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TNA Victory Road


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there's no such thing as bad publicity just look at charlie sheen.


Certainly worked for Gary Glitter's career.


But after the whole scandal, no one rushed out to buy his CD did they? Publicity is surely worthless unless it brings in fan's/money. What happened last night will do neither.




"Just when I thought I was getting the hang of recognizing sarcasm"

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I have recently totally stopped watching TNA due to how much the shows left me scratching my head with all the goings on. However, I hated myself a little bit for it as I felt a bit like a pansy internet nerd or a Powerslam sheep. I must be a sucker for shite though, because though I don't like to see such a decline as I feel there has been in 2010, I absolutely love it when things completly hit the fucking wall like what's happening in TNA. WCW in 1999 for example - torturous, but WCW in 2000 was top banana for the levels of self-destruction.


Work or shoot, Hardy drugs or Russo penmanship, this is an awful situation TNA are in, with absolutely no way out in sight. And yet brilliantly, it appears money will continue to be pumped into the company to try and turn it all round. I reckon Vince must recognise that money more than anything TNA can do creatively with their roster - WWE has been the best since the attitude era from Jan 4th 2010 onwards, Raw is a world class show, and only further exposes the huge flaws in TNA's show. However, with this sort of total bullshit at Victory Road, TNA have given me a reason to tune in again, if only to sit in front of my TV basically rubbernecking at a wreckage. I'm curious to see how, if at all, this gets followed up now.


All that said, the post about Sting's TNA/Wrestlemania decision was pretty funny. I'm sure he's happy with his lot all told, but rightfully so, he looked fucking pissed off with that shambles. Maybe Jeff just did this to take some internet heat from Matt. What a guy.

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dont know if it has already been mentioned but the ref through up the x before sting could even finish his entrance, surely it would have made more sense for bischoffs anouncment to be it was a triple threat and matt came out, and then that would have been the " you weren't prepared for it" , but then i guess it wouldnt be easy to get that all sorted in 30 secs :S


i would guess the quick finish was decided in the ring cause surely they thought, oh jeff should be able to hold out for a half assed match, unless they wanted people to go, whats happening over at tna




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From F4wonline.com:


Jeff Hardy update

Jeff Hardy will not be appearing at the TNA TV tapings tonight or tomorrow night stemming from whatever it was that happened at last night's PPV.

Hardy and Sting's main event lasted 1:28 with Sting pinning Hardy. Hardy, very subtly, acted as if he was surprised by the finish and attempted to kick out but Sting held him down and the ref counted three. Given the people involved in TNA creative, a worked shoot to get attention has to always be considered a possibility, particularly since the last time this situation legitimately occurred, the plan at first was to change the main event. In fact, both Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo have long track records of this type of thing.

Reports from the show were that Hardy was in no condition to wrestle and that they decided to cut the match short.

If that is the case, the onus should be on TNA because it is not like the show a few months back when Hardy was nearly stripped of the title and they had planned to change the main event, only to have the decision changed back, wasn't a warning sign. One has to seriously question management for not calling an audible on the main event, particularly since the show was already in the toilet by that point.

If it is an attempt at an elaborately worked angle, thinking the fan outrage leads to more attention to the promotion, it is what it is, a creative decision. In fact, either way, what happened at the end was a creative decision by management, because there are plenty of alternative things that could have been done what would have made it at least a slightly better show.

Hardy's next court date is Wednesday. Both his lawyer and Moore County prosecutors said a plea bargain deal had been reached months ago, but one side or both pulled out and the case was continued for about the dozenth time until Wednesday.

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Jesus, what the hell happened? The last two episodes of Impact have been really good but Victory Road was inexcusable, I missed Ray/Dreamer but the knockouts tag match was a botchfest, Hernandez/Morgan was okay until the shitty finish, Beer Money/Ink Inc was pretty good, Ultimate X was disappointing and AJ/Matt Hardy was okay. Why was fifteen/twenty minutes of PPV time given to the Jarrett's honeymoon? Anderson/RVD had a stupidly screwy ending and RVD's selling, or lack thereof, was just embarrassing, Anderson spends several minutes working over RVD's legs only for RVD to then do the fucking rolling thunder and run around without a care in the world. What can be said about Sting/Jeff Hardy that hasn't already been said? What would be the point of making that fiasco some kind of work? I don't know what the fuck is going on within TNA but someone needs to start smashing some heads together because last nights show was an embarrassment.

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Although this being a swerve is mildly fathomable due to the track record of some of the goons in charge creatively in TNA, I just can't see them going as far as to screw a paying ppv audience out of their main event, no matter how 'hot' an angle it could be. Which, sadly means, it must be genuine.


However, hopefully something positive will come out of this. Whether it is something like a big sponsor throwing a wobbler, a locker room mutiny or whatever, hopefully Dixie Carter will be forced to do something for the better. TNA is a real shame, because it has all the talent required to be a very viable wrestling company.

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What time did the match start?, like how close to the end of the 3 hours were they?. I'm saying it's a work for now, just based on Hardy's faux outrage at the end.


Around half past I believe, so they had time for a 20/25 minute match. The PPV finished around 15 minutes early.

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What time did the match start?, like how close to the end of the 3 hours were they?. I'm saying it's a work for now, just based on Hardy's faux outrage at the end.


Around half past I believe, so they had time for a 20/25 minute match. The PPV finished around 15 minutes early.


Even TNA are smart enough to realise that they would need to make the timings seem genuine if this indeed was a work, so I wouldn't say this suggests anything either way.

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Does anyone think that the people that payed will be able to get their money back?


No chance, they paid for a PPV with the matches advertised (which are always subject to change) and that's what they got. I don't see what grounds they have. It's like paying to watch a film and not liking it so asking for your money back

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Does anyone think that the people that payed will be able to get their money back?


No chance, they paid for a PPV with the matches advertised (which are always subject to change) and that's what they got. I don't see what grounds they have. It's like paying to watch a film and not liking it so asking for your money back

Not even 20% back or something for finishing 15 minutes earlier?

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