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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Yeah he's just never doing a mobile version unfortunately, he just doesn't know how. If people have only played the older versions of the game though, 2013 is a lot easier to book. You can book more on the fly if you like you would in EWR. The UI is much better refined.


With that said, I still miss the match write ups and breakdown of crowd response etc on EWR. I get so bored on TEW with spending time putting together a segment or match and all you really produce at the end of it is a bland bit of text and a contextless B- segment grade.


Give me an estimate of crowd volume, a quarter hour TV rating, better Road agent notes, something.

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I'm glad this came up because I was toying with buying TEW 2013 the other day.


Not that in entirely sure why. These games really feel more like a habit than anything. You never get much of a feel of accomplishment somehow.

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I have spent many hours on this game so im more than happy to get stuck into a newer version.

It needs some modifications and with some changes it could be something so good.

Alot of us on here like to fantasy book and with this game we can build upon it.


oh well we will soon find out i guess

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I never understood the appeal of the TNM7 games. Were they games? Or did they just generate match text for e-feds?


Yeah, but I always found them fun keeping track of the circuits I had. Remember this came out in 1997, it was all we had really. TNM hasn't really been updated since then (that I know about).

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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The beauty of TNM7 was leaving your (non-squash) matches to random result, and booking around that. Also letting the computer pick your surprise guests and the chaos that would bring.

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