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big mickey

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The Politicians could always take a pay cut and cut down their expenses claims that should make enough money to keep some Police on the streets.


At this point in time they need to be recruiting more Police not getting rid of the very few we have if they cut down anymore we are going to see more of Halley's Comet than we are a copper on the beat.

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Theresa May really is a flimsy waste of space, isn't she?!

I had never heard of this woman until this thread. Who is she? What is she for?


[banter] Arse ache? Wow. Maybe Bagga's right.... [/banter]

He just gets upset cos I didn't want to munch on his bagette ;)


One thing is for sure, once all of this has eventually died down, a serious look at the social fabric of England, and the wider UK, needs to be looked at. Trying to stifle and shut up any discussion about looking at the underbelly of what has been created leading to all of this, and sweeping it under the carpet will only make it worse in the future.

Definately there are underlying issues here that do need to be looked at. I stand my my previous comments that I don't believe these riots were about drawing attention to issues or about protesting against stuff and many of the rioters who claimed otherwise, I'm afraid I think they were just out to cause shit. However, we do need to look at not only how this was able to happen, but why there are so many people in this county lacking in the moral fiber willing to take part. Why do we have so many people who don't care about right from wrong? With such a lack of respect for anything and anyone?


Find the money. It's needed don't you think?

But where are they supposed to find the money? Labour left the country in a financial mess. I find it hard to get annoyed about any of the cuts because I think it's clear cuts are needed. It's terrible that we're in this position, but that's where we're at. People can bring up the expenses stuff, but again, that was under the previous government. This lot are faced with an impossible task that which ever way they handle things there will be a group of people upset by it.

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This video really annoys me. I know there are issues with the police force but it must takes such guts to stand there in that and then for them to take that abuse and for the crowd to cheer?


Pisses me off.


Can see why he is angry but there is no need to throw verbal shite like that to the police, not all officers are the same.

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My heart goes out to the families of the 3 Asian lads who were killed here in Birmingham yesterday. Listening to Tariq Jahan, the father of one of the lads describe how he found his son was hard to listen to. I've gotta say it's amazing how he came across so calm and level headed given what he'd been through.



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If there is one good thing that I think has came from these disturbances it is that Asian communities have came across extremely well within the mainstream media. From standing shoulder to shoulder with one another protecting the communities they live in, to the incredible dignity displayed by Tariq Jahan in the wake of the tragic loss of 3 members of his family, it has been those communities that have shown as much spirit and togetherness as any other. I've noticed a few comments from people within the last few days about it and even if it just a little bit more respect shown by the wider public to those ethnic groups from now on, well, it's something.

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I've just been watching the O'reilly factor and Uncle Bill was just using the UK riots as a reason why the USA should refrain from establishing a healthcare system like the NHS, saying that's why the riots are happening.


I've also just heard two pikey slags who are part of the rioters, on the BBC, saying the reason they are taking part is to get at the "Rich people who own the businesses round ere". For fuck's sake, from what I've seen, there's a lot of family owned local shops getting turned over, having a shop doesn't make you "rich", but it does make you somebody who is trying to better themselves and are a world apart from scum like those hags.


When this is all over, people will look for reasons why this happened, and ways to prevent it. However, the main issue here, is something very deep-rooted within certain cultures within this country. As all of you will of probably seen for yourselves, there has always been criminals in all areas of society who didn't care about the law, but over the last few years, there has been a growing number of kids growing up now who have absolutley NO fear of anything whatsoever and even less regard for the people around them (who aren't one of their "boyz"). All my life, I've always been brought up in a culture where , if you have a problem with someone so much that you have to fight, then you do arrange it, then fight, and leave it at that. This is the way it's been for me and everyone in my area for generations, and it's very rare that a fight actually happens, but now you see these kids who will just stab you for the fun of it.


Seeing that footage on the news of those scumbags pretending to help that guy who got clattered in the face, so they could rob him, really put me on a downer about this country. Societies always change, and quite fast, all over the world, I'm not disputing that and never have....but when I think of how far we have fallen since during WW2 and our "Blitz Spirit", it makes me very sad. If British society had been like this back then, then the Germans wouldn't of had to do much to us, as we would've destroyed ourselves for them.


This country is fucked, if I had the money, I would leave in the morning.

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What is the alternative to the cuts? Spending money we haven't got for another 5 years, and making the cuts then?


Well they don't seem to have a problem spending money that we don't have when it suits them, if we are at the point where money comes before public safety then we may as well just give up now.




Alex Jones has lost the fucking plot or is finally showing his true colours, seems like even a lot of his supporters are stunned by his outburst.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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