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Astro Hollywood

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I feel fucking sick. I spent about 100k pimping out the most gorgeous Ferrari, drove it back to Michael's house, and just before I got to the garage it cut to a cutscene and I lost the car, and all the money I'd spent on it.


They HAVE to sort that shit out, that sucks.

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C'mon, everyone knew it would be down for the first few days what with a couple of million people DDoSiNg it and all. This is a thing Rockstar plan to keep people playing forever, so a shonky first few days, when they even said as much on their own site, are no cause for internet rage.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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I seem to be stuck in a glitch when trying to find the 'Race Trigger' marker which doesn't seem to exist.. I can walk around and shoot up some shit, but not much else. Seems a few people have encountered this too.


Just checking out other forums and laughing my tits off at some peoples reactions. Lots threatening to trade the game in already! Berks.

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Yeah the Race Trigger thing was what finally made me turn it off. I just wanted to free roam, not be forced to do some shit tutorial mission. Then it never worked anyway, and you can't press start to try and replay it or anything.

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Anyone who doesn't keep a few save files and constantly rotate on them is a mug.


Should you have to in an ideal world? No. But anyone who has played a GTA, or indeed any other openworld, game before should know that glitches and breaks are bound to happen.


I had to do a re-do when the first mission with Trevor bugged out on me so I had to load up on the save and SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

take those Lost bitches out again



In other news, I fucking adore the grenade launcher. So much fun. I used it for that first assassination, too, where you SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

execute pharamceutical CEO as he comes out of his hotel. I failed to get gold because I didn't get "sniper" bonus which is fucking lame, because my method of using the launcher to completely take out both cars was way cooler




Edit: Oh, my bad. I didn't realise it was an online mission you were talking about.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Social Club doesn't like me at all. First of all, I haven't been able to save photos since I got the game, just keeps giving me and error message, and now it won't let me join the Cuckolders even though I thought I'd already joined. It keeps telling me the group can't be found :(.

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A slightly questionable issue seems to have come up regarding people quitting games early. Leaving jobs early gives you a bad reputation, to the point where eventually the game will only match you with other "bad" players. Which is fair enough, but every time I've started a job (four or five times now) the server has either timed out or just disconnected halfway through and I've ended up back on regular GTA 5. Then a box pops up with a warning about the bad reputation thing. But it's not my fault! I don't want a bad reputation for getting kicked out of the game! I know they'll be working to fix a lot of things at the moment, but I really hope this is on the list somewhere because it definitely needs some attention.

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