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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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WWE can fuck off if they think I'm watching 5 hours of anything. I honestly don't know how people were able to sit though stuff like that 10 or whatever it was hour women's wrestling show in Japan.

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So hold up... is WrestleMania 4 hours + an hour pre-show? Or 3 hours + an hour pre-show?


Also, what's the other song accompanying 'Maina this year besides 'I'm coming home'? It's been playing over the match graphics mainly. Have we not got Up Chucks or Slick Dicks tremendous WrestleMania Hype thread this year?


The song in question is Bones by Young Guns.

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Don't watch the current product (cause it's pish) but flicked RAW on this morning on Sky... Holy fuck! Is the crowd always so dead!? Even HHH couldn't get a peep out of the crowd, and his promo was pretty solid. You could hear a pin drop in the matches. Is it always as dead these days?


Makes you appreciate how much the crowd play in the spectacle... Also makes me appreciate the nWo, Austin, Rock etc era when the crowds were fuckin awesome.

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How can you know the current product is pish if you don't watch it?

Because I watched it this morning and had my stance vindicated. It was fuckin crap.

So you've judged the whole product on a bit you watched this morning? Your stance would have more validation if you watched more than Bottom Line.


Because there's no ATTITUDE!~

Reminds me of those infuriating Facebook pages that generally consist of mongs saying "Cena only knows 5 MOVEZ. He's shit. Bring back the Attitude Era!"

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Plus his main point, which was about crowds being utterly wank, was absolutely valid. It's depressing how quiet live audiences are these days and it really does hurt the product. There is something so infectious about seeing a crowd going batshit, a great atmosphere translates to a far more entertaining TV show.

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