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Favourite Simpsons Quotes

Family Guy PMSL

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Lisa: Chief... Wiggum. Don't... Eat the... Clues! This suit burns better. Look!


Wiggum: Come again?


Lisa: Better... Look... Burns suit!




Wiggum: I'm not following you.


Lisa: Burns' suit! Burns' suit!


Wiggum: What?


Lisa: Look at Burns' suit! Sheesh!

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  • Awards Moderator

Lisa: Dad, do you know what Schadenfreude is?


Homer: (sarcastic) No, I do not know what shaden-frawde is. Please tell me, because I'm dying to know.


Lisa: It's a German term for `shameful joy', taking pleasure in the suffering of others.


Homer: Oh, come on Lisa. I'm just glad to see him fall flat on his butt! He's usually all happy and comfortable, and surrounded by loved ones, and it makes me feel... What's the opposite of that shameful joy thing of yours?


Lisa: Sour grapes.


Homer: Boy, those Germans have a word for everything!






Homer: Ooh, Gummi bears! Gummi calves' heads! Gummi jaw breakers! Ohh... What's that?




Man: That is the rarest Gummi of them all, the Gummi Venus de Milo, carved by Gummi artisans who work exclusively in the medium of Gummi.


Marge: Will you two stop saying "Gummi" so much?






(has this one been done already?)


Marge: Homer, that's your solution to everything. To move under the sea. It's not going to happen!


Homer: Not with that attitude.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Hi, I'm Michael Jackson from the Jacksons.

Homer: I'm Homer Simpson, from the Simpsons.


Homer Simpson: [after Leon moonwalks] How do you do that thing with your feet?

Leon Kompowsky: You mean the moonwalk?

Homer Simpson: No! That thing with your feet!


[pulls out the Thriller album]

Bart: THIS is what Michael Jackson looks like! You just look like a big, fat mental patient!

Leon Kompowsky: You'd be amazed how often I hear that, Bart.


Leon Kompowsky: We call this one the Chief. He's been here since 1968. Never says a word. Never moves a muscle.

Homer Simpson: Hey.

Chief: Hey.

[All the doctors gather around muttering and writing notes]

Chief: Well, it's about time someone reached out to me!

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Moe: "Alright, tell me when I hit the sweet spot."

Homer: "Deeper, you pusillanimous pilsner pusher!"

Moe: "All right, all right."

Homer: "De-fense! Ooh! Ooh! De-fense! Ooh! Ooh!"

Moe: "Eh, that's pretty dumb. But, uh..."

Homer: "Extended warranty? How can I lose?"

Moe: "Perfect."


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Lisa: Chief... Wiggum. Don't... Eat the... Clues! This suit burns better. Look!


Wiggum: Come again?


Lisa: Better... Look... Burns suit!




Wiggum: I'm not following you.


Lisa: Burns' suit! Burns' suit!


Wiggum: What?


Lisa: Look at Burns' suit! Sheesh!


Eddie: Hey i got an idea, why don't we take a look at that suit Burns was wearing


Wiggum: Did you have the same backwards talking dream with the flaming cards


Eddie: ...I'll drive



I love Who Shot Mr Burns? It's definitly my favourite episode, there's just so many great quotes from it

Edited by insert_name_here
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It's been an Apu sort of day today:




Skinner: I finally have time to do what I've always wanted - write the great American novel. Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it 'Billy and the Cloneasaurus'.


Apu: Oh, you have got to be kidding sir. First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through...


(fade to later)


... it was on the bestseller list for eighteen months! Every magazine cover had...


(fade to later)


... one of the most popular movies of all time, sir! What were you thinking? (pause) I mean, thank you, come again.





Shut up! Shut up! I can't believe you don't shut up!





Apu: Hello, gents, what will it be?


Milhouse: Give us a Super Squishee!


Bart: One that's made entirely out of syrup.




Apu: An all-syrup Super Squishee? Oh, s-such a thing has never been done.


Bart: Just make it happen.




Apu: She won't hold! She's breaking up!


(the Squishee machine dings)


Apu: If you survive, please come again!

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