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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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He got about as far as he could, anyway. He had little connection with crowds and was such an awkward personality (and talker) that it made it difficult to back him. I'd like to see him come back though, simply because he hasn't been in the repeat cycle for the last three years. Never seen him vs Cesaro, Sandow, Barrett (well, not since Barrett's been good anyway), Rusev, Wyatt etc.

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Just reading this list of toughest wrestlers of all time BNB is on the list and it goes into his bare knuckle boxing days. Now its says he had a 12 inch scar on his right arm from being attacked with a knife after a fight. But im sure the scar on his arm is from when he broke it on RAW. Has the writer got this wrong http://www.thesportster.com/wrestling/top-15-legitimately-toughest-wrestlers-of-all-time/?view=all

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Im enjoying him in underground.


I need to change the record like


Not at all, he is a key player in a breath of fresh air promotion. The way angles have been done (as has been said), are working tremendously well for him. It's great to see.


Just reading this list of toughest wrestlers of all time BNB is on the list and it goes into his bare knuckle boxing days. Now its says he had a 12 inch scar on his right arm from being attacked with a knife after a fight. But im sure the scar on his arm is from when he broke it on RAW. Has the writer got this wrong http://www.thesportster.com/wrestling/top-15-legitimately-toughest-wrestlers-of-all-time/?view=all



I don't see Bad News Brown anywhere on that list.

Edited by Powerful_Fox
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If it wasn't for RUSSELLMADNESS this'd be the best news of the week, no, month.


From Lance Russell's FB




"Good Morning, this is one of those special days that really got started yesterday, when "The King" gave me an unexpected call and asked, "How'd you like to come back home this weekend to enjoy seeing lots of old friends, some great basketball and best of all, a bit of that special "Memphis Wrestling?"
I'm excited to announce that Dave Brown and I will be participating in "Memphis Wrestling Night", at the Grizzlies game, Saturday Jan. 31st at the FedEx Forum. We will be rooting for the Grizzlies when they take on the OK Thunder.
At halftime, Dave and I will be ringside, calling the action in a match that Jerry Lawler will be participating in. Rumor has it, that "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair will be making an appearance."


What is it about the name "Russell" and greatness?

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