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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Ziggler has just tweeted about it 'being the time of year he gets to meet the people coming in for Wrestlemania #fanatheart'.


I can't work out if he's being scathing or not.


Either way, I wonder if he means a Snooki-type celebrity or an old timer. Either way, if he is being scathing, then I hope for his sake he means the former.

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Sounds to me like he's being a little bit of a prick there. I don't know what's planned for Raw tonight, but Triple H and Lesnar may well feature and an Undertaker appearance doesn't seem such a long shot since his house show appearance the other night, so my guess is that he's referring to those guys.

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The 'fanatheart' thing covers his back, I think.


When there was the reported brouhaha the year before last (and, less so, last year) because of The Rocks (and Snooki's) role, Zigglers name was always mentioned as one of the dissenting voices.


Because, lets face it, if he's talking about the old hands, he'll have met them a thousand times. He's clearly making a point about somebody.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I really loved two he cut after he was voted off NXT. One was when he initially started "shooting" on Cole and basically went over and pie-faced him, eventually kicking him on the ground.


The next was where he was meant to apologise to Cole but attacked him again when Cole slaps him. The crowd gets right into it with security pulling him away. He then gets confronted by Miz on the ramp, and snaps on him which gets a HUGE reaction from the crowd.


I would love to hear more about what went down when he choked Justin Roberts, how he was dealt with and such.

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Do you not remember? It was the night the Nexus formed. Look it up on YouTube, one of the best wrestling moments in years. WWE fired him because of the choking, in case they upset sponsors such as Mattel. Choking like that is apparently a no-no after the Benoit incident. Of course, WWE brought back Bryan as a surprise opponent for the team taking on Nexus in the main event at SummerSlam. It was always going to be a 'just stay of telly while this blows over' kind of deal.

Edited by PunkStep
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Yeah I understand why it happened and all that; but it would be cool to hear from Bryan about who approached him and what they said, whether they knew in advance they would bring him back and anything else funny from that time. It was a unique place to be in after all, having worked so hard to get to that point and then being back on the indies (which he had only recently said goodbye to) but still in contact with WWE.

Edited by Joey Joe Joe Jr
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Anyone catch the Sin Cara match on Superstars this weekend? The Finisher was awesome.

For anyone who want to see the match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jbpbjvImJU


Amazing Red does the move better. There's a funny video somewhere online where he does the move to Consequences Creed and he vomits during the move. I also remember Red doing the move to Kurt Angle. Great move.

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