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Richie Freebird

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Does make one of your top babyfaces look a bit bad when he only gets a shot in while the bloke's being restrained, not much else Orton could do though I suppose


Looked like a plant in the shaky video I saw, security were very slow getting in there plus the lad looked big enough to be a developmental wrestler so maybe its a new way of debuting someone, it has got attention on TMZ after all


Or maybe Doug Dillinger's running the security for the tour

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I guess Orton had to, being a pro he's not going to no-sell it (and from the video it does look like a worked nutshot) as it could well have been Langston going off page for all he knew.


Maybe it was just a SA indy worker getting his 15 seconds of fame, someone on a dirtsheet comments section speculated that it could be NXT guy Leo Kruger debuting, but from the looks of the video the hair is too short (again, not that he couldn't have either been wearing a wig or had a haircut). I'm going to call work, since it's on the WWE site now and looked like a worked shot.

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Since when do they cut entrance music for a fan run in?


Never I don't think, must be a work they have uploaded the footage to their actual account now, no ever time has a fan run in been published or advertised to my knowledge


don't remember the fan run in at the MEN years back being written like that

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Fan who hit Orton explains motives




The fan who attacked Randy Orton yesterday at a wrestling show in Capetown, South Africa was identified as 20-year-old Tshepo Sekhabi.


Sekhabi, who called himself, "Jozi, the wrestling machine," was from Johannesburg, where he had quit his job in order to attend yesterday's show, and attacked Orton with the hope it would lead to him becoming a big wrestling star.


Instead, he got a black eye, has been banned from the Grand West Casino in Capetown, where the show took place, and may have charges filed against him according to an article on the www.enca.com web site in South Africa.


The WWE has claimed that Orton is considering pressing charges for the attack which left him with a sore groin from an uppercut between the legs. Orton wasn't seriously injured and worked with Wade Barrett on the recently completed show today.


Sekhabi, who trains as a kickboxer, admitted quitting his job as an administrative clerk this week, admitted the attack was premeditated.


"I just don't like Randy Orton," he said. "This was an opporutnity for me, so I got up there and made a name for myself."



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Randy's punt left him with a black eye. I know that people are down on wrestlers hitting fans in the modern age, but I think that's fantastic.

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