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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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Not sure if I should be posting this in here or the T-Shirt thread, but I can't resist showing off my new shirt. 6662892243_0192845317.jpg

These designs are excellent. My brother got my 3 month old son a babygro with the Demolition logo on it. Looks awesome. Ill be ordering a hoody when i get back onshore.....Looks good on you too though! :thumbsup: Edited by NorthSeaTiger
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Not sure if I should be posting this in here or the T-Shirt thread, but I can't resist showing off my new shirt. 6662892243_0192845317.jpg

How can i not sound sleazy but you are a really pretty girl with an amazing t-shirt.If i met you on a night out i would do my damdest (not sure if really a word) to chat you up. Well done on being so pretty.
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Not sure if I should be posting this in here or the T-Shirt thread, but I can't resist showing off my new shirt. 6662892243_0192845317.jpg

How can i not sound sleazy but you are a really pretty girl with an amazing t-shirt.If i met you on a night out i would do my damdest (not sure if really a word) to chat you up. Well done on being so pretty.
Holy shit. Well done on being so creepy.I wonder what the worth of a comment like that is to a girl on the internet now? Even the vilest hog-woman has probably had a thousand guys falling at their feet in the comments section of a new picture. Is it like the buzzing of flies? Edited by Astro Hollywood
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