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Nope, I would disagree with anyone who argued that Benoit should be on the front cover of the DVD set. It's just that I'd wait until they actually said it before even thinking about whether it was worth arguing with them.


And yeah, I was making an assumption on what McMahon and WWE were about to do in response to what was already the biggest news story of the year, even before we knew how big it would be. The precise assumption proved incorrect, but the point was still valid. And I happen to think there's a bit of a difference between speculating on the possible actions of the most powerful man in the industry on the TV show that was coming up in a couple of hours, and speculating on the possible message board posts of a hypothetical wrestling fan.


Sure, a lot of the time people speculate about what could happen in wrestling and say why they would disagree with a potential outcome. It's just most of us are able to do that without having to pre-emptively frame the counterargument in extreme and simplistic terms, assign it to a hypothetical person, then personally insult the hypothetical person just for good measure. Though I just know some drizzling spaz will disagree with me.


So my suspicion is that you got upset about someone doing it in this thread because you sympathise with the people who are going to be doing the "Benoit should be on this DVD or WWE hates wrestling fans" gimmick.


So as well as knowing what hypothetical people are going to say, you also know what real people are thinking?


Or because you think people might not do that, but I give you more credit than that.


I don't rule out the possibility that *some* people will make that comment. I do consider it highly unlikely that it will be enough people to be representative of wrestling fans as a whole or be a significant enough argument to be worth trying to counter in advance. I'm absolutely convinced that at least one person on an Internet forum on 2 April will be complaining the womens match at WrestleMania was too short/didn't happen, but I don't see the need to make a post in the Mania thread today arguing that they are wrong to hold that opinion, or suggesting they only wanted to see it to fap over it.


The reason for digging it up was to demonstrate how stressed and unreasonably emotive lads can get when it comes to that abhorrent monster.


Yes, because a comment made about Benoit (though actually it was about McMahon and the identity of the dead wrestler was irrelevant) the night of his death is exactly the same as a comment made about Benoit five years after his death.

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Nope, I would disagree with anyone who argued that Benoit should be on the front cover of the DVD set. It's just that I'd wait until they actually said it before even thinking about whether it was worth arguing with them.

Well now you don't need to, I've nipped it in the bud already. Prevention's better than cure and all that.


And yeah, I was making an assumption on what McMahon and WWE were about to do in response to what was already the biggest news story of the year, even before we knew how big it would be. The precise assumption proved incorrect, but the point was still valid. And I happen to think there's a bit of a difference between speculating on the possible actions of the most powerful man in the industry on the TV show that was coming up in a couple of hours, and speculating on the possible message board posts of a hypothetical wrestling fan.

That's all just trifling details. Precogging is precogging, whether it's a promoter who still pushes bodybuilders or a fan who still won't accept that murder trumps German suplexes in crafting a legacy.


Sure, a lot of the time people speculate about what could happen in wrestling and say why they would disagree with a potential outcome. It's just most of us are able to do that without having to pre-emptively frame the counterargument in extreme and simplistic terms, assign it to a hypothetical person, then personally insult the hypothetical person just for good measure. Though I just know some drizzling spaz will disagree with me.

It'd seem like a bit of a rip-off if most of you did copy my award-winning posting style. And since I dropped the strap back to Ian, he's the man to rip off now. Plus, in the interests of full disclosure and I'll hold my hands up to this, I have been 100% in the right every time I've pre-emptively framed, assigned and insulted an argument.


I'm absolutely convinced that at least one person on an Internet forum on 2 April will be complaining the womens match at WrestleMania was too short/didn't happen, but I don't see the need to make a post in the Mania thread today arguing that they are wrong to hold that opinion, or suggesting they only wanted to see it to fap over it.

You won't have to wait that long for those complaints. I remember having an argument on here with someone who was crying about Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk being too short and how Triple H vs Sheamus should have been shortened/booted off the card to make more room for it. This argument took place about a week before WrestleMania 26 happened.

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By the look of it, the "extra DVD matches" aren't on the standard US release (in either format). Instead they are exclusive to one store in the US and SilverVision in Europe, so you won't get them if you buy the set in HMV.

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Struggling to think of what's missing from that. Rhodes/Steamboat vs the Enforcers is about it. Well, that and Sid vs Nightstalker for the lolz.

Flair/Steamboat 2/3 falls stands out to me, but that would probably have had to be butchered anyway. Steamboat/Funk from 7 would've been nice too.


Looks great though. Still quite a few I haven't saw as well.

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So those extra DVD matches aren't on the Blu Ray? That seems a little silly.


Silly to even issue it on Blu Ray. None of the WCW footage is in HD, is it? So it'll just be upscaled to 720p, which a lot of players will do with DVDs anyway. The WWE in-house upscaling and remastering might be a bit better, but not by much.

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That COTC set looks fantastic, I'll watch nearly everything on there, with the only exception being the Mascaras-Cactus brawl, which I saw the other month and thought it was a fairly poor match on a terrible card.

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As someone who wants to see some more WCW, is the Best of Nitro a good place to start? Or should I wait for this collection, which looks fab?

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