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Richie Freebird

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No it's true, he wrestles by the name of Taishi Takizawa and is part of KAIENTAI-DOJO. In fact he was Zack Sabre Jnr's last minute replacement partner in the 2011 NTV G+ Junior Heavyweight Tag League when Taiji Ishimori got injured the week before the league started.


Takizawa was the current K-DOJO Strongest K Champion and as a result of his arrest has been stripped of the belt and indefinitely suspended from all future shows.


Shame as he is really talented.


In other minor news from Japan, also featuring Zack Sabre Jnr, on the last day of this years NTV G+ Junior Heavyweight Tag League Zack and Yoshinari Ogawa will be facing Jushin Thunder Liger and Tiger Mask IV in what looks likely to be the deciding match of their block in Korakeun Hall. There are two blocks, the winning team of each block will face off against each other for the vacant GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title's.


While I'd like to see Zack and Ogawa win the block it's more likely to be Liger/Tiger. Although what a match to happen in Korakuen Hall!

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Sting hasn't been seen by the mainstream for yonks.


Well, yeah, if by mainstream you mean 'WWE'. Whether you watch TNA or not, appearing on national cable for the past 8 years is hardly backyard stuff.


And yet when they were in TNA, people would come up to Booker T, Kevin Nash, Rob Van Dam (and no doubt it happens to Jeff Hardy, Sting and Hulk Hogan) all the time and say "are you ever gonna come back to wrestling?" People don't know TNA exists. As far as anyone normal is concerned, Sting's been in hiding for thirteen years.

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And yet when they were in TNA, people would come up to Booker T, Kevin Nash, Rob Van Dam (and no doubt it happens to Jeff Hardy, Sting and Hulk Hogan) all the time and say "are you ever gonna come back to wrestling?" People don't know TNA exists. As far as anyone normal is concerned, Sting's been in hiding for thirteen years.

Thats the thing isn't it? People are talking about Sting vs Undertaker like its these two dark forces colliding in a battle of the mysterious characters. Sting hasn't been this silent crow type character since 1998. Sting's been goofy surfer Sting in a t-shirt and white paint more often than not. Even in 99 he was wearing a t-shirt and a mid life crises pair of leather trousers. When people think of Sting, they are thinking of 1997, baseball bat, long leather coat Stinger.


There's more here from todays Observer on the reasons why Sting wants out of TNA. Its a schedule and reality setting in type thing:

Sting has sent feelers through intermediaries to WWE for next year, when his contract expires. There really hasn’t been any serious talk between the sides in years, but that interview Sting did recently, plus there really is the feeling within TNA that it’s going nowhere, because every golden carrot (the last ones being cutting back on PPV and doing television from arenas) has pretty much been exhausted. There used to be a feeling of guys that they can be on top in TNA based on tenure there whereas you never know what WWE will do with them, based on people who have gone. But people saying if they have a chance to leave when their contract ends that they are as good as gone is something more than a few are saying outright. Sting is a different situation than any. There are no false illusions. Sting isn’t going on the road. He’ll be 55 when WrestleMania comes next year. There was the concern he’d go there and not be used right, but at this stage, if he comes in, it’ll be big the first time and I don’t think there’s any illusion it’s one or a few shots and that’s all. At this stage in his life, time for him to ever make the move is running out, plus who knows how many more Manias Undertaker, which is the obvious opponent, has left. I don’t know that Sting leaving would be a big blow at this point to TNA, because I think they’re at the level they are no matter what.
Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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got a link from facebook to this picture. I then watched all 8 clips of sunday night heats best moment. but it doesn't have any clip that relates to the picture of triple h, roaddogg and x-pac.


I never seen that picture before it looks to me like triple h is being helped out of the lions den cage? anyone know anymore?




my fault I just clicked on watch all clips when I should have clicked next. two pages on it tells you boss man took on triple h in the lions den. learn something new every day I though it was always a shamrock match

Edited by children of bodom
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got a link from facebook to this picture. I then watched all 8 clips of sunday night heats best moment. but it doesn't have any clip that relates to the picture of triple h, roaddogg and x-pac.


I never seen that picture before it looks to me like triple h is being helped out of the lions den cage? anyone know anymore?




my fault I just clicked on watch all clips when I should have clicked next. two pages on it tells you boss man took on triple h in the lions den. learn something new every day I though it was always a shamrock match



Didn't Bossman/HHH take place on a show when the Union was in charge and Shamrock booked it?

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got a link from facebook to this picture. I then watched all 8 clips of sunday night heats best moment. but it doesn't have any clip that relates to the picture of triple h, roaddogg and x-pac.


I never seen that picture before it looks to me like triple h is being helped out of the lions den cage? anyone know anymore?




my fault I just clicked on watch all clips when I should have clicked next. two pages on it tells you boss man took on triple h in the lions den. learn something new every day I though it was always a shamrock match



Didn't Bossman/HHH take place on a show when the Union was in charge and Shamrock booked it?


That episode you're thinking of was the one where Stone Cold was in charge and gave each of the Union the match of their choice, but it was Vince McMahon that Shamrock chose, but Shamrock was attacked by Jarrett on the way to the Den and Vince was declared the winner. I really enjoyed that angle when I saw it recently.

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got a link from facebook to this picture. I then watched all 8 clips of sunday night heats best moment. but it doesn't have any clip that relates to the picture of triple h, roaddogg and x-pac.


I never seen that picture before it looks to me like triple h is being helped out of the lions den cage? anyone know anymore?




my fault I just clicked on watch all clips when I should have clicked next. two pages on it tells you boss man took on triple h in the lions den. learn something new every day I though it was always a shamrock match



Didn't Bossman/HHH take place on a show when the Union was in charge and Shamrock booked it?


That episode you're thinking of was the one where Stone Cold was in charge and gave each of the Union the match of their choice, but it was Vince McMahon that Shamrock chose, but Shamrock was attacked by Jarrett on the way to the Den and Vince was declared the winner. I really enjoyed that angle when I saw it recently.


Ah ok, what was the story behind the HHH match then, or was it just Russo being gimmick-crazy?

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Ah ok, what was the story behind the HHH match then, or was it just Russo being gimmick-crazy?


The cage was present for a (logical) Owen Hart v Steve Blackman Lions Den match with Dan Severn as guest referee. So they used it for the show-closing angle.


Vince McMahon gives instructions to Big Bossman backstage to beat down Triple H.


Big Bossman gets in the Lion's Den with Tony Chimel and makes him announce Triple H. Triple H arrives in the Lion's Den, they brawl for a bit, but Shane McMahon leaves the announcer's table and makes it two on one as they beat down Triple H with Bossman's nightstick. D-Generation X tries to make the save but they are met by the Corporation. They brawl until the show ends.

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