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WWE Money In The Bank 2011


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shaken up but didn't go to hospital, was really lucky in hindsight.


Show was meant to look like he was gonna slam him, then Henry would take Show off the stage and Drew would land on the stage.


It looked like Show had him too high to begin with and with his back to Henry would have never had a hint of him coming, just seemed like a really stupid stunt to begin with.

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So, what sort of buyrate do you think they're going to draw tonight? The main event is going to be special but not much new will be done in terms of storyline progression and like others have said, we'll likely end up with a MITB winner cashing in on Punk

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Del Rio winning at the end would feel like such a let down. He's hardly been pushed to the point where it would feel like something good.


Granted, they've also wasted MITB on people like Swagger and Kane in the past, so it wouldn't surprise me. But at this PPV, with the awesome build up, it'd suck even more.

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I'm going to say Smackdown will have the MITB winner cash in, Sheamus perhaps?


Two options, either Christian defeats Orton only for Orton to deliver an RKO after the match or something, Sheamus walks out and cashes in, Christian snaps next week on SD! or Orton wins the Christian snaps after the match assaulting Randy and then leaving the door open for the MITB winner to cash in thus frustrating Christian more so.


I'm not expecting anything else other than a Cena bounce up comeback and win, so if its anything other that that I will be surprised and happy :thumbsup:


EDIT; Also is Del Rio not the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship anyway, or was that forgotten about when Punk got re-instated?

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del rio cashing in and winning when he has lost a lot of momentum makes perfect sense when you consider that swagger was plucked from obscurity to win mitb and cash in as champ last year.


i would really love to see stuff be built up as the show progresses with twists and turns, similar to ss98 and the cyber sunday where orton won, lost and won back the title (think it was the 2007 one where him and trips had that great last man standing match). just something to make things even more unpredictable as the night goes on, really set twitter on fire as people watch. this could be achieved as each mitb matches take place and the participants interact with eachother or are interviewed before and after. its the kind of multi-possibility storytelling that wwe tries with the 2 chamber matches at their feb ppv in the run-up to mania.

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Also is Del Rio not the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship anyway, or was that forgotten about when Punk got re-instated?


That's what I said earlier I could see after The Punk-Cena match no matter which one wins Vince comes down with Del Rio and announce that Del Rio did win a Number One Contenders Match for The WWE Championship at MITB and that's just what he's going to get.


That way the MITB winner won't have to cash in like most ppl are expecting although if Del trio wins that to it could be interesting to have The WWE Champion also have The MITB Briefcase.

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Set up for a really good night, as a student I have fuck all to do so able to watch this and get a good lie in tomorrow, got a box of cans in and it's shaping up to be a really good one, haven't been as pumped for a PPV since Mania, feel about 10 years old. Hope to see a good few in the chat for some of the usual banter.

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