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worst wrestling company in the UK


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We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?


- Xavier


Turn into an all female promotion.


Come on, Cleetus. Like they know girls.



I apologise. I didn't really mean female, but I'm sure they know at least a couple of backyard beauties like the girl in this video...



It's Fiz at her best, before Corrie watered down her style.

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We are trying to turn the JWF around and bring it up to standard in many ways.


We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?

You may be interested in "turning the JWF around" or "intelligent criticism" but the semi-literate cultists who actually run the JWF have made it clear that they aren't, they honestly believe that they don't need to train or improve because they've been doing it their own way for years. I've spoken to a lot of the JWF in the flesh and while a lot of the guys are decent levelheaded guys just interested in having a laugh the guys in charge are delusional and egotistical.


Earlier in this thread you were challenged to post one match that you'd describe as good, not a highlight video or a clipshow, but a full uninterrupted match so we can judge it objectively on its own merits. I don't expect you to follow through on this because I honestly doubt you can.

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We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?

You've already been told, on numerous occasions, what your number one priority is. If you want to be wrestlers, undertake actual wrestling training.


No one is born a professional wrestler, so until you undertake training you'll forever be an overgrown child re-enacting what he sees on TV.

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I apologise. I didn't really mean female, but I'm sure they know at least a couple of backyard beauties like the girl in this video...



It's Fiz at her best, before Corrie watered down her style.

Bet you still would though!

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I apologise. I didn't really mean female, but I'm sure they know at least a couple of backyard beauties like the girl in this video...



It's Fiz at her best, before Corrie watered down her style.

Bet you still would though!


I respect her too much as an athlete to have thoughts like that. Sexist pig.

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We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?

You've already been told, on numerous occasions, what your number one priority is. If you want to be wrestlers, undertake actual wrestling training.


No one is born a professional wrestler, so until you undertake training you'll forever be an overgrown child re-enacting what he sees on TV.


That is true on so many levels!

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Vito, i'm not actually given permission to upload full matches because there are DVD's coming out. At one point there were full ones on there which received good online critisism. The only online one now is my debut match i had when i came into the JWF as "Raine." it's not such an amazing match but i enjoyed it and here it is.



Like I said, we are mostly backyarders at heart and I would love to get trained. I am working on my driving test right now in fact, which means I can travel around alot easier. 2 months to my test then I will be looking to take your advice. I will seek training.


only about 15% of our wrestlers have been trained in all honesty which is our downfall. We tend to group together at training sessions with crash mats and run through basic chains and bumps.


... as for the whole mask thing, yeah it's a hystera man mask which is quite generic ... I have a slightly different one now which is red/black in the same style with more dreads. Pleather flame baggies and arm guards etc. Maybe a custom mask in the future if i ever get good enough to warrant one. But for now i have no problem being "LuchaGimp" lmao

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Ok where do i start.


DVDS: Boy im sure there going to be next Christmas number 1 selling item. Seriously dont waste your money on this. Who is going to buy them (unless you want to just brag that you have your own dvd)??, as im sure there isnt a big demand for piss poor backyard indie wrestling dvd's!


The thing is dude you need to train first, then wrestle not vice versa. Good luck with your driving test though.


Mate the whole mask and stuff just makes it look worse.


If you are serious about wanting to wrestle (even for fun), hit the gym and get some training. Being associated with JWF could be poison mate as no one will want to use you.

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Ok where do i start.


If you are serious about wanting to wrestle (even for fun), hit the gym and get some training. Being associated with JWF could be poison mate as no one will want to use you.


I will definitely be seeking training, both in the gym and with a wrestling trainer because wrestling is what i love doing. My number one priority right now is getting that car sorted out.


I appreciate the "Good Luck."

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only about 15% of our wrestlers have been trained in all honesty which is our downfall. We tend to group together at training sessions with crash mats and run through basic chains and bumps.

Like I said previously. Less than a dozen sessions at a school doesn't constitute being trained... in fact, I wouldn't say there's many professional wrestlers who could be considered near trained after a year of training once a week. Maybe rumble ready, but not honest to god match ready. So I'd say the total amount of actual trained wrestlers at JWF is closer to 0%

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Ok where do i start.


If you are serious about wanting to wrestle (even for fun), hit the gym and get some training. Being associated with JWF could be poison mate as no one will want to use you.


I will definitely be seeking training, both in the gym and with a wrestling trainer because wrestling is what i love doing. My number one priority right now is getting that car sorted out.


I appreciate the "Good Luck."



i couldn't agree more with JRPO, i know guys who at some point in their lives messed around doing backyarding but all eventually realised that they were going to get no where doing what they were doing, so went out and got themselves training from decent professionals.


Now the following is in no way ment to be offensive to the guys who come on here but i've seen numerous threads about who are good trainers and where to train. Now its been mentioned before the title of this forum is the uk fan forum. i can't think of any other profession where a customer/spectator/fan would be asked where they would suggest to get training for the profession the person wants to get into. go to a local show thats ran as a PROFESSIONAL wrestling show, with PROFESSIONAL wrestlers on it and ask their advice, who's a good trainer, why they're good trainers, who's come through the said trainers school/academy/dojo.


maybe something good can come out of this thread other than shinning a light on the dirty underbelly of british wrestling if it helps somebody come out of it better.

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