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West Mids Police apparently went in ready and have basically shut the city centre off to prevent any major damage, by all accounts they are just pushing the dickheads through as they go.


Confirmed: Man shot in Croydon

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Hey, I'm in New Cross, very quiet here at the moment and has been for hours. Lots of police traffic in and out though, on their way to Lewisham and Peckham I imagine.


Some hooded youths tried to start a fire in front of the block of shops I live above at about 8.30, but it was put out quickly and other than the front of Curry's up the road getting kicked in that seems to have been the sum of the incidents here.


Shat a brick when I saw the smoke though.

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You know when you were at school, and some little short arse, rat faced fuck wit, who thinks hes hard as nails because his cousin (who also happens to be his mam) is actually hard and is a top year?


Anyway, when that little rat faced fuck starts picking on some gental giant, someone whos a good 2 foot taller and could possibly be hard as fuck but isnt that kind of guy, and understands the politics to do with the older, harder cousin. The tension will build and eventually that gental giant will just snap... fucking on one!!


Some of the screen shots on bbc news 'yobs starting with coppers, coppers doing fuck all', really reminds me of the above scenario.


Now theres no tv cameras on the street, is the gentle giant about to kick off?

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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They arnt blameless but the fact is we now have an impotent police force and everyone knows it. Kids dont give a shit about Police because they literally cant do anything without hard evidence. This has happened over time because people have called for it based on mistakes and yeah admittedly cover ups but give the nature of the work and the type of pressure Police are under is it any surprise? They work in a pro-active environment where every decision they make is scrutinised and criticised, its no wonder that they try and limit that backlash.


True, but it seems every time a discussion comes up about the police, there's this mindset that we have to swing between absolutes: I'm not calling for the police for their hands to be tied - I appreciate they've been bogged down in a shitload of unnecessary paperwork and procedure - but given that the concept of the "police state" is not theoretical (history is littered with examples of what happens when a country's police force is let off the leash too much), I'm wary of simply saying "turn 'em loose to crack skulls!"

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I think it's absolutely remarkable (and incredibly lucky) that no-one has dies in this situation yet.


Too right, sadly after looking at some of these videos on the news and on the net, it's only a matter of time before some poor copper gets isolated and the worst case scenario happens

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True, but it seems every time a discussion comes up about the police, there's this mindset that we have to swing between absolutes: I'm not calling for the police for their hands to be tied - I appreciate they've been bogged down in a shitload of unnecessary paperwork and procedure - but given that the concept of the "police state" is not theoretical (history is littered with examples of what happens when a country's police force is let off the leash too much), I'm wary of simply saying "turn 'em loose to crack skulls!"


But their hands are tied. Im not saying I want Police to be immune and able to pile in and smash people to shit but right now they are helpless and unable to do a thing. They pretty much aren't police anymore, just prevention obstacles and this has come about because of people calling for it over the years. Some people are now back tracking on this.

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I think it's absolutely remarkable (and incredibly lucky) that no-one has dies in this situation yet.


Oh, for sure. In a perverse way, it's situations like this that make me think, sometimes, that man is universally good at his core: the looters will burgle and steal, but no-one's looking to take lives.

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I think it's absolutely remarkable (and incredibly lucky) that no-one has dies in this situation yet.


Are we certain of that though?


On London tonight they were saying the Carpetright store in the big old building that was destroyed in Tottenham was so destroyed police still didn't know if someone had died in it.

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Media's having to pull cameras out, hopefully the Police take the oppertunity to use heavier force to stop this.


And what Rick said, how this is still at zero fatalities is extraordinary.


Not really a discussion for now, probably, but would anyone consider arming the police?


Should have done that after the first night. Rubber bullets + Hoses, order a curfew in the troublespot areas, and go hard on anyone refusing to co-operate.


The only thing that will get through to these people is a show of force.

Edited by Pyrotechnik
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