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Richie Freebird

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The reason why Z! True Long Island Story ended last week and WWE Download (hosted by Ziggler) ended this week is because WWE's 1-year contract with Youtube is up, according to Ziggler.


Not good news for those here wanting rid of Ryder. I just hope WWE keep 'Are You Serious?' going, either on Youtube or WWE.com.

What? why do they need a contract with youtube to upload these videos? :s

They had a contract to produce exclusive content for YouTube and YouTube was paying them for the content.

Edited by pgi86
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I haven't watched Are You Serious for months. Always seemed like a one punchline show. Road Dogg will pretend he actually remembers anything from the last 20 years and Josh Matthews will come across bitter that he was never good enough to be as shit as Kwang.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Nah, it's a five minute show each week, where it seems like they're both having a laugh and get to run through clips. Nothing more. Sometimes there will be footage I've never come across too. Compared to most of WWE's output which feels quite a bit forced or scripted, they've gotten to know each other and have a nice bit of back and forth, now even giving up and bursting out laughing. Some bits you can tell are scripted and less off-the-cuff, but for a YouTube show, it's just what you need.

Edited by dharmabear
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Not really sure if you'd class this as news but just seen this on Kory Chavis' Facebook and it made me laugh:


Last night, a wrestler called the COps on another wrestler for punching him DURING A MATCH!!!! Worst can't express how pussified that is. I've seen a lot in my 14 years, but that takes the pansy cake!!!!

This is the match it happens at 3.59 min in


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Not really sure if you'd class this as news but just seen this on Kory Chavis' Facebook and it made me laugh:


Last night, a wrestler called the COps on another wrestler for punching him DURING A MATCH!!!! Worst can't express how pussified that is. I've seen a lot in my 14 years, but that takes the pansy cake!!!!

This is the match it happens at 3.59 min in



That's hilarious. The big dude in the overalls is clearly waiting for the other bloke to push up onto all fours so he can do the old Mountie-style ass-jab into the lower back, and when he doesn't get into position he just does a Mabel on his lower back.

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I liked Are You Serious when it first started. I probably stopped watching around the 20 episode mark for no reason in particular. I no doubt will be bored one day and work through them. Puppet HHH was shit though. Really shit. And it started eating up a lot of time if I remember rightly.

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Not really sure if you'd class this as news but just seen this on Kory Chavis' Facebook and it made me laugh:


Last night, a wrestler called the COps on another wrestler for punching him DURING A MATCH!!!! Worst can't express how pussified that is. I've seen a lot in my 14 years, but that takes the pansy cake!!!!


Saw the clip. Don't care if you think I'm being soft, but that is clear and simple assault and the guy deserved to have the police called on him.


Did it lead to any kind of charge?

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Not really sure if you'd class this as news but just seen this on Kory Chavis' Facebook and it made me laugh:


Last night, a wrestler called the COps on another wrestler for punching him DURING A MATCH!!!! Worst can't express how pussified that is. I've seen a lot in my 14 years, but that takes the pansy cake!!!!


Saw the clip. Don't care if you think I'm being soft, but that is clear and simple assault and the guy deserved to have the police called on him.


Did it lead to any kind of charge?


I know Kayfabe is good and dead, but this hardly helps the image does it! In fairness, the guy throwing the punch should have recieved a kicking when he got back stage anyway.

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Not really sure if you'd class this as news but just seen this on Kory Chavis' Facebook and it made me laugh:


Last night, a wrestler called the COps on another wrestler for punching him DURING A MATCH!!!! Worst can't express how pussified that is. I've seen a lot in my 14 years, but that takes the pansy cake!!!!


Saw the clip. Don't care if you think I'm being soft, but that is clear and simple assault and the guy deserved to have the police called on him.


Did it lead to any kind of charge?


Are you fucking serious? He lamps him, yeah and it's probably unjustified but, call the cops? That's ridiculous and embarrassing, i've seen a great deal worse than that. If he took issue with it he should have it out with him after the match or at the very worst do it with the promoter there too and make it clear to all he's unprofessional. He's only made himself much less desirable to be booked if he's actually called the pigs.

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Not really sure if you'd class this as news but just seen this on Kory Chavis' Facebook and it made me laugh:


Last night, a wrestler called the COps on another wrestler for punching him DURING A MATCH!!!! Worst can't express how pussified that is. I've seen a lot in my 14 years, but that takes the pansy cake!!!!


Saw the clip. Don't care if you think I'm being soft, but that is clear and simple assault and the guy deserved to have the police called on him.


Did it lead to any kind of charge?


Are you fucking serious? He lamps him, yeah and it's probably unjustified but, call the cops? That's ridiculous and embarrassing, i've seen a great deal worse than that. If he took issue with it he should have it out with him after the match or at the very worst do it with the promoter there too and make it clear to all he's unprofessional. He's only made himself much less desirable to be booked if he's actually called the pigs.


Yep I am. Not what I would of done nessesarily, but he had a right to yes. I will admit however that it certainly dosen't help him that he took the punch, and then continued to wrestle the match.


Also we don't know what happened backstage, that would massively change my view point of the situation. E.g. If the puncher apologised and then had the cops called, I would be less sympathetic. If however the puncher bragged about it backstage then I think calling the police is justified.


As someone who has wrestled (a little) and refereed (a lot), if somebody in the ring decided in their utmost arrogance that they had a right to ligitimately strike me, I would certainly of considered calling the police (depending on the circumstances).


Sadly I've been involved with some very sad individuals within wrestling and could very easily of seen one of them try something with me. Thankfully I was in a position to avoid any in-ring issues, but if said individual broke that trust and actually hit me, I might of done the same.


Personally I find it rediculous that some people (not nessesarily on here) are saying "how unprofessional... he should of just punched him back." Wrestling is about trust, if you want to prove yourself to be a "real fighter" go be a MMA competitor and do it for real, not a wrestler who isn't expected to get blindsided.

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Originally wrestling was about not exposing the business, not trust. I doubt anyone trusted Billy Robinson or Lou Thesz. These men could tie you up in knots. You know what you are getting into when you are getting into it. That's why I wouldn't get into it. I haven't got it in me. But if I was was a big bearded fucker like him, I wouldn't be phoning the police. That's his career over now. He's now going to be known as "The Bearded Pussy".


I bet if you asked every wrestler in WWE, TNA and New Japan what you would have done in his situation, even the commentators would have said hid behind the curtain with something in hand ready to smack him. Anything other than calling the police on the grounds of "he hit me for real. I wanted to be hit pretend".

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Personally I find it rediculous that some people (not nessesarily on here) are saying "how unprofessional... he should of just punched him back." Wrestling is about trust, if you want to prove yourself to be a "real fighter" go be a MMA competitor and do it for real, not a wrestler who isn't expected to get blindsided.


Of course wrestling is about trust but if you're getting into it you know full well the risk you're putting yourself up for and have to be prepared for the fact you may actually get smacked or something may go wrong, to think otherwise is utter madness. It's not about being a 'real fighter' at all. You asked if it led to any kind of charge, how on earth can you look at that and think it might. If it did it's absurd.

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What has wrestling come to? Years ago, the trainers or 'locker room leaders' would weed out the weak who couldn't take a beating or two. Wrestling, for all intents and purposes, is a contact 'sport'. I'm sure every wrestler has taken a stiff shot at least once. Whether it was intentional or not, calling the fuzz just takes the biscuit and makes the whole thing laughable.


As has been pointed out, take the matter backstage and if there was any wrong doing, sort it out like men. If you get hit for real, either give out a receipt, or show abit of professionalism and take it up after the show.

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