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Mid-feud double turns

Devon Malcolm

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In other words, has there ever been a feud where the heel(s) and face(s) have basically switched roles due to something happening in the storyline - or maybe otherwise?


I can't think of any examples myself, but if it hasn't been done, do you reckon it COULD be done? And if so, how?


Doesnt Bret Hart vs Steve Austin in 1996/1997 count?


Bret was the face from the start of the feud in November 1996 until Wrestlemania 13 and the night after they swithched roles


Cant think of any examples current day that would work with the current feuds at the moment


One that immediately pops in to my head, although it wasn't major was the Chuck Palumbo/Jamie Noble feud a few years back on Smackdown.


Chuck was in his motorcycle phase as a face and I think was courting Michelle McCool, who the heel Noble was also interested in. I can't remember exactly how it went, but I think Noble might have beaten him with a sneaky roll-up or something, then Chuck absolutely flips and beats the shit out of him while McCool is screaming at him to stop. He doesn't, and this coupled with the usual 'change of attitude' cemented a double turn about half way in to the feud. It must have been early 2008, cos I remember them both being in the Rumble together.

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Doesnt Bret Hart vs Steve Austin in 1996/1997 count?


Bret was the face from the start of the feud in November 1996 until Wrestlemania 13 and the night after they swithched roles


Fucking hell, can't believe I forgot that one.


How easy would it be to do something like that again, though?

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Hogan/Flair in 1999 WcW comes to mind.


It worked because the fans wanted to cheer Hogan for some reason, and Flair made a great heel. Mostly forced because the reunited nWo with red n black shirts and Wolfpack music were cool as fuck once they pruned away the shit. It shouldnt have worked because the match where it happened (Uncensored 99) was a convoluted confusing mess.

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Mayweather vs Big Show.


Show came back and picks on an injured Mysterio, Mayweather comes to his aid.


Later on Mayweather becomes a cocky arrogant heel (basically himself) after they realized he'd not be able to get over as an underdog.


Mayweather then wins the fight by KO'ing Show with brass knucks if I remember right.


That'd be an alright example I'm sure

Doesnt Bret Hart vs Steve Austin in 1996/1997 count?


Bret was the face from the start of the feud in November 1996 until Wrestlemania 13 and the night after they swithched roles


Fucking hell, can't believe I forgot that one.


How easy would it be to do something like that again, though?

Quite hard


The obvious one would be to say do it with Cena and someone but people have been suggesting that for donkeys years now


The two faces who I think they could do it with in WWE are Edge and Orton who arent that over as faces at the moment, not sure which heel you could have turn face in mid-feud (it certaintly wouldnt be Ziggler,Del Rio, Miz) as they are natural born heels

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Clearly I need to get a brain scan or something tomorrow, I fucking watched all these examples.

Jericho and Christian at mania 20. Revolved around Trish

Christian was always a heel. Jericho turned before WrestleMania and Trish turned AT WrestleMania. I guess it's a double-turn,but not in the fashion that we would imagine.

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Demolition and the Powers of Pain at Survivor series '88


Though I'm not sure if they were actually feuding before the double turn

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It shouldnt have worked because the match where it happened (Uncensored 99) was a convoluted confusing mess.

It did work. Hogan turned face and Flair turned heel. The ref was in with Flair to make him full time president and get the belt off Hogan. It all made sense in the end. Hogan should have won when he made him bleed. Hogan should have won when he got him down for a three count. Then Hogan got smacked with an crowbar and got counted for three. It was only years later people had a go at that match, because the Nitros before and after really told the whole story of the match. I remember Power Slam saying it was a hard hitting and compelling brawl or something like that. Flair and Hogan had a good match at Superbrawl as well.


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