The next 4 Weeks worth of NXT taping results (from PWInsider.com)


Week 1

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- Daimen Sandow vs Baron Corbin

Sandow won with a straight-jacket side effect.


Backstage segment with Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas talking about their match tonight.


- Paige vs Bailey

Paige won with Page Turner.

Summer jumped Paige after the match.


Big E Langston was interviewed in the back. Sandow interrupted him to issue a formal challenge. Big E tricked him into a match problem ending with Sandow repeating 5 until Langston himself did as well.


- Briley Pierce vs Sakamoto

No Contest. Conor O'Brian ran down right after the start and destroyed them both.


- Camacho vs Kassius Ohno

Ohno won with his submission.

During the match, Ohno wrestled in the role of the face in peril and after the match, on the stage, he cut a promo apologizing to William Regal. He said that the past few months have all been like a blur, to the point where he doesn't even know who he is anymore. The Wyatt Family came out and Wyatt laid him out with the Sister Abigail on the stage.


NXT Tag Team Championship

- Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas vs The Wyatt Family

The Wyatt Family won the Tag Team Championship when Harper his a rolling lariat on Dallas. Dallas was pushed into Neville, knocking him off the apron. This allowed Rowan to hit a big boot and tag in Harper for the finish.



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Week 2

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- Natalya vs Summer Rae

Rae won with a rollup. Paige came out while Natalya was attempting a sharpshooter and Rae pushed Natalya into Paige before rolling her up for the victory.


- Bray Wyatt with The Wyatt Family vs Danny Burch

Wyatt won with Sister Abigail.

As they came out, Wyatt cut a promo about the fact that he was wearing a mask. He said Jericho shook him up last time, but now he will be the new face of fear. His face is a that of a monster, the eater of worlds and no matter what anyone does to him they can't stop him for he is already dead. Wyatt wrestled in the mask.


- Conor O'Brian vs Briley Pierce and Sakamoto

O'Brian won with a double flapjack.

After the match, Rick Victor stood on stage and had a stare down with O'Brian.


NXT Championship

- Big E Langston vs Damien Sandow

Langston won with The Big Ending.


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- Curt Hawkins vs Sami Zayn (El Generico)

Zayn won when he grabbed Hawkins in a wristlock, ran up the corner and came out of it with a spinning DDT.


- Antonio Cesaro vs Yoshi Tatsu

Cesaro won with Swiss Death followed by the Neutralizer in a fast squash. After the match, Cesaro cut a promo about how no one on any WWE show can give him competition. Sami Zayn came out to refute Cesaro's claim and challenge him to a match. Zayn ended the back and forth making fun of Cesaro by speaking Arabic and French to confuse him.


- Antonio Cesaro vs Sami Zayn

Zayn won by reversing a suplex into a rollup. Cesaro immediately jumped Zayn afterwards and laid him out with the Neutralizer.


- Enzo Amore vs Mason Ryan

Ryan won with a Torture Rack into a neckbreaker. Amore cut a promo introducing himself before the match. He has a jersey shore/big mouth guido style gimmick.


- Corey Graves vs Bray Wyatt

Wyatt won with Sister Abigail. Rowan distracted the ref and Harper attacked Graves while Wyatt was locked in the 13th Step, leading to the finish. After the match, Ohno ran down to fight off The Wyatt Family. Instead he was laid out by all three of them. Wyatt's mask continuously came off during the match.


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Week 4

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- Emma vs Audrey Marie

Emma won with Muta Lock.


- Scott Dawson and Garrett Dylan with Sylvester LeFort vs Jake Carter and Brandon Traven

Dawson and Dylan won with Spinbuster into Top Rope Legdrop/Double Ax Handle double team on Traven.


- The Wyatt Family vs Travis Tyler and Sawyer Fulton.

Wyatt Family won with Spinning Clothesline from Harper on Sawyer.


- Big E Langston vs Derrick Bateman

Langston won with The Big Ending.


- Battle Royal for the Number One Condership.

Participants: Conor O'Brian, Corey Graves, Bray Wyatt, Kassius Ohno, Adrian Neville, Bo Dallas, Mason Ryan, Sami Zayn, Curt Hawkins, Yoshi Tatsu, Aiden English, Briley Pierce, Sakamoto, Baron Corbin, Mojo Rawley, Dante Dash, Knuckles Madsen and Alexander Rusev.


Order of Elimination:

- Ryan single handedly eliminated everyone but Ohno, Neville, Dallas, O'Brien, Graves and Wyatt.

- Neville caught Ryan with a hurricana to reverse an elimination attempt and eliminate Ryan.

- Graves and Ohno double team eliminated O'Brien.

- Wyatt quickly ran up behind them and eliminated both.

- Neville eliminated Wyatt.

- Dallas won when he eliminated Neville by getting his knees up to counter the Corkscrew SSP and then tossing him out.

After the match Neville and Dallas hugged and Langston briefly confronted Dallas.


Post Taping:

Sandow came out in a suit for "The Damien Sandow Show". John Cena was his guest and they did a long comedy skit. Eventually, Cena brought out the Hudson River Crossing (Enzo Amore and Colin Casady) to antagonize Sandow. Amore went back and forth with Sandow for a while doing more comedy. The segment ended with Sandow going through his own table.


Afterwards, Ryback appeared on screen to rip on Cena. He announced that he would be the guest star for the next taping and be bringing the WWE Championship with him. Cena said he is gonna beat Ryback and that he promises the next time he comes to Full Sail he will indeed wrestle.


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I adore Bray but I do wonder where he'll fit in. Dean Ambrose is similarly psychotic but doesn't have a gimmick that ties his hands. I'd be interested to see where Wyatt goes once the gimmick runs dry. Him squashing fuckers is great. But seeing him do backflips to sell clothslines from Chris Jericho like he did on NXT doesn't suit him.


Look forward to Neville coming up. If he carries on like he has on NXT he'll get over instantly. Paige and AJ along with a Natalya push could even get me interested in the divas.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Paige and AJ along with a Natalya push could even get me interested in the divas.

They need about a handful of new women to shake up and freshen up the Divas division up a bit (when Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly and Eve left, they left a big gap in the division). Paige, Emma and Summer Rae (maybe have her tag with Fandango), joining Layla, Natalya, AJ and Kaitlyn sounds like the start of a watchable group.


On the topic of Bray Wyatt, should he be brought in alone or as part of a group?

Edited by DJM
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I adore Bray but I do wonder where he'll fit in. Dean Ambrose is similarly psychotic but doesn't have a gimmick that ties his hands. I'd be interested to see where Wyatt goes once the gimmick runs dry. Him squashing fuckers is great. But seeing him do backflips to sell clothslines from Chris Jericho like he did on NXT doesn't suit him.


Look forward to Neville coming up. If he carries on like he has on NXT he'll get over instantly. Paige and AJ along with a Natalya push could even get me interested in the divas.

I think his selling does, it's quite cactus jack to keep taking a beating and keep coming back.

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Solid set of matches this week, though the crowd were subdued at best.


Damien Sandow's opponent was never 275lbs despite being taller than Sandow.


I was intrigued by the angle before the main event, and the title change was definitely due.


There's definitely plenty of potential for the next few weeks (going spoiler free here, for the most part)

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On this week's show...


The feud between Summer Rae and Paige continued as Paige inadvertently helped Summer to defeat Natalya when her attempt to interfere backfired. I'm not sure why Paige was trying to interfere when Natalya was just about to win the match with the Sharpshooter though. That seemed like a bit of a fuck up.


Bray Wyatt came out wearing a white mask and an apron. He wrestled in the mask. I'm not against that idea (the promo explaining it was fine), but I thought the execution was poor, he looked like a shit Abyss knock-off from your local tin pot indy fed. He squashed Danny Burch (UK's Martin Stone), who was making his NXT debut. Burch looks in good shape, but got nothing in at all here.


Sami Zayn (El Generico) was another making his first NXT appearance this week. He appeared in a back stage promo talking about his debut next week, where he will face Curt Hawkins. The look that Zayn appears to be going for would best be described as West Country Farmer Chic.


Bo Dallas appears to be turning heel on Adrian Neville. Works for me, he hasn't been likeable as the plucky babyface, his face just looks way too punchable.


With a name like Connor O'Brien, you'd half expect some sort of talk show host gimmick, but the guy is being booked as a real monster heel. This week he took out Sakamoto and Briley Pearce (Dolph's brother) in a handicap squash. Both jobbers have since been released. After the match Rick Victor appeared on the stage sporting a similar look to Connor O'Brien, wearing blackout contact lenses and Steampunk goggles round his neck. I have to admit that the visual was tremendous, it looks like a really strong, creepy look for him. He looked to be appreciating O'Brien's victory, so it would appear that they may be about to pair these guys up.


Damien Sandow challenged Big E for the NXT title in the main. The champ prevailed. It is strange that he's continued to be booked as a face in NXT so long after appearing on the main roster as a heel. He's over with the fans at Full Sail though.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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I love Bray, but he definitely needs to sort something out and find something that works for his ring gear. His general get-up is fine for everything else, but he desperately needs something for when he's in action between the ropes.


On Big E, I don't think we'll be that far away from a face turn on the main roster rather than him appearing as heel with NXT.

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Bray was wearing the mask due to a broken nose I believe. I don't think it's a regular part of his act (or at least hope not).


Sami Zayn seemed to make a good first impression (as far as turning up and saying a few words goes), Bo Dallas showed 'smiley git' heel potential, the fella shown at the end of Conor O Brian's match looked creepy. I think it's a shame that, out of all the NXT wrestlers getting WWE live event experience, O'Brian hasn't yet. I figured his look, size and gimmick WWE would want to check him out.


Summer Rae continues to show her brilliance and her match with Natalya was actually pretty good in my opinion.


Am wondering whether, with Anya and Audrey Marie getting the boot and the NXT Divas title tournament starting soon we'll see Rebecca Knox on our screens shortly.


Here's hoping for a Paige/Knox final.

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