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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Why is Roode wrestling against Kazarian all of a sudden, wasn't he supposed to wrestle members of Immortal before Bound For Glory or have I missed something.

There is a paragraph in the quote box that says Kurt Angle, as he's mates with Hulk Hogan, has decided Roode will face all members of Fortune leading up to Bound For Glory. If Fortune lay down for him, they'll all be at the bottom of the title contenders list.

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Actually watched Impact this Sunday. Well, half watched it, I was finishing a book. Got the impression that RVD was a heel. Those spoilers have Lynn teaming with Bully Ray though.


Thought Hogan's "acting" in the segment with Bischoff was some of the worst shit I've ever seen. Hardy promo was disappointing too.


Thing with TNA is that almost everything feels like something I've seen before. There is nothing fresh about the show at all. They've run the same formula into the ground this past few years. Something really needs to change. The lack of clear heels and faces hurts them. I like shades of grey but you have to have black and white first.

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The lack of clear heels and faces hurts them. I like shades of grey but you have to have black and white first.

I agree with this. Angle and Anderson are REALLY suffering because of this right now. Anderson in particular is just such a confusing character having turned so many times in such a short space of time. At first I thought his initial "I'm an asshole" babyface turn was quite clever but they actually made the opposite mistake to WWE in the sense they didn't change his character at all. He went from being a dick to babyfaces to being a dick to heels. The only problem was he came across as such a dick that the heels seemed more likeable than him.


I've been dreading them turning Bobby Roode or James Storm heel for months now, just because they obviously have plans for Roode as a singles guy. I'm praying they just let them go their separate ways without either one turning because they're both really likeable characters (Storm moreso IMO) and I don't think a heel turn would help either one.

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completely agree with above thats what bully ray was going on about in the 4 way promo last week and almost insinuating it would happen with beer money.


I really cant see why they cannot remain friends who occasionally team and go after there own singles goals.


Apart from one thing in that they dont have any serious titles for the other to compete for without going after the champion


If they had tried to promote the Legends-global-tv title as more than a joke then it could have been put onto storm at BFG

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The most frustrating thing about Impact is seeing matches like Ric Flair vs Sting given away on weekly TV, for free?! Even WWE would milk a PPV match out of that.


If we see Hogan vs Sting at BFG, I hope I am not alone in not wanting to see no effort going in to the ring attire. I want the full works! Either nostalgic Hulkamania colours, or nWo style Hogan. Nothing more annoying than seeing the larger than life characters making their way to the ring in their street clothes - unless it's The Rock, who can make almost anything look cool.

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The most frustrating thing about Impact is seeing matches like Ric Flair vs Sting given away on weekly TV, for free?! Even WWE would milk a PPV match out of that.


The thing is this isn't (for example) John cena vs Hulk hogan for the first time ever! or anything like that this is ric flair vs sting a match thats happened countless times before. In fact if they were gonna have the match on ppv it should have been done on sunday but it's all part of the build towards hogan v sting the main event of bound for glory etc so its not a big problem if they stick it on tv maybe get a few more people watching the show and build up the hogan sting match.

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The most frustrating thing about Impact is seeing matches like Ric Flair vs Sting given away on weekly TV, for free?! Even WWE would milk a PPV match out of that.

To be honest, whats really the point? The PPV's dont sell anyway. Might as well put it on TV for free and have a million people say they've seen it. Its long gone past the point of promoting PPV's like No Surrender. People either dont care, dont know or stream it. Fair enough if this was 2007 and TNA was a growing company, but their PPV business is completely dead. The likes of Bound for Glory and Lockdown do well, because they are as established as your going to get, but the rest are just fodder.

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To be honest, whats really the point? The PPV's dont sell anyway. Might as well put it on TV for free and have a million people say they've seen it. Its long gone past the point of promoting PPV's like No Surrender. People either dont care, dont know or stream it. Fair enough if this was 2007 and TNA was a growing company, but their PPV business is completely dead. The likes of Bound for Glory and Lockdown do well, because they are as established as your going to get, but the rest are just fodder.

If they take that attitude though, they'll never make anything of it. I don't buy it personally. I know WWE's PPV business is shit too but I think it's just an excuse. If the PPV wrestling business is really dead, it didn't just happened, they crippled it.


I've no idea what TNA's ratings are like these days but for a long time they were getting between 800,000 and 1.2m viewers regularly and failing to convert them into PPV buys. The product didn't encourage or require people to buy PPV's. WWE have been in a similar boat for a while. I haven't watched a minor PPV for over a year and I don't feel like I've missed a thing.

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Spoilers for the show next week




Thanks to TNAInsider.com for the following spoilers:


* Sting came out to start the show, clipboard in hand. He says he beat Ric Flair last week like he said he would and now gets his shot at Hulk Hogan. To make things fun, let's bring Hogan out. Hulk Hogan joins Sting in the ring and says that this is insane and he's not medically cleared to wrestle. Sting laughs at that and says come on Hogan. He shows a video package of Hulk using a chair multiple times on him and says he looks fine in this video. Hulk kicks the bottom rope and then holds his back as if it hurts. Sting says this match is happening whether he likes it or not.

Eric Bischoff's music hits and comes out immediately saying this isn't happening. Sting punches Bischoff in the face and knocks him out. Sting gets face to face with Hogan and says he'll see him at Bound For Glory and stares him down. When Sting leaves the ring, Bischoff is coming to and Sting knocks him out again.


* Backstage, Karen Angle tells Mickie James and Brooke Tessmacher that they're wrestling tonight and the winner goes on to face Velvet Sky. Karen asks Brooke if she's wearing that to the ring. Brooke says she is and Karen says good, she doesn't want her wearing any of her revealing clothing or any of her girations. She then turns to Traci Brooks (who is wearing a shirt that has a big hole in the middle to show off her cleavage) and says she needs to dress more professionally and she looks like she works in a whore house. Frankie Kazarian comes up and has some unkind words for Karen Angle and leaves with Traci.


* Mickie James b. Brooke Tessmacher with the Last Kiss Goodnight


* Ink Inc. are backstage and they are talking to each other, when at some point they are joined by a controversial girl with a pass to ask for an autograph, Moore and Neal are happy to put their signatures on a book, which happens to be a copy of the Book of D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.


* TNA Champion Kurt Angle comes to the ring and invites Bobby Roode out with him. Angle says he's not the one that Roode has to worry about, his partner is. James Storm comes to the ring and gets in Roode's face. He asks if Roode thinks he's out here because he sold out to Immortal and turned his back on him. Roode says no, he knows him better. Storm says he's his own man and makes his own rules and does what he wants. And he says the problem isn't with Roode, the problem is with Angle. He gets in Angle's face and says he doesn't listen to what he says and that if Angle wants a fight, he's got one, with him, tonight. Sorry about your d--- luck.


* For the X Division Title, Austin Aries beat Jesse Sorenson with a schoolboy


* Christopher Daniels comes to the ring and says he will not face Bobby Roode like Kurt Angle wants. He is his own man and showed that when he beat AJ Styles. AJ Styles comes to the ring and asks what Daniels' problem is. Chris said he doesn't have one as he beat AJ and is moving on to bigger things. After an exchange of words, Daniels and Styles begin brawling. Security tries to break it up but they keep breaking free. They fight to the backstage area and invade the Direct Auto Insurance office that's set up. They eventually come back to the ring and Kazarian comes out to break things up. While Kazarian is calming down Styles, Daniels kicks him square in the groin. Daniels takes off while Styles is on the mat in agony.


* James Storm vs. Kurt Angle went to a no contest as two referees got knocked out.

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Sounds like a good show.


TNA should ditch half of their PPVs as of now. Just promote 6 a year, but have half a dozen 3 hour tv specials on Spike that are effectively PPVs (i.e just matches). If they are averaging, what, 17,000 on PPVs, where their biggest PPVs a few years ago were over 50,000 then it's a failed system.


I think it would be more than possible for them to be TV only, frankly, and be still viable and profitable, but a few big PPV arena events a year would be manageable.

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TNA should ditch half of their PPVs as of now. Just promote 6 a year, but have half a dozen 3 hour tv specials on Spike that are effectively PPVs (i.e just matches). If they are averaging, what, 17,000 on PPVs, where their biggest PPVs a few years ago were over 50,000 then it's a failed system.


Couldn't agree more. Why not use one of the TNA UK tapings as a special on Spike? It's bound to garner a bigger crowd than most, if not all Impact events in the US and Canada do.

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I think it would be more than possible for them to be TV only, frankly, and be still viable and profitable

I suppose this depends on whether they are profitable now or not. I agree with you that their PPV numbers are so bad that they probably make little difference to the bottom line.


However, given that their payroll currently includes Bischoff, Hogan, Sting, Angle, Anderson, Flair, Steiner, Jarrett and Taz and given the size of the roster, I find it hard to believe that along with the cost of producing TV and running an arena 60-odd times a year that they would be profitable from the TV income and the marketing.

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