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15/08 RAW Discussion Thread


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Speaking of sad, how about Miz? He's gone from the main event at Wrestlemania 27 to selling Subway on Raw. Is he injured or something? Please tell me there's a logical explanation for this.


WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is said to be very impressed with The Miz in recent weeks, which many insiders are believing will lead to a big push for the former WWE champion.



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When I read there was a mouse on Raw my first thought was "Jack Korpela wasn't on Raw, was he?" but watched it back and great spot people!


But seriously, Jack korpela should manage Connor O'Brian in some rodent related gimmick!

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Don't be fucking stupid. If they keep Punk off television/the roster for months, they have to make fans forget about him and concentrate more on whatever storyline they're doing, so he'd mean less by the time he came back. If Raw was centred around "what video is former WWE wrestler CM Punk sending in today?" instead of the active wrestlers, how do they sell the pay-per-views?

Have Triple H invoke the 30-day title defence rule and give Punk a deadline by which he has to make it known whether he'll defend the belt. Punk begrudgingly agrees to appear on PPVs alone to maintain his legitimacy as Champion, while the commentators push that his motivation is mainly so that he can egotistically keep all eyes on himself and play Triple H like a violin. Further stress this point by having Punk make demands like all his title defences are Cage matches because he doesn't trust the guys in the back not to run-in and cost him the belt in a fit of vigilatism to win Triple H's favour for themselves. This would make Punk look like a bad ass cage-fighting mofo and allow the company to promote cage match main events with a logical reason for their occurrence.


Punk becomes a special attraction for a few months and seems like a big deal to the audience. Furthermore, PPVs would seem like a bigger deal since they're the only place to see significant advances in the hottest storyline the WWE have had for years. Have Punk get on the mic and act all irreverent about the company each time he shows up, slow-building a resentment between him and Triple H.


In between PPVs have Punk do cool ComicCon style stuff for the fans to keep up with and show that stuff on TV occasionally. Have Punk make them show stuff they might otherwise be uncomfortable with by repeating his threat to defend the belt in another company if they don't. Have Punk show up in another company with the belt over his shoulder to show Hunter that he's not bluffing. Put over that Triple H's authority is being undermined by Punk's actions and have him become increasingly desperate to get the belt off him, stacking the odds against him each month as best he can like Vince used to do with Austin. Further stress this point by having your bad ass babyfaces like Orton and Sheamus ignore edicts from Triple H, and then have Punk gloat about how the WWE is moving towards anarchy all because of him.


Eventually (at Survivor Series in MSG, maybe?) Triple H himself or a proxy of his (Nash would be fine) could finally find a way to screw Punk out of the belt (it has to be something a bit cleverer than a standard run-in, though. Maybe a re-hash of the Big Show Valentine's Day Massacre thing), thereby giving him a legitimate reason to want to return to the company and seek his revenge. Then you can finally have Punk doing run-ins on the shows and trying to win a contract back from the now-reluctant Triple H, and you can have him back to making regular appearances on Raw in time for the Road to WrestleMania where they can blow off the Triple H angle or put him in a dream match with Austin.


I'm still enjoying the Punk character and storyline, I think Triple H is playing his role superbly and I marked out for Nash's return, but all it would have taken is a little imagination to make this angle something really fresh and special. Considering the teams of writers WWE have at their disposal it isn't too much to expect something more than what now seems to be a very familiar anti-authority angle.


People saying there's no way they could have kept Punk off of TV for longer are just being unimaginative, possibly because suggesting otherwise makes you resemble lame fantasy-bookers like myself :thumbsup:.

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The Punk/Nash stuff was good I never really noticed any problems with, I liked the txt from Punks sister 'OMG WTF I thought Nash was dead LOL', I never understand why people need to complain so much but as a few said they did enough for the first promo and gave a reason to watch next week which is the whole point really.


Crowds from week to week can be strange sometimes they go nuts other times nout or small pops.


The rehash of austin vs corporation stuff isnt a problem to me cos it happened over 10yrs ago so its new to this generation of fans and since alot of fans want attitude era stuff back it should please them (but probably wont).


If they want to give more depth to it nash could be pissed about Punk dissing HBK during his raw appearence in june.


Just not a fan of Del Rio at all it would have been a nice change if he feuded with Rey I know its been before but still.


It would be nice for Cena to feud with a midcarder just to give him and the title scene a break, Maybe have Drew McIntyre (who hasnt been on tv for ages which is better than jobbing I guess) or someone attack him and try to make a name for themselves story wise.


Miz is doing fine he was the face of Raw most of last year even as US champ and all over WWE this year, hes got years ahead of him so he'll be up again its just someone elses turn for now.

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Personally I think the fact that there's so much overbooking from the fans in recent weeks proves that WWE are doing something right.


Even though I absolutely hate that most people think they can 'do better' and spend all their time bitching and moaning about Punk being on TV, or Punk not getting a loud enough reaction, or Punk not saying this or that .. there's no doubt that people talking about the product and actually caring enough to over-analyse the shit out of it means that SOMETHING is going well.

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