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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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It's real.


Depressingly, hauntingly real.


Check this; https://twitter.com/SenttoCov


It has pictures of the, quite massive, auditions. The auditions were covered by the local and national press who were, rightly, horrified. The local MP's lost their shit about it.


Search 'Sent to Coventry' on google, and there is quite a lot of news about it. It's caused a LOT of fuss in Cov because,frankly, its fucking horrible, derogatory and paints a really shitty picture of what is already grim, depressing town. But, it's a grim, depressing town that even though, like everywhere, it has its share of dickheads, it has a lot of nice, well-meaning, hard working people.


Nothing gets me madder than shit like this.


Well, except for folk who kick off about getting ID'd, obviously.


Here are a few bits of local media about it to give your a flavour of the show and of public opinion;








And, my favourite;



Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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For what it's worth, this anger isn't aimed at Mo, really. I'm sure it's very tempting to be the next Mr Essex or whatever. People wanting a crack at fame doesn't surprise or offend me.


But, Jesus, the producers deserve shooting. That is a show based on the reality format but with the humanity deleted. It's designed for people to watch, sneer, look down their noses and say 'look at that Cov, its a fucking shithole and they're all scumbags'. The fact that a, no doubt manufactured, clip of a woman getting her kids to go on the rob is one of their key scenes sort of says the lot.


What a horrible version of entertainment.


But I'm getting dizzy, I'll get down off my high horse. For the time being.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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For what it's worth, this anger isn't aimed at Mo, really. I'm sure it's very tempting to be the next Mr Essex or whatever. People wanting a crack at fame doesn't surprise or offend me.


But, Jesus, the producers deserve shooting. That is a show based on the reality format but with the humanity deleted. It's designed for people to watch, sneer, look down their noses and say 'look at that Cov, its a fucking shithole and they're all scumbags'. The fact that a, no doubt manufactured, clip of a woman getting her kids to go on the rob is one of their key scenes sort of says the lot.


What a horrible version of entertainment.


But I'm getting dizzy, I'll get down off my high horse. For the time being.


Try and find me in a picture of any of the auditions ;)


And if that's what you think about the show, then that's fine. It might be a Uni project, those involved might be having a piss about , then again we might all be fame hungry scumbags.


I don't think any one will really think it's a true representation of Coventry.

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Indeed, Cov is far worse. Except for Club Heat which shines like a beacon of greatness.


And I can't be the only one that thinks Daz's hugely out of proportion reaction and rantings to the whole thing is because he auditioned and got knocked back. He knows too much about it for a layman.

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For what it's worth, this anger isn't aimed at Mo, really. I'm sure it's very tempting to be the next Mr Essex or whatever. People wanting a crack at fame doesn't surprise or offend me.


But, Jesus, the producers deserve shooting. That is a show based on the reality format but with the humanity deleted. It's designed for people to watch, sneer, look down their noses and say 'look at that Cov, its a fucking shithole and they're all scumbags'. The fact that a, no doubt manufactured, clip of a woman getting her kids to go on the rob is one of their key scenes sort of says the lot.


What a horrible version of entertainment.


But I'm getting dizzy, I'll get down off my high horse. For the time being.


Try and find me in a picture of any of the auditions ;)


And if that's what you think about the show, then that's fine. It might be a Uni project, those involved might be having a piss about , then again we might all be fame hungry scumbags.


I don't think any one will really think it's a true representation of Coventry.


So it's a spoof?

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For what it's worth, this anger isn't aimed at Mo, really. I'm sure it's very tempting to be the next Mr Essex or whatever. People wanting a crack at fame doesn't surprise or offend me.


But, Jesus, the producers deserve shooting. That is a show based on the reality format but with the humanity deleted. It's designed for people to watch, sneer, look down their noses and say 'look at that Cov, its a fucking shithole and they're all scumbags'. The fact that a, no doubt manufactured, clip of a woman getting her kids to go on the rob is one of their key scenes sort of says the lot.


What a horrible version of entertainment.


But I'm getting dizzy, I'll get down off my high horse. For the time being.


Try and find me in a picture of any of the auditions ;)


And if that's what you think about the show, then that's fine. It might be a Uni project, those involved might be having a piss about , then again we might all be fame hungry scumbags.


I don't think any one will really think it's a true representation of Coventry.


So it's a spoof?


What started as one has transformed since it started getting taken seriously. The failed Audition hate wouldnt surprise me, some guy got his "open letter" agaisnt the show published in the paper. Turns out he auditioned and his party peice was windmilling his cock.

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