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Mid-feud double turns

Devon Malcolm

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At Survivor Series 2001, Kurt Angle turned on Austin and defected back to the WWF. Perhaps not really a double switch because he never properly established himself as a face before being a heel on the next Raw. Austin officially turned face, even though people had been cheering him and chanting 'WHAT!' for some time.


Outside of WWE.


When CM Punk won the title off Austin Aries he turned heel and on the DVD there was a promo at the end from Austin Aries hacking on CM Punk for 'pissing' all over what they had accomplished in ROH.


Chris Hero and Eddie Kingston's extended rivalry in CZW featured a transition in the face/heel roles.


Chris Hero also made a transition with his rival Arik Cannon in IWA: MS. At the TPI tournament, Hero lost to Cannon and then snapped and beat the shit out of him, and also struck Mickie Knuckes and Trik Davis as well. Sounds somewhat similar to Gibson and Pulumbo.



But this is not happening tonight, and certainly not with Miz and Orton. Miz is a deeply irritating and cheap champion and Orton is a far cooler callous ass kicker.


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