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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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Half my family are from Chester. The last time I went however was an ASDA related court case, because a woman wanted a lot of money from the company because she slipped on a piece of steak pie. I probably should pop down there again.

Edited by WWFChilli
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I'll add some belated love for Chester. Went to University there and lived in the city for three years. Nothing but find memories of the place.


Still, I bet the occasional jaunt to Wrexham was better though.

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I'll add some belated love for Chester. Went to University there and lived in the city for three years. Nothing but fond memories of the place.


Still, I bet the occasional jaunt to Wrexham was better though.

I've never actually been to Wrexham, though do remember going on a History trip to see the castles of North Wales the once!


On nights out we never ventured further than the city centre and it was rare that we'd go into a club on a night that wasn't a student one (just remember doing it the once for my friend's 21st). I lived there from 1996-1999 and the clubs of the time were Blimpers (later Alchemy, which has since been knocked down) and Rosie's. Brannigan's was a favourite in my second and third years mainly due to the fact you'd get live music, and we'd always head there Monday nights after playing darts (where I first cut my teeth in the Cheshire Greenalls League, one leg of 501 double off/double finish). There was some hole over the road from Brannigan's called Love Street, though I'd be amazed if that is still going. Went in there a few times, but always an uncomfotable vibe.


Was a regular down the Deva Stadium in my first year when Kevin Ratcliffe was manager, and they got to the Division three play offs losing to Jan Molby's Swansea. We'd all decided we'd go to Wembley if they got there, but they never did. Some of Chester's finest from that era included Ronnie Sinclair, Gary Shelton, Spencer Whelan, Kevin Noteman, Gary Bennett, David Flitcroft and Neil Fisher, who was something of a boo-boy and if anything went wrong Fisher got the blame for it. I remember seeing Bennett and Flitcroft in Alchemy one student night and the pair of them (Bennett especially) looking totally out of place, though Flitcroft did get knocked back my friend Sarah when he tried it on with her.


I used to enjoy taking in a walk round the walls (which was perfect for clearing a hangover) or if the weather was really nice, get off by the River Dee have a walk by that and over the big bridge, then back on to the walls. I last went there about five or six years ago just to see how the old place was doing and found it a lot more touristy than I remembered. A great three years though.

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Love Street was a gay bar back then, wasn't it? Might have explained the uncomfortable vibe! Brannigan's is unfortunately no more.

I don't think so, although that would explain the name. It seemed to be more Indie, alternative but very anti-student. A shame really as the music was right up my street, but you always felt as though you had to be completely on your guard as someone would start on you for just accidentally knocking into them. There's a chance though that they had a gay night as Alchemy did (the night of my friend's 21st happened to be gay night in the club which we didn't realise until we'd paid and entered!).


Sad that Brannigan's is no more, as saw the likes of Doctor and the Medics, Bad Manners and numerous Beatles tribute bands there whilst drinking plenty of cheap bottled beer!

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Brannigans - "Eating, Drinking and Cavorting"


At least in Croydon it was anyway. Did it have the same slogan up there?


Yeah, the Brannigans in Stoke had that on the sign outside. Absolute shithole, it's a Mecca Bingo now & likely has the exact same clientele.

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Fair play, Rob's a handsome fucker.




This forum has the best moderating team ever. Why? Four gents. Four beards. Four fanny magnets.


All single :confused:

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