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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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All these injuries make burying Cody like the worst idea this year.


Am I the only one sick of people being thought of as being "buried" just because they've lost a few matches or one particularly high profile match? It's probably the most misused term in all of wrestling forums after "jobbing".


Up until the last pay per view, Cody had been Intercontinental champion for eight of the previous nine months. Since losing it, he's maintained a presence on television and is embroiled in a feud with the new champion. He's had a slight setback, he hasn't been "buried" at all.


Since losing the title at Mania, on TV/PPV Cody has lost 10 matches and only won 2. The 2 were Big Show stepping himself through a table and one against Tyson Kidd... That looks like he has been buried to me.

Edited by Swift89
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It's never as black and white as "he's lost x number of matches, he's been buried" though. They're still treating him like a threat to Christian, and Cody's been given sufficient mic time to cut great promos about Christian and the IC title. He's looked competitive in the matches as well, it's not like he's being squashed on Superstars by Ryback in 45 seconds.


By your logic, pretty much everyone on the roster had been "buried" at some point or another.

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Looks like things have gone tits up for the roster.


Only logical opponent would be Wade Barrett to extend the feud they were in a few months ago, what's the situation on him? I'm sure some smart arse who reads the news sites regularly will know.


Why don't you tweet your good friend CM Punk and see if he knows?

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Since losing the title at Mania, on TV/PPV Cody has lost 10 matches and only won 2. The 2 were Big Show stepping himself through a table and one against Tyson Kidd... That looks like he has been buried to me.


I stand corrected. If he's lost that many matches, he's definitely been buried. With that kind of record he should be wrestling Tatsu in NXT main events, not wasting his time with Christian. Fucking jobber.


By the same logic, the most-pushed wrestler in the WWF for the whole of 1992 and 1993 was Tatanka, rather than Hogan, Macho Man, Bret Hart or Lex Luger.

Edited by air_raid
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The whole 'buried' thing really grates me. Folk on here used to vehemently claim that Punk was being buried just after the whole ECW thing collapsed on its arse. It goes in cycles, you can't have a guy like Cody Rhodes win every week or else, he'd be a shoe in for World title shots. He has to lose to make sure he doesn't seem to be heading in that direction before he's ready or they plan to.


I also remember during the whole Chavo/Hornswoggle deal that Chavo was being trashed for having to job out week in, week out. He was on TV on a near weekly basis, which is better than a lot of people already on the roster were getting. Same today. Cody Rhodes could be losing to Hornswoggle every show, but he'd still be far better off than a JTG or a Yoshi Tatsu

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The whole 'buried' thing really grates me. Folk on here used to vehemently claim that Punk was being buried just after the whole ECW thing collapsed on its arse. It goes in cycles, you can't have a guy like Cody Rhodes win every week or else, he'd be a shoe in for World title shots. He has to lose to make sure he doesn't seem to be heading in that direction before he's ready or they plan to.


But surely when you are champion, Cody Rhodes should be beating the likes of Kofi Kingston and Santino Marella rather than losing to them?

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If you aren't over, winning means fuck all anyway. Crimson hasn't lost and he isn't over. Ryback wins all the time and people see through his act by yelling "Goldberg" at him. You have to show your arse if you're going to be taken as a character people can believe in. You always have to have a bit of doubt that someone lose. That's what was good about Honky Tonk as IC champion. He'd win a lot, but you would always have that thought that the babyface could pull off given the right opportunity.


That's why I think Ryback's in an odd position. Once he shows a vulnerable side, the Dillkids of this world is going to think he's not as cool anymore. You can't stay an unstoppable monster forever.

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Looks like things have gone tits up for the roster.


Only logical opponent would be Wade Barrett to extend the feud they were in a few months ago, what's the situation on him? I'm sure some smart arse who reads the news sites regularly will know.


Why don't you tweet your good friend CM Punk and see if he knows?


What a brilliant idea!

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I'd replace Del Rio with Miz. He's got world title credentials, he hasn't fought Sheamus a million times this month like Ziggler has, and he's doing fuck all else on Raw. If Del Rio's out, then an episode of Raw and an episode of Smackdown is enough for Miz to get people into that match at least as much as they're into Sheamus-Del Rio anyway.

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The whole 'buried' thing really grates me. Folk on here used to vehemently claim that Punk was being buried just after the whole ECW thing collapsed on its arse. It goes in cycles, you can't have a guy like Cody Rhodes win every week or else, he'd be a shoe in for World title shots. He has to lose to make sure he doesn't seem to be heading in that direction before he's ready or they plan to.


But surely when you are champion, Cody Rhodes should be beating the likes of Kofi Kingston and Santino Marella rather than losing to them?


Yes but heels should lose more than they win, in my book. Unless it was a title defense, or they cheat...but that's purely my opinion. I think babyfaces should lose more than they win, unless its the feud ender.


If he lost to Santino 10 times on the spin, yes you COULD have an argument, but he's been the best booked mid carder on Smackdown for the entire year. Regardless of who he loses to. Its still not a burial by any stretch.

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Yes but heels should lose more than they win, in my book. Unless it was a title defense, or they cheat...but that's purely my opinion. I think babyfaces should lose more than they win, unless its the feud ender.


That makes no sense to me. A heel should lose more than they win, but a babyface should also lose more than they win? Heel vs Face, who the fuck goes over?

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I'd replace Del Rio with Miz. He's got world title credentials, he hasn't fought Sheamus a million times this month like Ziggler has, and he's doing fuck all else on Raw. If Del Rio's out, then an episode of Raw and an episode of Smackdown is enough for Miz to get people into that match at least as much as they're into Sheamus-Del Rio anyway.


Agreed. I'd throw the belt on him too, in an "I'm back, bitches!" kind of way, and move him to Smackdown. It gets them out of a hole, and rehabilitates The Miz.


WWE have historically produced some interesting stuff when painted into a corner by injuries/departures. While I don't mind the current product, it's always more fun when they're that little bit less "safe".

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