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Richie Freebird

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I have to agree with the consensus here. The WWE were right to let Hero/Ohno go. He was given a tremendous opportunity, but he is in a class of tremendous talents who embraced the opportunity given to them and he didn't. Given that he was working full time in the best, most well equipped training facility ever put together for professional wrestlers, and still couldn't get himself into good shape, what chance would he have if he was touring four or five days a week with the main roster? It was just not going to work out.

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Or he's gotten into developmental, realised his face doesn't fit and decided to coast it as long as he could, as he was getting a regular pay cheque with minimal travel compared to his career before it. Two years when you aren't putting effort in is a good run.

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Chris Hero was a pretty big name on the indies. He'd have earned far more money on the indy scene, both internationally and domestically if he'd have stayed put and not made the jump. There's not much money in WWE if you aren't on PPV, on the road or dont have merch on the shelves. They aren't a charity. Colt Cabana wasn't making anything in WWE developmental either. You have to be working to make your money.


Now his career is at an interesting crossroad. He's 34 and the goal for most is to make it to WWE. And they wont be taking him back, after all the time they put into him. Where does he go now? Nigel McGuinness ran into the same problem. Do you batter yourself for half decent to eventually shit money on the indy scene until you are 55 or get out? McGuinness said it perfectly. It really tests your love for wrestling when you know you arent making it to the big leagues. Working leisure centres and school dinner halls when you are trying to make it is charming and gives you a sense you are paying your dues. Its a different story when you know WWE isn't coming calling anytime soon.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Everyone goes in eyes open to getting an opportunity rather than a guarantee.


Surely worth the punt if you consider how much guys like Punk and Bryan have made in the last couple of years.

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While we're posting amazing reactions, here's one from Facebook:


I hear the news about Kassius Ohno AKA Chris Hero being released by WWE

To Me I not happy one bit about it Chris is a amazing wrestler and i would said he in my top 10 best wrestler in WWE right now

Paul Levesque(Triple H) and Stephanie McMahon you two don't we've run a wrestling business it bothjust do me and every wrestling fan a big F**KING spar GET SOMEONE WHO CAN RUN A WRESTLING PROMOTION Like Mike Quackenbush, Jim Cornette or Cary Silkin(Former Ring of Honor Owner)


In a company where pretty much the entire roster can pull out a cracking athletic match when given sufficient space and time, there is no room for Chris Hero. The guy has nothing about that Punk, Bryan, Cesaro, Rollins or Ambrose don't have. There's no way they could put a belt on the guy, as he would be the worst looking champion of all time. I really cannot see how WWE would have used him. Working gutbusters with Punk is fine if you're a main eventer, but put the guy in with Fandango, Khali or Tons of Funk and it would be a disaster.


I imagine he'll release a shoot greeting about how he was held down because the writers didn't stick him in a program with Punk from the off, and how WWE doesn't appreciate what "real wrestling" is.

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"Put him in a tag team with Claudio Castognoli (Cesaro) again!"


That was the most common theory in terms of how he could be used. That drums been beaten so many times already, I expect it'll be trotted out again in the aftermath of this news, if it hasn't already.

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I said "haven't seen much". I saw a couple of his squashes when he debuted on NXT, and that match with Regal, which was better than anything Swagger's done in 5 years on the roster. It was more an anti-Swagger comment than pro-Hero. I liked Cesaro in singles, I feel like the team with Swagger drags him down.

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Haven't seen much of his NXT work - have been verrrrry slowly making my way through the backlog. The very little I saw of him early on, I thought he could do OK, provided he actually made good on what his potential supposedly promised.


That said, if he still looks now the same way he did back then, i.e. like a condom filled with porridge, it's not surprising WWE sacked him.


I met him once at FWA - seemed OK, a bit full of himself though.

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I liked Cesaro in singles, I feel like the team with Swagger drags him down.

Cesaro was dull as dishwater as a singles competitor, though. Nobody cared about him at all. This tag team is turning into a vehicle to get him over, and it's starting to work well. Dragging him down is the opposite of what he's doing- there is more interest in him than ever during his WWE career since he started tagging. Although Swagger isn't outstanding, he doesn't need to be- he just needs to be competent. Cesaro is providing the in-ring entertainment and Zeb the promos. This is arguably saving Cesaro's carer. Imagine if they'd stuck him in a tag with the flabby-chested, muffin-topped Ohno instead?

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Ohno vs Regal is one of the best matches I've seen all year. He was excellent selling the pounding his finger had taken, 'popping' it back and that. Apart from that I can't say he's stood out to me on NXT and it's not the sort of match he'll ever get on Raw. He had a match with Harper this week which I'll give a look. Harpers been looking good.

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Ohno vs Regal is one of the best matches I've seen all year. He was excellent selling the pounding his finger had taken, 'popping' it back and that. Apart from that I can't say he's stood out to me on NXT and it's not the sort of match he'll ever get on Raw. He had a match with Harper this week which I'll give a look. Harpers been looking good.


I haven't seen the match and this is pretty sweeping of me, but in what context would working your opponents finger play any important part in a match? Work a useful body part like a leg or something.

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Ohno vs Regal is one of the best matches I've seen all year. He was excellent selling the pounding his finger had taken, 'popping' it back and that. Apart from that I can't say he's stood out to me on NXT and it's not the sort of match he'll ever get on Raw. He had a match with Harper this week which I'll give a look. Harpers been looking good.


I haven't seen the match and this is pretty sweeping of me, but in what context would working your opponents finger play any important part in a match? Work a useful body part like a leg or something.


Fingers / hands have been worked on for decades in wrestling with some great results, nothing wrong with that at all. I wouldn't fancy being in a fight with messed up fingers, would you? Sure it could be harder to work with a gammy leg or neck, but in the grand scheme of things I don't think it matters - it's their story they wanted to tell.

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Ohno vs Regal is one of the best matches I've seen all year. He was excellent selling the pounding his finger had taken, 'popping' it back and that. Apart from that I can't say he's stood out to me on NXT and it's not the sort of match he'll ever get on Raw. He had a match with Harper this week which I'll give a look. Harpers been looking good.


I haven't seen the match and this is pretty sweeping of me, but in what context would working your opponents finger play any important part in a match? Work a useful body part like a leg or something.


If you have a broken or dislocated finger you can't make a fist or throw a punch properly (without causing agony for yourself) and you'd also have trouble with your grip, which could effect anything from submission attempts, to picking a bloke up, to applying a basic headlock. Plus broken fingers hurt like fuck, so all you'd have to do is kick him in his hand if he started making a comeback and he'd be straight back to being in huge pain again.

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