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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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TNA is becoming a real must-watch for me. The Gunner/Daniels match on last weeks show was really good and this weeks episode featured a lot of enjoyable stuff too;


Latin America seem to have found their comfort zone and are working really well as a unit.


The Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher match was surprisingly good, Tessmacher has finally brought the sexy glasses chick routine back to pro-wrestling and I for one welcome it.


Velvet Sky getting lots of screen time is fine by me.


The X-Div guys forming their own little group and vandalizing Hogans car with Goldberg's catchphrase was excellent and I hope they become a faction similar to the early Degeneration X. Brian Kendrick needs to be on TV more and this could be the very thing to push him to the next level.


It was great having a main event which didn't involve Sting, RVD or Anderson. The Sting/RVD/Anderson thing has gone on for too long and needs to just end already. Actually, Anderson not being on the show wasn't too bad. I don't mind the guy but I was getting sick of seeing him and his weekly "where's my rematch" promo which feels like its been going on for years.


Angle not revealing the identity of his 'mistress' (even though he was supposed to reveal it on this episode) was a minor irritation but the Velvet/Angle/Karen/Jeff shenanigans were entertaining so I'll let it slide. I really have no idea who the 'mistress' could be and until Kong showed up in the WWE I thought that maybe TNA might have somehow convinced her to come back to play the role. The only other candidate I could come up with was Joanie Laurer, although it'll probably end up being ODB or something.


Robert Roode seemingly going solo was excellently played and almost felt like a shoot, although that was almost certainly the intention. I hope he doesn't change his name to Bobby though.


A lot of people hate on Tommy Dreamer but I liked the "unwilling hired gun" angle, Tommy comes across as a nice guy with a strong moral code and it was interesting seeing him forced into a villainous role seemingly against his will.


Sting referring to the "Network executive" as a she in the first segment then in the next segment Hogan and Bischoff suspecting Flair was kinda strange, maybe I misheard what Sting said but I really hope it doesn't turn out to be Dixie. Personally I want more than anything for it to be Paul Heyman but I'll settle for Don Callis, anything but Dixie, it's just too predictable.

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On the Brooke Adams thing, I havent got the intellect or the articulation to describe the things I'd do to her. She's awesome. Best female worker in the business.


Is this a trap? lol


Hmmm, how to reply to this without being called a SHIMMER workrate pervert. I don't think she is in either the way I judge a worker, nor is she the best looking (which I'm guessing is how your judging her), Compared to Eve, Velvet Sky , Layla or even the Bella Twins.

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On the Brooke Adams thing, I havent got the intellect or the articulation to describe the things I'd do to her. She's awesome. Best female worker in the business.


Is this a trap? lol


Hmmm, how to reply to this without being called a SHIMMER workrate pervert. I don't think she is in either the way I judge a worker, nor is she the best looking (which I'm guessing is how your judging her), Compared to Eve, Velvet Sky , Layla or even the Bella Twins.


Agreed, however I have to echo previous sentiments and say that I would play that arse like a bongo drum!

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The last thing they should do is turn Roode heel! They almost killed Beer Money with that retarded heel turn last year despite the fact they were head and shoulders above everyone on he roster in terms of crowd reaction.


Do you think he'll get anywhere near as strong a face reaction in singles, when he doesn't have his looneytunes partner to bounce off with their comedy antics, and the BEER! MONEY! interaction to provoke the fans near-hysteria? Agreed, turning that team heel was the brainfart of a team of window-lickers, but let's examine the possibilities, assuming no-one else turns...


Roode as a baby -

Robert Roode vs Abyss

Robert Roode vs Jeff Jarrett

Robert Roode vs Bully Ray

Robert Roode vs Matt Hardy


As a heel -

Robert Roode vs Mr Anderson

Robert Roode vs Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode vs Sting

Robert Roode vs AJ Styles

Robert Roode vs Kurt Angle


In which set of matches do you see Roode looking better or being able to showcase that he belongs in that upper bracket, as a genuine singles star?


I don't think she is in either the way I judge a worker, nor is she the best looking (which I'm guessing is how your judging her), Compared to Eve, Velvet Sky , Layla or even the Bella Twins.


EVEN the Bella Twins? You're fucking kidding me. If the good lord ever blessed me with an opportunity to seduce/rohypnotize the Bellas, I'd probably cry myself to sleep that I wasn't born with two dicks.

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You've came into the wrong thread Vito these's about 10 pages previous telling you who the Network person is. Its spoileriffic in this thread.

That's why I intentionally haven't read back through the thread, there's a few surprises promised that I'd like to watch unfold as they happen on television. As is usually the case with TNA, or rather wrestling as a whole, I find myself cautiously optimistic, there's a lot of potential for greatness here but it'll probably end up being crap.

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Roode as a baby -

Robert Roode vs Abyss

Robert Roode vs Jeff Jarrett

Robert Roode vs Bully Ray

Robert Roode vs Matt Hardy


As a heel -

Robert Roode vs Mr Anderson

Robert Roode vs Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode vs Sting

Robert Roode vs AJ Styles

Robert Roode vs Kurt Angle


In which set of matches do you see Roode looking better or being able to showcase that he belongs in that upper bracket, as a genuine singles star?


But Roode as an "Immortal Destroyer" beating the monster ala Hogan/Andre, Roode vs. Jarrett match wise should be brilliant as has been mentioned in the JJ thread, Bully Ray is TNA's strongest heel at the minute IMO and Matt Hardy seems to be coming into a better run of form. Fortune is developing out pretty well bringing up AJ, Daniels, Kaz + BM as they are protected by each others strengths.


Push Roode as a face and maybe turn him heel further down the road.

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But Roode as an "Immortal Destroyer" beating the monster ala Hogan/Andre,


Roode vs "the monster" Abyss??

A la Hogan/Andre??????




I'm out.

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Here's Chris Harris from Impact if anyone's interested:


I bet he's got a Games Workshop carrier bag in his right hand if the cameraman moves out the way.



:laugh: nice one. Oh well in wrestling I forgive the whole long coat thing, and actually quite liked AMW's. I hope Harris comes back and does well for himself.


Just finished watching impact, or TNA Impact Wrestling, very decent show. Although I have no idea what Katie Lea is doing to Angelina.




Awesome as he is, Bully Ray needs to sort out his attire, though, maybe just wear some need pads, or long trousers, his legs are skinnier than Cody Rhodes!

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Here's Chris Harris from Impact if anyone's interested:


I bet he's got a Games Workshop carrier bag in his right hand if the cameraman moves out the way.



:laugh: nice one. Oh well in wrestling I forgive the whole long coat thing, and actually quite liked AMW's. I hope Harris comes back and does well for himself.


Just finished watching impact, or TNA Impact Wrestling, very decent show. Although I have no idea what Katie Lea is doing to Angelina.


Awesome as he is, Bully Ray needs to sort out his attire, though, maybe just wear some need pads, or long trousers, his legs are skinnier than Cody Rhodes!


oops, double post, no idea what I was doing.

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Here's Chris Harris from Impact if anyone's interested:


I bet he's got a Games Workshop carrier bag in his right hand if the cameraman moves out the way.



Best arse in the business too.





Oh dear :blush::love:

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The last few Impacts have been great.


It probably won't last, but they've done the thing I keep banging on about - getting rid of fake backstage skits. Instead we've got these cool "in the moment" interviews with wrestlers, where the anonymous interviewer gets talked to. His voice is almost inaudible which makes the whole thing seem spontaneous. It's really clever. Last week's Impact finished with a series of these post-main event, which was a really innovative way to end a show, and set up anticipation for this week.


I've been a Bobby Roode fan since his first PPV singles match, a nice little bout with Rhyno. I think he's finally going to get his moment. As people have said, that was an awesome promo on Hogan, the best I've heard in ages, and Hogan sold it like it was a shoot, brother. The only problem is, who's he going to best from Immortal who means anything? He's already more prestigious than all of them apart from Hogan. So unless we're going to have Hogan v Roode at Slammiversary, I can't see where this is going to go.


Chris Harris? Jeesh.

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