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Who is the #1 bAzTNM#1 Fan?


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The poster who was lucky enough to get renamed to bAzTNM Fan turned out to be some massive crybaby and as such no longer posts here. So now we find ourselves searching for the UKFF's next bAzTNM fan.


If you are interested in taking part in this competition then please post "I am the UKFF's biggest bAzTNM fan" in this thread. The competition will start soon.

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I don't want my username changed, air_raid's already shotgunned my next name change.


However, I will do whatever it takes in order to become the next BazTNM super fan. I'll carry his bags. I'll follow him until he loves me, Baz T, Baz TNM.



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You've commited to it now Super Cena. No turning back. Your name might be changed :O


If it does, I want to be Super Cena #2

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I am the UKFF's biggest bAzTNM fan, I miss his avatar of his little happy face, he likes Bowie and I don't support any team in Scotland so unlike previous poster I'm not going to get involved in any Old Firm debate's masquerading under a hidden religious hatred. It's the only thing that will stop the pcc running wild is a group lead by the true UKFF wrestling God. Even if I don't get picked Baz is a true gent and Mumzie is a Queen

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