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Personal Opinion: Wrestling you loved

Egg Shen

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I was all for the ending of WMIX to be honest. Hogan winning the belt was fitting, because he was seen as being better than anyone. Bret Hart didnt match up. It was evident on the night when Hogan got the biggest pop of the night and there was even chants on "Hogan" during the Undertaker match. As a young kid, you just want to see your boy win. I also remember the things that I really loved at the time were the Undertaker vs Undertaker storyline. Loved that. My Dad still says "its never been as good since the Undertaker came out in his purple gloves, has it?". I loved Crush as well. There were many things I loved. I miss how it was. Simple times back then.


I miss it too. One of the things that I always think about though is back when we were all kids we didn't necesarily like who the best worker was, we liked instantly recognisable characters like Hogan, Warrior, Undertaker, Legion Of Doom, a lot of what we loved would probably be demed shit with hindsight. Kids now don't really have anything like it, all the characters are pretty similar and vivid characters are the exeption, not the rule. Cena is the closest thing to this era's Hogan-esque Superhero. If I was 7 now I'd probably be a massive 'Taker or Mysterio mark despite how shit us grown-ups think Rey is.

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The above post ties in well with the 'British wrestling' threads going around today. Give the kids what they want, not what you want :thumbsup:


WrestleMania VIII's finale gets a bit of flack, but I love it. Hogan's final match?! Going for revenge, against big Sid?! With a Papa Shango run-in?! And then an Ultimate Warrior return, and fireworks?! Sold.

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What's the purpose of "car-crash TV" on a pay-per-view event? Whatever logic the strategy has is surely only applicable to free TV broadcasts?





What's Sting's old entrance music got to do with anything?

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I was so excited the Warrior was back then. I still fondly remember seeing the WWF magazine in the shop that covered that event, with the photo of Hogan and Warrior silhouetted against the fireworks. It didn't make a lick of sense though. Was Warrior just hanging around backstage in his pants and facepaint, planning not to get involved until he saw Papa Shango (who I don't recall having dealings with Sid or Hogan prior to that night) ganging up on the Hulkster?

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Starcade 97, yeap, as pitcos pointed out there with a another good example, at the time, to me this match Sting vs Hogan was not as bad as people make out today, sure the match could have been better, but at the time I just wanted to see Sting beat Hogan and the nWo.


Nowdays alot of people shit on it, I doubt anybody who watched it at the time was kicking over their TV's in disgust.


Also Hogan matches had always followed the formula "punch, play up to the crowd, stall for a few minutes, walk to the exit, then comeback, punch, poke in the eye, repeat" atleast in his WCW days and cetainly his nWo run, nobody bitches about his matches with Piper for example.


Another one would be Souled Out 97, this PPV is panned by all the so called experts, I dont know why, its one of my fav PPV's, I've never seen anything like it, maybe thats why its hated because it dares to do something out of the norm, I dont think the matches are crap either, standard to good matches, I'm confused why its down as one of the worst PPV's ever, perhaps I just have bad taste, but I really enjoyed that PPV.

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The above post ties in well with the 'British wrestling' threads going around today. Give the kids what they want, not what you want :thumbsup:


WrestleMania VIII's finale gets a bit of flack, but I love it. Hogan's final match?! Going for revenge, against big Sid?! With a Papa Shango run-in?! And then an Ultimate Warrior return, and fireworks?! Sold.


Shit I forgot about that! Look at who's involvedthough- Hogan, Sid, Shango and Warrior. There isn't a black trunks wearing, cookie cutter wrestler in there, they're all comic book characters! And that is why we all look back and grin like nostalgic idiots, the nineties were amazing :D

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I still am able to enjoy Bigelow, Booger & The Headshrinkers Vs The 4 Doinks from Survivor Series 1994. As a match not meant to be taken seriously, and purely there for a laugh (admittedly a huge shame for Bigelow as he's above that) it did it's job brilliantly.

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I was so excited the Warrior was back then. I still fondly remember seeing the WWF magazine in the shop that covered that event, with the photo of Hogan and Warrior silhouetted against the fireworks. It didn't make a lick of sense though. Was Warrior just hanging around backstage in his pants and facepaint, planning not to get involved until he saw Papa Shango (who I don't recall having dealings with Sid or Hogan prior to that night) ganging up on the Hulkster?

Warrior was there because the gods called upon him that night to return. He knew the Hulkster was going to need a hand that night, so he got kitted up. He'll be back again one day. His gods havent called for him to fight the evil that wrestling vomits up since about 2007.


I remember the wrestling talk we had at school. Literally 6 and 7 year old kids were saying (after the Hogan retirement was announced or hinted at) that "its going to be crap no without Hulk and the Warrior". WWF was pretty much unthinkable during that era without one of them in it, so its no surprise looking back that Vince bit the bullet and brought him back. I'm sure people would agree with me (I hope) that its hard to describe just how popular The Warrior was when we were kids. He was far more popular than Bulldog, Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan in our school. Everyone seemed the just love him. He looked amazing and he just smashed people up. The fact he didnt actually perform wrestling moves and all his did was punch, clothesline and gorilla press people for me made him more likable to none wrestling fans. My older brother thought he was class, because he looked like a rocker, wore colourful shit and beat people up in the traditional sense. Warrior was class. The ending to WM8 was one of the best moments of my childhood. Up there with going to see Ghostbusters II with my Dad.


I still am able to enjoy Bigelow, Booger & The Headshrinkers Vs The 4 Doinks from Survivor Series 1994. As a match not meant to be taken seriously, and purely there for a laugh (admittedly a huge shame for Bigelow as he's above that) it did it's job brilliantly.

Agree with you here. When Men on a Mission came out in Doink facepaint, I laughed. Its still good to see now, just for nostalgia reasons.

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Honestly, even as a child I thought that ending was bullshit, and that Bret Hart got fucked over.


Me too.


I hated Hogan as a kid.


Me too.


I've often ranted on about how it should have been Bret vs Savage main eventing,


Me too. Or even Bret vs Perfect. Everbody loved Perfect.


Starcade 97, yeap, as pitcos pointed out there with a another good example, at the time, to me this match Sting vs Hogan was not as bad as people make out today, sure the match could have been better, but at the time I just wanted to see Sting beat Hogan and the nWo.


Stick me in that camp too. The match was no worse than I expected, so I enjoyed it. I loved the nWo storyline and Stings transformation, but Hogan's matches at the time were pretty dull.


There's a world of stuff I loved at the time that people nowadays say was rubbish, included but not restricted to Crush, Tatanka, and WcW Worldwide on ITV in 1993.

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you tell me them fans wern't enjoying themselves!




cool topic - i do wonder about this picture & how you arrived at it (images of someone typing 'Willy Wrestling' into Google, :laugh: )

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I didnt even know this happened afterwards! Why didnt they keepn the camera rolling until Brut-aye and The Mouth of the South arrived.


If your brave enough to type it into good, Willy Wrestle (urk!) Fest's site has some cracking late 80s and early 90s WWF pictures on there. Including:


Unbuttoned Boss Man!

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The Sting vs Vampiro WCW 2000 feud was a personal favourite of mine, yes to many it was shite but I really loved it, even when the ICP and Muta came in to make the short lived Dark Carnival.


The highlight for me was when Vampiro threatened to bite the head off Sting's crow on Thunder.....then Sting bashed him up and made him look like a jobber, which kind of ended up being a weekly occurring theme within that feud......


With hindsight....

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Another one would be Souled Out 97, this PPV is panned by all the so called experts, I dont know why, its one of my fav PPV's, I've never seen anything like it, maybe thats why its hated because it dares to do something out of the norm, I dont think the matches are crap either, standard to good matches, I'm confused why its down as one of the worst PPV's ever, perhaps I just have bad taste, but I really enjoyed that PPV.


WHAT!? Who critizes it? Its absolute genius. I still love the Syxx/Guerrero match, and the Steiners vs Outsiders Tag match, its a superb idea, excellently done. If there was something to complain about it would be the finish to the World Title match, but it still makes sense. Giant was taken out, WCW had a small victories nWo reigned supreme, just what you would want with a nWo ppv.

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I absolutely loved the Chamber Of Horror match from Halloween Havoc 91 when I was a kid even if I did think the whole electric chair part was stupid the match was great. It had blood, weapons & the Steiners fucking shit up which was miles different from the stuff I was used to seeing on my WWF videos.

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